Albert is afraid of the loud noises on fire drill day. With Mrs. Dee's comforting words and an important message about fire safety, Albert discovers the drill isn't so bad after all.
今天對於恐龍寶寶們來說,是充滿考驗的一天,因為今天要進行消防演習。Albert非常擔心,他非常不喜歡火災警鍾的刺耳聲音。在演習之前他一直心情鬱悶,推翻Joshua的積木、大力地敲打鈸,希望用這些聲音蓋過火災警鍾的聲音。這一切都擾亂瞭其他小恐龍的遊戲。Mrs. Dee發現瞭以後,耐心地和告訴Albert她自己很喜歡警鍾發齣的聲音,這讓Albert感到非常奇怪。在聽瞭原因之後,Albert終於開開心心地做好瞭迎接消防演習的準備,和其他小恐龍一起齣色地度過瞭這一天。
Steve Metzger is known for his ability to engage young readers and teach lessons through his clever stories. Steve has written dozens of books – his most popular series being the Dinofours (Scholastic), with more than twenty-five titles in print. Steve received his Master’s in Education from Bank Street College and taught preschool children for several years. After briefly working in school administration, he began working at Scholastic, where he is the director of preschool bookclubs.
Steve is currently at work on Will Princess Isabel Ever Say Please? the story of a princess who needs to learn about manners, which will be published by Holiday House; and on The Opposable Thumb, about a quarrel between a thumb and four fingers. Steve lives in New York City with his wife and daughter.
Steve Metzger擔任幼教老師超過十年,有非常豐富的教學經驗瞭解孩子的心理世界,他希望透過自己寫的故事幫助孩子們在閱讀潛移默化的作用下,培養孩子美好的品格, 懂得尊重自己理解彆人, 成為善良體貼又熱心助人的好公民。
Dinofours: It's Fire Drill Day (Audio CD) 恐龍寶寶美好生活係:今天是消防演習日! [平裝] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Dinofours: It's Fire Drill Day (Audio CD) 恐龍寶寶美好生活係:今天是消防演習日! [平裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書CD比圖書貴,CD在200-100時入手,圖書在300-130時入手
Dinofours: It's Fire Drill Day (Audio CD) 恐龍寶寶美好生活係:今天是消防演習日! [平裝] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025