My Many Colored Days[Board Book] [平装] [3岁及以上]

My Many Colored Days[Board Book] [平装] [3岁及以上] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书 2025

Dr. Seuss(苏斯博士) 著,Steve Johnson(史蒂夫·约翰逊),Lou Fancher(娄·弗兰彻) 绘



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出版社: Random House

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适读人群 :3岁及以上
The words and illustrations of Dr. Seuss have alway seemed inseparable--a peerless fusion of verbal and visual wit. Yet when the good doctor wrote the manuscript for My Many Colored Days in 1973, he specified that the book should be illustrated by "a great color artist who will not be dominated by me." Twenty-three years later, he has gotten his wish. Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher have produced a series of rich, painterly images that could never be mistaken for faux-Seuss. They have, however, caught something of his simplicity, and just as important, his sense of whimsy.

The archives of many a late author, from Margaret Wise Brown (Four Fur Feet) to Sylvia Plath (The It-Doesn't-Matter Suit), often yield unpublished manuscripts. Theodor Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss, is no exception: he wrote but did not illustrate this rhyme, which assigns colors to moods. The effort is pleasant but lightweight: "You'd be/ surprised/ how many ways/ I change/ on Different/ Colored/ Days," announces a child, portrayed as a flat, gingerbread-man shape of yellow, then blue, then purple. Spread by spread, the character metamorphoses into animals of varying hues, from an energetic red horse to a secretive green fish to a droopy violet brontosaur ("On Purple Days/ I'm sad./ I groan./ I drag my tail./ I walk alone"). Husband and wife Johnson and Fancher (Cat, You Better Come Home) do not mime the author's pen-and-ink creations but work in pasty, expressionistic brushstrokes and blocky typefaces that change with the narrative tone. The characteristically catchy Seussian rhyme could help turn a Gray Day into a "busy, buzzy" (Yellow) one, and the snazzy die-cut jacket gives this volume an immediate lift above the competition. But the pointed message of Oh, the Places You'll Go! and the genius of Seuss's early work go missing. Ages 3-8.

Ages 2^-4. Thirty years ago, Dr. Seuss wrote this active rhyming verse connecting colors with moods and feelings. The new illustrations are glowing and lively; for each color, a different animal jumps with energy. Pink flamingos dance; a bright red horse kicks its heels; a green fish glides quietly. Why, though, in a book for children, are brown and black only associated with sadness and anger? Would Dr. Seuss have written this today? In the words of Langston Hughes, "The night is beautiful / So the faces of my people."

My Many Colored Days ($16.00; PLB $17.99; Sept. 1, 1996; 40 pp.; 0-679-87597-2; PLB 0-679-97597-7): Pairing emotions with colors is nothing new to poetry (e.g., Mary O'Neill's Hailstones and Halibut Bones), but pairing impressionistic full-color paintings to the text of Dr. Seuss is a first. His formerly unpublished manuscript becomes the basis for a simple color concept book; children will easily identify primary colors and enter into the feeling and mood depicted by the creature in every spread: ``On Bright Red Days/how good it feels/to be a horse/and kick my heels!'' Broad strokes of thick paint on canvas create basic forms with texture, sometimes dark and weighty, sometimes bold and breezy. Those who can set aside preconceived expectations--there is no butter-side-up Seuss here--will find that some of the spreads gracefully elevate poetry that often has feet but no wings. (Picture book. 3-8)


Dr. Seuss's youngest concept book is now available in a sturdy board book for his youngest fans! All of the stunning illustrations and imaginative type designs of Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher are here, as are the intriguing die-cut squares in the cover. A brighter, more playful cover design makes this board book edition all the more appropriate as a color concept book to use with babies or a feelings and moods book to discuss with toddlers.


Steve Johnson was born in White Bear Lake, Minnesota and earned a B.F.A. in illustration from the School of Associated Arts in St. Paul, Minnesota. Steve's stunning illustrations have been seen in many magazines, but it was not until Knopf asked him to illustrate No Star Nights in 1989 that he began his career as a children's book illustrator. Since then, Steve and his wife Lou Fancher has collaborated on the illustrations and design on a number of notable children's books. They are currently among the most sought after of children's book artists. Steve and Lou fell in love with the My Many Colored Days manuscript at first sight, seeing in it an unusual opportunity to create something that is at once both childlike and sophisticated. Steve and Lou currently reside in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Theodor Seuss Geisel - better known to millions of his fans as Dr. Seuss is quite simply the most beloved children’s book author in the world.
Brilliant, playful, and always respectful of children, Dr. Seuss charmed his way into the consciousness of four generations of youngsters and parents. In the process, he helped millions of kids learn to read.
Dr. Seuss was born Theodor Geisel in Springfield, Massachusetts, on March 2, 1904. After graduating from Dartmouth College in 1925, he went to Oxford University, intending to acquire a doctorate in literature.
Geisel published his first children's book, And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, in 1937, after 27 publishers rejected it.
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 1984, an Academy Award, three Emmy Awards, three Grammy Awards, and three Caldecott Honors, Geisel wrote and illustrated 44 books. While Theodor Geisel died on September 24, 1991, Dr. Seuss lives on, inspiring generations of children of all ages to explore the joys of reading.


