Mo Willems knows a Good Idea when he sees one. A three-time Caldecott Honor winner (for Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! Knuffle Bunny and Knuffle Bunny Too), he also won two Geisel Medals and two Geisel Honors for his Elephant and Piggie books. His books are perennial New York Times bestsellers, including Knuffle Bunny Free Hooray for Amanda & Her Alligator! and the Cat the Cat series. Before he turned to making picture books, Mo was a writer and animator on Sesame Street where he won six Emmys. Mo lives with his family in Massachusetts.
Mo Willems knows a Good Idea when he sees one. A three-time Caldecott Honor winner (for Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! Knuffle Bunny and Knuffle Bunny Too), he also won two Geisel Medals and two Geisel Honors for his Elephant and Piggie books. His books are perennial New York Times bestsellers, including Knuffle Bunny Free Hooray for Amanda & Her Alligator! and the Cat the Cat series. Before he turned to making picture books, Mo was a writer and animator on Sesame Street where he won six Emmys. Mo lives with his family in Massachusetts.
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Who Sleeps, Cat the Cat? [Board book]谁在睡觉,凯特猫?[纸板书] [平装] [0-4岁] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书猫小猫,低幼,可爱!超牛掰的绘本,必须爱!11月活动,订单量超大,也能按时发货。虽有些慢,也可以理解。完全没问题,超级赞!不愧是名家之作!信赖京东!“画出来的书”,指一类以绘画为主,并附有少量文字的书籍。绘本不仅是讲故事,学知识,而且可以全面帮助孩子建构精神,培养多元智能(绘本和普通的图画书有区别)。绘本是发达国家家庭首选的儿童读物,国际公认“绘本是最适合幼儿阅读的图书”。
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Who Sleeps, Cat the Cat? [Board book]谁在睡觉,凯特猫?[纸板书] [平装] [0-4岁] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025