親子共讀Silly Sally Audrey Wood 奧德麗·伍德英文原版作品
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搞怪的Silly Sally要進城瞭,她不但倒立走、反方嚮走,還讓所有遇見她的動物和人也跟著她一起瘋!
這是一本老師們用來教授自然發音或押韻概念的教學繪本,透過韻文的文體、重復的句型,將Silly Sally進城的際遇,用詼諧幽默的筆法展現齣來,配閤上令人捧腹的活潑插畫,是本教學和娛樂功能兼備的好書。老師們更可以延伸活動來教授不同的主題,帶領學生認識農場裏齣現的動物,或是各類動作動詞,在享受閱讀樂趣的同時,也能學習更多英文字匯及句型。
Silly Sally went to town, walking backwards, upside down - and that''s just the beginning. Come along with Sally and her companions as they parade into town in a most unusual way'
PreSchool-K-- Watercolor cartoons illustrate this bit of cumulative nonsense. ``Silly Sally went to town,/ walking backwards, upside down./ On the way she met a pig,/a silly pig,/they danced a jig.'' Sally and pig (upside down) meet and are joined in their walk by a dog, a bird, a sheep and (ta-dum!) Neddy Buttercup, who sets everything to rights. However, Silly Sally manages to get them all in formation whereupon they proceed to town following her roundabout lead. Bright double-page spreads carry the tale, forecasting each encounter. Sally, with orange corkscrew hair, a mischievous grin, and wearing ruffled pantaloons beneath her purple frock, appears to be able to coerce 'most anybody into 'most anything, and soon has the townspeople walking backwards, upside down. No moral, no underlying theme, no real story--just unabashed silliness. --Virginia Opocensky, formerly at Lincoln City Libraries, NE
Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc.
AUDREY WOOD is the much-loved author of more than thirty books for children, including the bestsellingThe Napping House, Piggies, Heckedy Peg,and most recently,Piggy Pie Po,which she collaborated on with her husband, Don Wood. She lives in Hawaii.
作 者/Author:() 著繪
原版英文繪本Silly Sally Audrey Wood 廖采杏紙闆書 親子共讀 送音頻 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
原版英文繪本Silly Sally Audrey Wood 廖采杏紙闆書 親子共讀 送音頻 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書評分
原版英文繪本Silly Sally Audrey Wood 廖采杏紙闆書 親子共讀 送音頻 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025