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色彩艳丽,低幼,纸板。文字是dr seuss的,绘画应该不是,相当的不错。和其他风格不同。儿童英语原版资源主要是指美国和英国的针对儿童的原版资源。由于本人对美国的原版资源接触的比较多,这里介绍的就以美国的原版儿童资源为主。 美国每年为儿童发行的书籍和各种资源非常多,一般来说,看是看不过来的。对于众多的资源如何选择,美国各大公共图书馆都有针对儿童的书单,目的就是帮助孩子挑选书籍资源。挑选的方法一般有两种: 一种是挑选经典。孩子的时间有限,与其随意乱翻,还不如先把经典的东西看了读了。所谓的经典,主要集中为(以书籍为例): 1)各种儿童书籍的获奖作品,比较著名的奖项包括: 儿童绘本的TheCaldecottMedal,就是凯迪克奖,由美国图书馆协会的儿童服务协会发出,表彰优秀的儿童绘本画作,注重在绘画方面的创作。 儿童小说的heNewberyMedel,就是纽伯瑞奖项,每年由美国图书馆协会的儿童服务协会发出,表彰儿童文学作家。 一般获奖的书籍,他们的作者的其他书籍是很多读者追捧的对象。获奖书籍的封面上都印有奖章。 2)Amazon上会有一些最受欢迎的儿童书籍分类列表。 3)Scholastic公司是美国一家最大的发行儿童课外阅读书籍的公司。很多人都知道该公司为了方便学校建立教室图书室,专为每个年级挑选的书籍,也就是很多人熟悉的箱书。每个年级300本,分成100本一箱。 4)网络上有一个Top100bestchildren’sbooks的书籍列表第二种书籍挑选方式就是按照孩子的阅读能力和兴趣的一些书单。 1)各公共图书馆都有针对儿童的书籍列表,儿童绘本主要是以主题分类罗列,比如,开学第一天的故事书,小熊的书,有关数数的书,有关天体宇宙的书,苏博士的书……便于父母根据孩子的兴趣挑选。各公共图书馆都有网站,这些书籍分类信息都是公开的,任何人都可以查到。如果父母有兴趣,可以上到任何一个公共图书馆的网站查询。 对于大一些的孩子,图书馆的书籍介绍也是以孩子的兴趣为第一导向。不管孩子的兴趣在哪里,都可找到适合兴趣和阅读水平的书籍。 2)除了公共图书馆,还有一些网站可帮助父母和孩子们找到水平和兴趣适合的可读的书籍,其中我见到最好最全的一个就是: 这是一个非常值得推荐的网站。这个网站有几个很好的功能,其中之一是帮助挑书的儿童书籍库。你可以输入你的阅读水平,阅读爱好(比如:童话,幽默的书籍,还是有关动物,艺术,探险,科学的……)就会根据你的需要,给你一个书单。另外一个更有用的功能是针对章节书的,为提高孩子的阅读理解能力,对于每一本书籍,这个网站都给出一系列的读后选择题。孩子在读完一本书之后,到这个网站输入书名,就会出来一些选择题。如果答对了,孩子就能有一定的积分。当然读的越多,答题对的越多,积分就越高。网站会根据你达到的积分多少,给出一定的奖励。 幼儿学习的兴趣是靠各种因素堆积而成的,家长可以了解宝宝的喜好,然后依些来帮孩子选择书籍和英语学习方法。儿童英语原版资源主要是指美国和英国的针对儿童的原版资源。由于本人对美国的原版资源接触的比较多,这里介绍的就以美国的原版儿童资源为主。 美国每年为儿童发行的书籍和各种资源非常多,一般来说,看是看不过来的。对于众多的资源如何选择,美国各大公共图书馆都有针对儿童的书单,目的就是帮助孩子挑选书籍资源。挑选的方法一般有两种: 一种是挑选经典。孩子的时间有限,与其随意乱翻,还不如先把经典的东西看了读了。所谓的经典,主要集中为(以书籍为例): 1)各种儿童书籍的获奖作品,比较著名的奖项包括: 儿童绘本的TheCaldecottMedal,就是凯迪克奖,由美国图书馆协会的儿童服务协会发出,表彰优秀的儿童绘本画作,注重在绘画方面的创作。 儿童小说的heNewberyMedel,就是纽伯瑞奖项,每年由美国图书馆协会的儿童服务协会发出,表彰儿童文学作家。 一般获奖的书籍,他们的作者的其他书籍是很多读者追捧的对象。获奖书籍的封面上都印有奖章。 2)Amazon上会有一些最受欢迎的儿童书籍分类列表。 3)Scholastic公司是美国一家最大的发行儿童课外阅读书籍的公司。很多人都知道该公司为了方便学校建立教室图书室,专为每个年级挑选的书籍,也就是很多人熟悉的箱书。每个年级300本,分成100本一箱。 4)网络上有一个Top100bestchildren’sbooks的书籍列表第二种书籍挑选方式就是按照孩子的阅读能力和兴趣的一些书单。 1)各公共图书馆都有针对儿童的书籍列表,儿童绘本主要是以主题分类罗列,比如,开学第一天的故事书,小熊的书,有关数数的书,有关天体宇宙的书,苏博士的书……便于父母根据孩子的兴趣挑选。各公共图书馆都有网站,这些书籍分类信息都是公开的,任何人都可以查到。如果父母有兴趣,可以上到任何一个公共图书馆的网站查询。色彩艳丽,低幼,纸板。文字是dr seuss的,绘画应该不是,相当的不错。和其他风格不同。

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