书名:The Sense of Style 写作风格的意识
作者:Steven Pinker史蒂芬·平克
出版社名称:Penguin Books
语种: 英文
商品尺寸:13.4 x 2 x 20.2 cm
纽时作家、Language Instinct《语言本能》作者
享誉国际的认知科学 ╳ 心理语言学家
The Sense of Style《写作风格的意识》是为了有英文写作的需求,并期望提升此项能力的人们而撰。此外,如果对文学有兴趣,或希望了解心智科学如何帮助人们理解语言的运作,也能从本书获得启发。
1. 世界知名语言学家、TED演讲人、《语言本能》作者史蒂芬·平克新著作;
2. 引用大量优美的文章,说明如何能使文章好看且易于阅读;
3. 笔法及引用的例子特殊,市场相对少见;
4. 旁征博引,丰富的语言学、科学与心智科学知识,提供读者丰富多元的阅读厚度。
“本书优雅而清晰地一击即中,推翻了所谓英语快烂得要丢去喂狗了的说法。平克为新世纪写了像史壮克和怀特(Strunk and White)那样的经典之作,同时劝导人们抛弃没有根据的无稽之谈,譬如指称那个广告老口号该说成:‘Winston tastes good as a cigarette should.’(云丝顿好味道,香烟就该这么好。)” ——约翰·麦克霍特(John McWhorter)(《伟哉!我们的杂种语言》(Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue)和《巴别塔的力量》(The Power of Babel)的作者)
“干得好!只有平克才能写出这本了不起的好书,也谢天谢地他真把它写了出来。他写道:“好文章能把我们对世界的观感翻转过来。”《写作风格的意识》一书也能把你对好文章的想法翻转过来。书中每一页都散发着平克的好奇之心和欣喜之情;而当他说,风格可以令世界变得更美好,我们都信以为真。” ——帕特里克·欧康纳(Patricia T. O’Conner)(《我何其不幸》(Woe Is I)的作者,并与史都华·凯勒曼(Stewart Kellerman)合着《似是而非的起源》(Origins of the Specious)
“能有像他那样活泼而澄明的心智,把认知科学的意念带给普罗大众,真是一桩好事。” ——德格拉斯·霍夫斯达德(Douglas Hofstadter《洛杉矶时报》)
“Charming and erudite,” from the author of the forthcoming Enlightenment Now (February 2018), “The wit and insight and clarity he brings… is what makes this book such a gem.” —Time.com
Why is so much writing so bad, and how can we make it better? Is the English language being corrupted by texting and social media? Do the kids today even care about good writing—and why should we care? From the author of The Better Angels of Our Nature and the forthcoming Enlightenment Now
In this entertaining and eminently practical book, the cognitive scientist, dictionary consultant, and New York Times-bestselling author Steven Pinker rethinks the usage guide for the twenty-first century. Using examples of great and gruesome modern prose while avoiding the scolding tone and Spartan tastes of the classic manuals, he shows how the art of writing can be a form of pleasurable mastery and a fascinating intellectual topic in its own right.The Sense of Style is for writers of all kinds, and for readers who are interested in letters and literature and are curious about the ways in which the sciences of mind can illuminate how language works at its best.
Praise forThe Sense of Style
“[The Sense of Style] is more contemporary and comprehensive than ‘The Elements of Style,’ illustrated with comic strips and cartoons and lots of examples of comically bad writing. [Pinker’s] voice is calm, reasonable, benign, and you can easily see why he’s one of Harvard’s most popular lecturers.”—The New York Times
“Pinker’s linguistical learning… is considerable. His knowledge of grammar is extensive and runs deep. He also takes a scarcely hidden delight in exploding tradition. He describes his own temperament as ‘both logical and rebellious.’ Few things give him more pleasure than popping the buttons off what he takes to be stuffed shirts.”—The Wall Street Journal
“[W]hileThe Sense of Style is very much a practical guide to clear and compelling writing, it’s also far more…. In the end, Pinker’s formula for good writing is pretty basic: write clearly, try to follow the rules most of the time—but only the when they make sense. It’s neither rocket science nor brain surgery. But the wit and insight and clarity he brings to that simple formula is what makes this book such a gem.”—Time.com
“Erudite and witty… With its wealth of helpful information and its accessible approach,The Sense of Style is a worthy addition to even the most overburdened shelf of style manuals.”—Shelf Awareness
享誉国际的认知科学 ╳ 心理语言学家
What is the secret of good prose? Does writing well even matter in an age of instant communication? Should we care? In this funny, thoughtful book about the modern art of writing, Steven Pinker shows us why we all need a sense of style.
More than ever before, the currency of our social and cultural lives is the written word, from Twitter and texting to blogs, e-readers and old-fashioned books. But most style guides fail to prepare people for the challenges of writing in the 21st century, portraying it as a minefield of grievous errors rather than a form of pleasurable mastery. They fail to deal with an inescapable fact about language: it changes over time, adapted by millions of writers and speakers to th
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华研原版 写作风格的意识 英文原版 The Sense of Style 英语写作指南 史 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
华研原版 写作风格的意识 英文原版 The Sense of Style 英语写作指南 史 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书评分
华研原版 写作风格的意识 英文原版 The Sense of Style 英语写作指南 史 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025