适读人群 :4岁及以上 "Harry was a white dog with black spots who liked everything, except getting a bath." Taking matters into his own paws, he buries his family's scrubbing brush in the backyard and runs away from home before they can wrangle him into the tub. Harry gets dirty playing in the street, dirtier at the railroad, and dirtier still playing tag with the other dogs. When sliding down the coal chute, he actually changes from a white dog with black spots to a black dog with white spots! Of course, by the time he gets home he is completely unrecognizable to his family--even when he does all his clever flip-flopping tricks. In a stroke of doggy genius, he unearths the bath brush, begs for a bath, and the rest is history. Youngsters will completely relate to the urge to rebel, the thrill of getting dirty, and, finally, the reassurance of family. Gene Zion and Margaret Bloy Graham's Harry the Dirty Dog, first published in 1956 and now rereleased with splashes of color added by the artist herself, is one of those picture books that children never forget.
This summer, old and new favorites get a second run. Originally published in 1956, Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion, illus. by Margaret Bloy Graham, chronicles the messy adventures of a runaway canine and his transformation "from a white dog with black spots to a black dog with white spots." Despite his showboating, his family doesn't recognize him until he's scrubbed clean. In this reissued edition, Graham has added splashes of color to some of her original pictures.
Harry is a white dog with black spots who loves everything... except baths. So one day before bath time, Harry runs away. He plays outside all day long, digging and sliding in everything from garden soil to pavement tar. By the time he returns home, Harry is so dirty he looks like a black dog with white spots. His family doesn't even recognize him!
Gene Zion and two-time Caldecott Honor winner Margaret Bloy Graham have collaborated on several favorite stories about Harry: Harry by the Sea, Harry the Dirty Dog, and No Roses for Harry.
"Another funny bone tickling charmer by Gene Zion and Margaret Bloy Graham that will make youngsters and their parents giggle."
——The Kirkus Reviews
"Harry is sure to be loved; especially by those pre-school children to whomdirt is an ever-delightful thing."
——The New York Times
Harry the Dirty Dog小脏狗哈利 英文原版 [平装] [4岁及以上] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
Harry the Dirty Dog小脏狗哈利 英文原版 [平装] [4岁及以上] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Harry the Dirty Dog小脏狗哈利 英文原版 [平装] [4岁及以上] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书
《东京梦华录》的作者是北宋的孟元老。孟元老,原名孟钺,号幽兰居士,开封市人。是孟昌龄的第四子, 曾任开封府仪曹,北宋末叶在东京居住二十余年。金灭北宋,孟元老南渡,常忆东京之繁华,于南宋绍兴十七年(1147)撰成《东京梦华录》。作为眼睁睁看着北宋覆灭的人,在落叶归根之年,时常忆起旧时繁华,实在不足为奇。买这本书,出于一个“缘”字。最近在家里时常翻阅中州古籍出版社出版的《白居易选集》,觉得无论是装帧,还是点评,都让人喜欢,朴素淡雅的装帧,排版得宜,恰到好处的讲解,既不会破坏读者的想象力,又很好地做了注释。翻到后面系列书籍里,一眼就看到了这个名字,东京梦华录。 我大约是对梦,对华字,相当地没有抵抗能力。倾尽一世繁华,留下的,有什么呢? 《东京梦华录》大致包括这几方面的内容:京城的外城、内城及河道桥梁、皇宫内外官署衙门的分布及位置、城内的街巷坊市、店铺酒楼,朝廷朝会、郊祭大典,当时东京的民风习俗、时令节日,饮食起居、歌舞百戏等等,几乎无所不包。全书三万字,为笔记体散记文,描述的是北宋古城——东京(开封)的繁华市景。开封在唐末称汴州,是五代梁、晋、汉、周的都城。北宋统一,仍建都于此,也称为汴京或东京。我最感兴趣的,是其中的风土人情。据《东京梦华录》载,为满足市民夜生活的延长,商家为了追求利益,原先长期实行的“夜禁”宣布取消,开封城里出现了“夜市”、“早市”和“鬼市”。各种店铺的夜市直至三更方尽,五更又重新开张;如果热闹去处,更是通晓不绝;而有的茶房每天五更点灯开张,博易买卖衣服、图画、花环、领抹之类,至晓即散,谓之鬼市子。说起鬼,本该是让人害怕的,这里却是热闹至极的。看到这样的描述,不禁想起去年去泰国游玩的情景。清迈的市集很热闹,各色各样的旅客,各色各样的手艺人,各色各样的货物,两边摆满了,甚至本已不宽敞的小路的中间,也见缝插针地摆着摊。这在过去,便是说不尽道不完的繁华吧。有人如斯,在夜景下俯瞰热闹,独留苍凉,时光匆匆,原来是过去的回忆。悲欢离合,台上台下,热闹落寞,所有的悲伤,都不比不过眼看故国灭亡,而自己无能为力的伤。人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。而真正的欢是什么呢?真正要珍爱的,又是什么呢?比起表面的繁华,我却看到了苍凉。 而因为姐妹篇《清明上河图》,我特地购下了一本导读。《繁华之城:东京梦华录》,引进版的作品,打开了,两边各开4折,一副清明上河图鱼跃而出。可惜不是全景,把一副画分割为上下部分,若是全景,那是再完美不过。 这本书有点小遗憾,书很旧,让我有些无言。各种翘角,飞边。希望京东日后在包装地时候能更加用心,而不是形式主义
* 解决父母不能解释的科学概念。
* 解决父母不能解释的科学概念。
Harry the Dirty Dog小脏狗哈利 英文原版 [平装] [4岁及以上] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025