适读人群 :7-9岁 哈佛大学教育学博士朱莉向您推荐“I Can Read!系列”: 内容简介
Emma has always wanted a little brother. Now her family is adopting Max, and Emma is sure he will be the best brother ever. But Max has his own ideas. He thinks sisters are yucky, and that Emma is the yuckiest Is this really what having a brother is all about? In Jean Little's warmhearted, perceptive story about adoption, Emma learns that there is more to having a little brother than she had ever guessed -- and that in order to get the brother she wants, she must first learn to be the sister he needs.
Jean Little is the author of more than twenty-five books for children. In addition to Emma's Magic Winter, her first I Can Read Book, Ms. Little's works include the novels Lost and Found, Different Dragons, From Anna and Hey World, Here I Am, illustrated by Sue Truesdell. Jean Little has always been interested in adoption, and she had a first-hand experience with it when her sister adopted two children several years ago. The family has nine pets, the most recent addition being Henry Higgins, a talking African gray parrot. Although Jean Little was born with scarred corneas that severely impair her vision, she has always loved to read and to write. She writes with a voice-activated computer and travels widely with her Seeing Eye dog, Pippa. Ms. Little lives in Ontario, Canada.
"Little's understated dialogue and simple but effective plot incidents are the work of an accomplished pro...Appealing watercolor-and-ink illustrations by Plecas...An excellent book. Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books Many young readers will appreciate the unusual theme, and the easygoing narrative will keep them reading. Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books The gentle tone makes this book a wonderful resource for parents and caregivers foster families helping youngsters understand this process of acceptance and change. Bulletin of the Center for Children's BooksHeartfelt and honest an adoption story from the viewpoint of the older sibling with Little's simple words and Plecas' clear, expressive line-and-watercolor illustrations An excellent book."
--Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books
Emma's Yucky Brother (I Can Read, Level 3)[艾玛的讨厌弟弟] [平装] [7-9岁] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
Emma's Yucky Brother (I Can Read, Level 3)[艾玛的讨厌弟弟] [平装] [7-9岁] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Emma's Yucky Brother (I Can Read, Level 3)[艾玛的讨厌弟弟] [平装] [7-9岁] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书
原版活动,囤书。《蹲下来和孩子说话》是“好父母”说话技巧训练营手册。从几个月到几岁,让父母学会和不同年龄的孩子“有效对话”,从一个词到一段话,父母说的话让孩子“钻不了空子”“找不了别扭”。此 外,“蹲下来”的好父母心态贯穿全书始终。蹲下来,对孩子来说是一种极大的关心与理解;是父母关心孩子内心世界的一种方式。它提醒父母适时地要做换位思 考,多站在孩子的角度看问题,先了解孩子在想什么,再解决问题。亲子沟通,就从父母蹲下来的这一刻开始。放下家长权威的架子,和你的孩子做朋友,用爱与尊 重作为引导,让你的孩子拥有一个健康快乐的童年。当你理解了蹲下来的真正含义,你将不仅仅是形式上的蹲下来,而是能真正尊重孩子,去了解孩子,尊重他们的 需要,因为我们的孩子是一个独立的个体,而不是某个人的附属品,他们有自己的思想,要想与孩子的沟通有效,那要做到换位思考,这样才能了解孩子,达到有效 的沟通。
(I Can Read, Level 3)原版书,内容很好,比较有特色的书。读书可以使知识得到积累,君子学以聚之。总之,爱好读书是好事。让孩子们多读书,在丰富的阅读环境中,充分感受书面语言,潜移默化地接受有关方面的语言知识,主动去探索、发现。
Emma's Yucky Brother (I Can Read, Level 3)[艾玛的讨厌弟弟] [平装] [7-9岁] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025