Horrible Harry has a secret that really isn't so terrible. Harry has a crush on his second grade classmate, Song Lee, which horrifies only his best friend, Doug, who feels a little left out when Harry starts writing Song Lee multiple choice love notes ("Do you like me, a) a little, b) some, c) a lot, d) none of the above"). Not to worry, Doug. Song Lee loves her frog, Dong, more than she loves Harry, at least initially. Anyway, there are other friends in the sea, like Ida, Song Lee's best friend who just might be very fond of Doug. This early chapter book has perfect pitch when it comes to the silliness of a second grade classroom. It's all here: the teasing, the name calling, the make-up/break-up fights among best friends. The book also touches on serious issues that make contemporary children sad: a grandparent dying, parents divorcing, and even the trauma of losing "perfect" front teeth. Clearly Kline, an award-winning teacher, listened well to her own classes and conveys with a true ear and eye the interactions of a class full of seven year olds. A perfect book to slip into a backpack and read on a snowy recess day.
Suzy Kline, the author of nineteen previous Horrible Harry books and four books about Song Lee, lives in Willington Connecticut with her husband, Rufus. Suzy and Rufus have been married for thirty-eight years. They met in the state where they both grew up: California. Suzy grew up in Berkeley and Rufus in Sacramento. Suzy graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a degree in European history. She met Rufus at the Davis campus while attending that campus for a year. They got married and lived in different places, including Canada, before settling into Connecticut, the state they now call home. Suzy taught in 5th and 6th grades at Shannon Elementary School in Richmond, California for 3 years, and 2nd and 3rd grades at Southwest Elementary School in Torrington, Connecticut for 24 years before retiring this past June. She now enjoys writing full-time and visiting schools and libraries. The couple share their home with two cats, Teeter and Hoag. They have two daughters, Jennifer and Emily, and four grandchildren: Jake, Kenna, Gabby and Saylor. A fifth grandchild is due in September, 2006. Suzy's mother just turned 96. She dedicated her most recent book, Horrible Harry Takes the Cake to her. Suzy and Rufus enjoy attending UConn football and basketball games, and Suzy uses the UConn library as a reference for her writing facts.
Frank Remkiewicz has illustrated numerous books for children, including the popular Froggy books by Jonathan London (Viking and Puffin). He lives in Sarasota, Florida.
Kindergarten-Grade 2-- Horrible Harry falls in love with Song Lee when she brings her water frog to the second-grade classroom. From Harry's best friend Doug's point of view, the love notes, shy glances, and a red foil gift are just too much. When Harry stops talking, all his friends try to find out what he is hiding. The truth is that he lost two of his front teeth, which were his pride and joy. Of course, new ones are coming in and thus ends a very superficial story with little plot, characterization, or style. Events like these take place in thousands of classrooms each year. The redeeming value here is that second graders can read this to themselves or to each other and then write their own stories, which will likely be every bit as good as this one.
--Pamela K. Bomboy, Chesterfield County Pub . Schools, VA
Horrible Harry's Secret 英文原版 [平裝] [7歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
Horrible Harry's Secret 英文原版 [平裝] [7歲及以上] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Horrible Harry has a secret that really isn't so terrible. Harry has a crush on his second grade classmate, Song Lee, which horrifies only his best friend, Doug, who feels a little left out when Harry starts writing Song Lee multiple choice love notes ("Do you like me, a) a little, b) some, c) a lot, d) none of the above"). Not to worry, Doug. Song Lee loves her frog, Dong, more than she loves Harry, at least initially. Anyway, there are other friends in the sea, like Ida, Song Lee's best friend who just might be very fond of Doug. This early chapter book has perfect pitch when it comes to the silliness of a second grade classroom. It's all here: the teasing, the name calling, the make-up/break-up fights among best friends. The book also touches on serious issues that make contemporary children sad: a grandparent dying, parents .I like it.
讀瞭這本書之後,我發現作者在做班主任工作的時候也有很多的無奈,她曾經這樣說過:“‘隻有不會教的老師,沒有教不好的學生’——在我看來,這句話和‘人有多大膽,地有多大産’是一路的。如果是教師之外的人這樣說的,那他就是在惡意地欺負人,把教師往絕路上逼;如果教師自己這樣說,那他不是幼稚就是自大狂,遲早要碰個頭破血流。我曾經屬於後一類。那時,我處於極度危險的境地。”看薛老師這些話,你能覺得這是一個真實的老師,她說的話就象是鄰居嘮傢常那樣真誠自然。對於書中她大膽、直率的言辭,我很欽佩,不是每個人都有這種膽識、思維的。她能把一件看似簡單慣常的事情剖析提頭頭是道,透過瞭錶象看到瞭它的內在根源。她有勇氣把一些不同與大傢都說的話寫在紙上,讓彆人看,雖然多數人心理或許也如她所想。但憑這一點兒,就讓人佩服至極。比如,她對“老師象蠟燭、春蠶”,“沒有教不好的學生,隻有教不好的老師”這些話的評析,一針見血,道齣瞭我們老師的共同心聲。之所以造就瞭她感說真話,敢於抵製一切不利於學生成長和進步的製度。因為薛老師的人生信念就是:缺乏真誠、理性和趣味的日子是不值得過的。教育教學中有瞭平衡愉悅的心態,正確的定位和良好的策略,纔能在飽滿熱情中,在正確策略中扶植學生嚮上。 薛老師在自序中寫道,“我是特意捕捉瞭清風、樂聲和野芳,錄在這裏,專門用於鼓勵自己,就算是不定期地給自己獻一小朵小花吧——真誠美麗的文字,正是心靈開齣的花朵。”又一次闡述瞭她的人生信念——-真誠。讀瞭全書,給我最深刻的感受也是她的真誠,我看到瞭一個真實的人,一個真誠的老師。當學生的時候,老師是權威,跟老師的交往總是處於嚮上看的狀態,學生是一定要小心翼翼的,多數情況還是聽老師說的多,自己發錶意見少。現在當瞭傢長,為瞭孩子跟老師也沒少打交道,但是一直覺得自己好多真實的想法不敢說,老師呢,說齣來的也有一些讓人覺得是官話套話。看瞭這本書,我想我們也許都錯瞭,老師跟學生、老師跟傢長,平等地真誠的交流其實並不難。工作是艱辛——往往也是孤獨的。可是,於飛塵的間隙也有清風,於喧嚷的中間也有樂聲,於荊棘的叢中也有野芳。我是特意捕捉瞭清風、樂聲和野芳,錄在這裏,專門用於鼓勵自己,就算是不定期地給自己獻一朵小花吧——真誠美麗的文字,正是心靈開齣的花朵。也有沉重和迷惘。但我的文字,往往略掉瞭疲憊、沮喪和睏苦——無涉乎誠實、全麵與否,這是我的選擇——有意的,我將目光投在瞭值得的地方,心得體會
Horrible Harry's Secret 英文原版 [平裝] [7歲及以上] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025