National Crisis &Public Diplomacy
A Republic for China
Analysis of the Monarchical Restoration in China
Is There a Substitute for Force in International Relations?
Manufacturing the Will of the People
Reconstruction in China
The Pacific Changes Color
The Changing Balance of Forces in the Pacific
China's Chances of Survival
The Issues Behind the Far Eastern Conflict
The Westernization of China and Japan
To Have Not and Want to Have
What Can America Do in the Far East Situation
Japan's War in China
National Crisis and Student Life
The Far Eastern Situation
An Open Letter to the Guardian
The Meaning of October Tenth
The Present Situation in China
We Are Still Fighting
The Modernization of China and Japan
A New World Order Cometh
Then the tide began to turn. The German attack on Soviet Russia on June21, 1941, and the heroic and successful resistance of the Russian army and people ever since, have radically changed the picture of the war in Europe.
But the Axis partners in aggression were rapidly moving in other parts of the world. A month after the German invasion into Russia, Japan was moving troops into southern Indo-China. On July 23, the Vichy regime accepted the Japanese demands for complete military occupation of French Indo-China, which, as the world soon realized, was to be made the base for Japanese invasions into Thailand, Malaya, Singapore, the Philippines, and the Netherland East Indies.
On July 25, President Roosevelt, in the hope of effective warning Japan against further aggression in the Southern Pacific, issued an executive order freezing all Japanese assets in the United States. This step of economic embargo against Japan was followed by both the British Empire and the Netherland East Indies governments. All trade and shipping between Japan and these countries virtually completely ceased.
In August, President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill met somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean and on August 14 the "Atlantic Charter" was proclaimed to the world.
In the meantime, for many months, the Japanese Ambassador was carrying on "peace" conversations with your great Secretary of State. In November, Japan sent a special Ambassador to assist in the negotiations.
Under the cloak of these peace conversations, Japan's military rulers were actively preparing for a concerted surprise attack on the important Pacific outposts of the United States and the British Empire. This concerted attack came on December 7.
Within a few days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, more than a score of nations declared war against Japan, Germany and Italy On January l and 2, 1942, a joint declaration was signed in Washington by the representatives of26 United Nations.
The United Nations comprise the United States, nine countries of Central America and the Caribbean Sea, six members of the British Empire including India, the Soviet Union, China, the Netherlands, and seven other European nations whose territories have been overrun by the Axis powers.
By the terms of our joint declaration, the United Nations have solemnly pledged to employ our full resources, military or economic, in our common flight, and not to make a separate armistice or peace with the enemies.
In the preamble of our joint declaration, the United Nations have signified their adherence to the common program of purposes and principles as embodied in the Atlantic Charter.lt is not true that the Atlantic Charter is limited to the Atlantic area. These principles, said Mr. Cordell Hull on August 14, "are universal in their practical application.
