People won't use your web site if they can't find their way around it. Whether you call it usability, ease-of-use, or just good design, companies staking their fortunes and their futures on their Web sites are starting to recognize that it's a bottom-line issue. In Don't Make Me Think, usability expert Steve Krug distills his years of experience and observation into clear, practical--and often amusing--common sense advice for the people in the trenches (the designers, programmers, writers, editors, and Webmasters), the people who tell them what to do (project managers, business planners, and marketing people), and even the people who sign the checks. </P>
Krug's clearly explained, easily absorbed principles will help you sleep better at night knowing that all the hard work going into your site is producing something that people will actually want to use. </P>
Don't Make Me Think 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Don't Make Me Think 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书##还好吧! 2017.10.12更新,在首次写这篇小短评之后9年,忍不住自评—— 当初年少轻狂,实际上表达的情绪是对于甲方或者产品决策者的不满,意即“设计师即使按照此书的原则和方法去做设计,无奈你的老板根本就没读过此书,也不认同此书提及的逻辑”。放到今天,对应的大概就是网上很多的...
评分##《Don’t Make Me Think》是一本非常非常好的书(原书的第一和第二版我都买了,据说第三版快要出来),现在出了中文版,当然要买一本收藏,再给公司买了一本,推荐给同事们,并要求程序员都看至少一遍。 在书店里翻这本书时,第一个发现就是它非常忠实原著(中文版是基于英文...
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