National Book Award winner A. Scott Berg is the first and only writer to have been given unrestricted access to the massive Lindbergh archives - more than two thousand boxes of personal papers, including reams of unpublished letters and diaries - and to be allowed freely to interview Lindbergh's friends, colleagues, and family members, including his children and his widow, Anne Morrow Lindbergh. The result is a biography that clarifies a life long blurred by myth and half-truth. From the moment he landed in Paris on May 21, 1927, Lindbergh found himself thrust upon an odyssey for which he was ill prepared - the first modern media superstar, deified and demonized many times over in a single lifetime. Berg casts dramatic new light on the lonely, sometimes twisted childhood that formed his character; the astonishing flight and thrilling, then overwhelming aftermath; the controversies surrounding the trial of his son's accused kidnapper; the storm over Lindbergh's fascination with Hitler's Germany and over his active role in the isolationist America First movement; and his remarkable unsung work devoted to medical research, rocketry, anthropology, and conservation. At the heart of it all is his fascinating, complex marriage with Anne Morrow Lindbergh, a relationship far from the storybook romance the public imagined, one filled with sudden joy and bitter darkness, and which forged her into one of the century's leading feminist voices. Berg exposes the many facets of the private Lindbergh, including his ingenious medical work with Dr. Alexis Carrel, developing the precursor to an artificial heart; his pioneering support of rocket scientist Robert H. Goddard; his soul-searching visit to Camp Dora at Bergen-Belsen; his life with the primitive Masai tribe in Africa, and his discovery of the Tasaday in the Philippines; his fight to save the whales off the coasts of Japan and Peru; and his deeply moving final days in Maui, where he supervised the digging of his own grave.
Jack Kerouac(1922-1969), the central figure of the Beat Generation, was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, in 1922 and died in St. Petersburg, Florida, in 1969. Among his many novels are On the Road, The Dharma Bums, Big Sur, and Visions of Cody.
The mythology surrounding On the Road begins with a tantalizing creation story: in a 20-day marathon in April 1951, Kerouac speed-typed the single-spaced manuscript on long sheets of tracing paper he taped together to form a 120-foot scroll. Truly a remarkable feat, although Kerouac, who was not exactly the wild man his image as king of the Beats suggests, had already spent years working on what ultimately became On the Road. The legendary scroll, purchased by Jim Irsay, owner of the Indianapolis Colts, for $2.43 million, is currently being exhibited across the country. To celebrate the novel's fiftieth anniversary, the scroll has finally been fully transcribed and thoroughly explicated in four superb introductory essays. Given that the manuscript diverges from the book in the very first sentence, and that Kerouac used the real names of the friends who inspired his characters and wrote unused sexually explicit passages, this is an intriguing read to say the least.
--Seaman, Donna
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[与作品] 我在一九九八年,兴之所至,以一个随意的笔名开始写作。从二〇〇〇年出版《告别薇安》起,至今出了十二本书,写作的生涯已行进到十五年。这些书题材纷杂,有短篇小说、长篇小说、散文、摄影图文、采访、与音乐摄影的合作集等等。比较集中的依旧是散文和长篇小说。 对读者来说,有些更偏爱我的小说,有些更偏爱散文,取向不一致。而我会一直把散文和小说交错着写下去,不会放弃任何一种其他形式。因小说与散文的属性完全不同。 小说对一个写作者来说,是重大的舞台,人物轮番上场,虚拟出一个悲欢离合的世界。散文是小花园,有茶席,有一炉香,花好月圆,有一个聆听的人。小说呈现写作者的价值感和思考,有探索个体和世间之秘密的动力。散文轻巧许多,但需要真性情。 我的散文,写得最多的,不过是自己的生活。旅行、家人、物品、阅读、情爱观、人生观、审美观……把这些文字写给自己,以此作为一种思省、记录、整理、清洗。而当它们印刷流动之后,我就忘了它们。我会继续开始写下一本书。我在生活中很少回忆往事,但若在某个时刻,有必要,则会丝毫不差地回忆起若干细节。它们是一些被打包起来的行李,搁置在某个角落。 一些读者在他人的散文里读到自己的经验,或感受到种种印证和确认,也很正常。文字需要真实的性情,阅读一样需要真实的性情。若其中任何一方不够诚意,这种联接无法成立。所以,人们选择自己阅读的书,书也一样在选择阅读它的人。 我的写作经验是慢慢积累和生长的,并非那些一出手就不凡的作者,所以,会更喜欢自己后期的新的作品,而对早期的一些作品产生挑剔的审视。虽然如此,早期作品里性情的痕迹压过了文字本身的技巧或表现力,无法跳过它们。它们是一路走过来的铺路石。 之前全部作品出版过一套作品集,没有出过选集。这是第一本散文精选集,由郜元宝教授选择篇目和做评注。这个尝试很有意思。看到别人如何从他的角度,来选择这些文字
[与作品] 我在一九九八年,兴之所至,以一个随意的笔名开始写作。从二〇〇〇年出版《告别薇安》起,至今出了十二本书,写作的生涯已行进到十五年。这些书题材纷杂,有短篇小说、长篇小说、散文、摄影图文、采访、与音乐摄影的合作集等等。比较集中的依旧是散文和长篇小说。 对读者来说,有些更偏爱我的小说,有些更偏爱散文,取向不一致。而我会一直把散文和小说交错着写下去,不会放弃任何一种其他形式。因小说与散文的属性完全不同。 小说对一个写作者来说,是重大的舞台,人物轮番上场,虚拟出一个悲欢离合的世界。散文是小花园,有茶席,有一炉香,花好月圆,有一个聆听的人。小说呈现写作者的价值感和思考,有探索个体和世间之秘密的动力。散文轻巧许多,但需要真性情。 我的散文,写得最多的,不过是自己的生活。旅行、家人、物品、阅读、情爱观、人生观、审美观……把这些文字写给自己,以此作为一种思省、记录、整理、清洗。而当它们印刷流动之后,我就忘了它们。我会继续开始写下一本书。我在生活中很少回忆往事,但若在某个时刻,有必要,则会丝毫不差地回忆起若干细节。它们是一些被打包起来的行李,搁置在某个角落。 一些读者在他人的散文里读到自己的经验,或感受到种种印证和确认,也很正常。文字需要真实的性情,阅读一样需要真实的性情。若其中任何一方不够诚意,这种联接无法成立。所以,人们选择自己阅读的书,书也一样在选择阅读它的人。 我的写作经验是慢慢积累和生长的,并非那些一出手就不凡的作者,所以,会更喜欢自己后期的新的作品,而对早期的一些作品产生挑剔的审视。虽然如此,早期作品里性情的痕迹压过了文字本身的技巧或表现力,无法跳过它们。它们是一路走过来的铺路石。 之前全部作品出版过一套作品集,没有出过选集。这是第一本散文精选集,由郜元宝教授选择篇目和做评注。这个尝试很有意思。看到别人如何从他的角度,来选择这些文字
出版很久了的一本书 还可以总的来说