China as the nation which has been fighting aggression for the longest time, has more than once reaffirmed her unfaltering and unswerving faith in these principles and has, in the words of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, offered to the United Nations "all we are and all we have to stand with you until the Pacific and the whole world are freed from the curse of brute force and endless perfidy ."
Let me take this opportunity to express the gratification of my government and my people in the historic fact that China is now no longer fighting alone but is fighting on the same side with 25 allied nations including three of the greatest powers in the world. Let me assure you that to us in China this is a great dream come true, a great faith tardily but at last fully vindicated!
胡适英文文存(3):民族危机与公共外交 [English Writings of Hu Shih:National Crisis and Public Diplomacy] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
胡适英文文存(3):民族危机与公共外交 [English Writings of Hu Shih:National Crisis and Public Diplomacy] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
胡适英文文存(3):民族危机与公共外交 [English Writings of Hu Shih:National Crisis and Public Diplomacy] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书
不知道为什么现在要发500字才可以获得积分奖励,难道我每一本书都要看完之后再来评论吗?对于我这种小说控,遇到活动就买一堆书的人来说,这个实在不太现实。怪不得现在京东图书的评价大家都稀里糊涂乱写一气,篇幅好长,结果啥内容没有,复制一遍又一遍,毫无技术可言。这个要求跟让我写篇读书笔记有啥区别啊?从小写到大,买书评论为了点积分还让我写读书笔记?本来这个要求的出发点倒是挺好的,可是结果如此不伦不类,有本事,你人工给积分啊?系统啥都不识别,有用没用的都乱涂一气。我写个读书笔记交给老师,好歹老师还给个评论吧,不是一句话,起码也是一个“优”字啊!现在倒好,我想买书都要翻不翻评论都是一个效果,写的少的没啥参考性,写得多的一样没啥参考性,结果害我翻评论,鼠标的滚轮真的要“滚”好久!!!没办法,我也要开始长篇累牍了,写了这么多我都不知道我的重点是啥,好吧,我就是来纯吐槽的!当然,现在用积分换券没多大用处了,因为我发现这几个月来jd一直在做图书活动,一波接着一波,300-100,400-150,150-50,现在又是300-100.看来以后买书,我也得先收藏囤着一起买了,单买不划算啊!最后再说几句,我也不知道我会说几句,简而言之就是说到字数够了为止!好吧,就剩一句了:书还没看,谢谢! 不知道为什么现在要发500字才可以获得积分奖励,难道我每一本书都要看完之后再来评论吗?对于我这种小说控,遇到活动就买一堆书的人来说,这个实在不太现实。怪不得现在京东图书的评价大家都稀里糊涂乱写一气,篇幅好长,结果啥内容没有,复制一遍又一遍,毫无技术可言。这个要求跟让我写篇读书笔记有啥区别啊?从小写到大,买书评论为了点积分还让我写读书笔记?本来这个要求的出发点倒是挺好的,可是结果如此不伦不类,有本事,你人工给积分啊?系统啥都不识别,有用没用的都乱涂一气。我写个读书笔记交给老师,好歹老师还给个评论吧,不是一句话,起码也是一个“优”字啊!现在倒好,我想买书都要翻不翻评论都是一个效果,写的少的没啥参考性,写得多的一样没啥参考性,结果害我翻评论,鼠标的滚轮真的要“滚”好久!!!没办法,我也要开始长篇累牍了,写了这么多我都不知道我的重点是啥,好吧,我就是来纯吐槽的!当然,现在用积分换券没多大用处了,因为我发现这几个月来jd一直在做图书活动,一波接着一波,300-100,400-150,150-50,现在又是300-100.看来以后买书,我也得先收藏囤着一起买了,单买不划算啊!最后再说几句,我也不知道我会说几句,简而言之就是说到字数够了为止!好吧,就剩一句了:书还没看,谢谢!
不知道为什么现在要发500字才可以获得积分奖励,难道我每一本书都要看完之后再来评论吗?对于我这种小说控,遇到活动就买一堆书的人来说,这个实在不太现实。怪不得现在京东图书的评价大家都稀里糊涂乱写一气,篇幅好长,结果啥内容没有,复制一遍又一遍,毫无技术可言。这个要求跟让我写篇读书笔记有啥区别啊?从小写到大,买书评论为了点积分还让我写读书笔记?本来这个要求的出发点倒是挺好的,可是结果如此不伦不类,有本事,你人工给积分啊?系统啥都不识别,有用没用的都乱涂一气。我写个读书笔记交给老师,好歹老师还给个评论吧,不是一句话,起码也是一个“优”字啊!现在倒好,我想买书都要翻不翻评论都是一个效果,写的少的没啥参考性,写得多的一样没啥参考性,结果害我翻评论,鼠标的滚轮真的要“滚”好久!!!没办法,我也要开始长篇累牍了,写了这么多我都不知道我的重点是啥,好吧,我就是来纯吐槽的!当然,现在用积分换券没多大用处了,因为我发现这几个月来jd一直在做图书活动,一波接着一波,300-100,400-150,150-50,现在又是300-100.看来以后买书,我也得先收藏囤着一起买了,单买不划算啊!最后再说几句,我也不知道我会说几句,简而言之就是说到字数够了为止!好吧,就剩一句了:书还没看,谢谢! 不知道为什么现在要发500字才可以获得积分奖励,难道我每一本书都要看完之后再来评论吗?对于我这种小说控,遇到活动就买一堆书的人来说,这个实在不太现实。怪不得现在京东图书的评价大家都稀里糊涂乱写一气,篇幅好长,结果啥内容没有,复制一遍又一遍,毫无技术可言。这个要求跟让我写篇读书笔记有啥区别啊?从小写到大,买书评论为了点积分还让我写读书笔记?本来这个要求的出发点倒是挺好的,可是结果如此不伦不类,有本事,你人工给积分啊?系统啥都不识别,有用没用的都乱涂一气。我写个读书笔记交给老师,好歹老师还给个评论吧,不是一句话,起码也是一个“优”字啊!现在倒好,我想买书都要翻不翻评论都是一个效果,写的少的没啥参考性,写得多的一样没啥参考性,结果害我翻评论,鼠标的滚轮真的要“滚”好久!!!没办法,我也要开始长篇累牍了,写了这么多我都不知道我的重点是啥,好吧,我就是来纯吐槽的!当然,现在用积分换券没多大用处了,因为我发现这几个月来jd一直在做图书活动,一波接着一波,300-100,400-150,150-50,现在又是300-100.看来以后买书,我也得先收藏囤着一起买了,单买不划算啊!最后再说几句,我也不知道我会说几句,简而言之就是说到字数够了为止!好吧,就剩一句了:书还没看,谢谢!
胡适英文文存(3):民族危机与公共外交 [English Writings of Hu Shih:National Crisis and Public Diplomacy] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025