加拉赫(Nancy Gallagher),美国资深教育专家,有20余年英语教学与教材编写经验,著有《新托福考试核心语法》、《新托福考试备考策略与模拟试题》,《新托福考试冲刺试题》等畅销的新托福备考书籍,深受考生欢迎。
About this Book
About the TOEFL
Diagnostic Test
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Infinitlves and Gerunds
Quiz 1
Units 1-3
Unit 4
Claueee and Sentences
Unit 5
Unit 6
Adverb Clauses
Quiz 2
Unite 4-6
Adjective Clauses
Unit 8
Noun Clauses
Untt 9
Condltional Sentences
Quiz 3
Unite 7-9
Unit 10
Singular and Plural
Unit 11
Unit 12
Subject-Verb Agreement
Unit 13 Pronoun Agreement Quiz 4
Unite 10-13
Unit 14 Comparison
Unit 15 Prepositions
Unit 16 Word Order
Unit 17 Parallel Structurs
Quiz 5 Unite 14-17
Unit 18 Word Form
Unit 19 Common Word Errors
Unit 20 Punctuuation
Quiz 6
Units 18-20
Review Test
Anewer Key
Audio 5crpts
How to Score Speaking
How to Score Writing
Score Charts
Many anthropologists and linguists have studied storytelling, the accounts of personalexperiences that people tell in conversation, because stories reveal a great deal about apersons wofldview. In one study, the researcher analyzed twenty-one stories told inconversation by fourteen young men. In all of the stories, the men talked about themselves,mostly in a way that made them look good. For example, two men told about times whentheir extraordinary performance had won a game for their team. The mens stories tended to be about competition or contest. Most of the stories had aprotagonist, a main character or hero, as well as an antagonist, a character or force opposingthe main character. When the storyteller was not the protagonist in his own story, theprotagonist was always another man. None of the stories had a woman as the protagonist,although women occasionally appeared as minor characters. Many of the stories were about contests with other men. There were physical contests,such as fights and sports. There were also social contests, in which the protagonist usedverbal or intellectual skill to defend his honor. Some of the stories told of contests withnature, such as hunting, fishing, and mountain climbing. The men talked mostly about eventsin which they had acted alone. In only four of the stories did the protagonist receive help oradvice from another person. The vast majority of men who acted alone achieved a positiveoutcome. The researcher concluded that these young men view life as a contest, a struggle againstnature and other men. In their world, power comes from an individual acting alone againstothers in a test of skill and performance. ……
TOEFL,中文的翻译给了它一个很符合中国文化的名称——“托福”。只要是对出国留学有了解的中国人,对这门考试都耳熟能详。在过去的25年中,中国参加这门考试的人达到了上百万,而其中的几十万人,在通过了这门考试以后,奔赴异国他乡,到美国或其他国家的大学去读书,从此改变了自己的生命轨迹。从这个意义上来说,很多人都托了这门考试的福。这一翻译也由此名副其实。 新东方的出现,也是托了这门考试的福。想当初新东方的创办,就源自一个小小的托福班。80年代末,中国留学热潮的兴起使托福考试变得炙手可热。我在留学大潮中,也参加了托福考试,梦想着到美国的大学去读书,不是为了实现报效祖国的理想,只是为了使自己不至于被大潮甩得太远。没想到即使第一次托福考了657分(1988年10月,在那时算是顶级分数),依然没有任何一所美国大学要我(这一点充分证明了分数不是万能的),只能留在国内混日子。没想到有培训机构听说我托福考了高分,又是在北大当老师,就一定要我加入教托福的队伍里去。从此,我“落草为寇”,离开了北大,创办了新东方学校,开始了经营新东方并使之成为中国出国考试培训最核心机构的十几年历程。 说来好笑,我对英语教学的深入研究和对日常英语的自如运用,都来自托福。在办新东方以前,我在北大当了五年学生和六年老师。读的书大部分都是英文的小说、诗歌和散文,不是莎士比亚就是尤金.奥尼尔;而对生活中活的英语,基本上处于不闻不问的状态。直到我为生计所迫开始托福教学时,才突然意识到生活中的英语竟如此美好。托福听力中的每一句话其实都可以当作口语来用,而朗读托福听力的人语音语调是那/z,优美,使你不由自主地想和他/她一起朗读。在托福听力教学中,我尽力去模仿、理解每一句话,然后在课堂中把它们说出来,在日常生活中把它们说出来。十年后,我对所教过的托福听力题,几乎都能够倒背如流。以至于后来我到美国,发现自己讲出的每一句话,几乎都能够从托福听力中找到源头。而托福的阅读使我理解了美国人的思维和写作方法,也使我掌握了大量的应用词汇。总之,托福使我进入了英语教学和运用的一个全新世界。 实际上,改革之前的托福,也是一门相当不错的考试。它从听力、语法、阅读、写作上对考生各个方面的基本功进行考查。很多人都以为托福充满了技巧,只要把考试技巧学会了就能够考高分,其实不然。我研究过各类考试的许多技巧,在任何一门考试中,都有一定的规律可以摸索。但光靠技巧,就想拿到高分,是一件不现实的事情。我辅导过的学生,英语水平越高,越能够更好地运用考试规律;水平差的,即使把别人总结的技巧背得滚瓜烂熟,也还是对考试摸不着头脑。所以,我一直认为考试主要是实力的比拼。如果一个人的英语实力够强,任何形式的考试都难不住他。
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