Walter Wick is the inventor of many photographic games for Games magazine, is the photographer of the immensely popular I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles and I Spy Christmas. He is also a free-lance photographer for Scholastic's Let's Find out and Super Science. His credits includs over 300 magaine and book covers, including Newsweek, Fortune, and Psychology Today. This is his third book for Soholastic.
Jean Marzollo has written many rhyming childern's books, including I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles, I Spy Christmas, Halloween Cats, In 1492, Pretend You're a Cat, The Rebus Treasury, The Teddy Bear Book, and Close Your Eyes. She is also the author of fiction for beginning readers, as well as nonfiction books. Carol Devine Carson, the book designer for all the I Spy books, is art director for a major publishing house in New York City. She is also the illustrator and designer of The Rebus Treasury. For over fifteen yearsm Marzollo and Carson together produced Scholastic's kindergarten magazine, Let's Find Out.
I Spy Fun House: A Book of Picture Riddles 視覺大發現係列:哈哈屋 [精裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
I Spy Fun House: A Book of Picture Riddles 視覺大發現係列:哈哈屋 [精裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書作為大人看下來覺得書是很不錯的,但小朋友耐不住性子看
評分閱讀需要用眼睛沒錯,可是閱讀《I SPY視覺大發現》這樣的書,卻得同時用上神探的眼睛、魔術師的手、猜謎高手的腦袋,以及藝術大師的審美力和探險傢的那顆心。
評分俠尼世外高人,我喬平早存瞻仰之心,隻惜無緣與會,今夜冒昧造訪,實有二事相商,不知俠尼可容得我這苗疆野人說話麼?” 一塵子冷冷說道:“既如此倒屬貧尼失禮瞭,就請喬大俠旅室一談如何?” 那鬼見愁哈哈笑道:“不必瞭,不必瞭。老夫深夜驚駕已屬不當,豈可再事叨擾,不如就在此一談如何?” 一塵子微微點首,強忍憤怒道:“請喬大俠賜告,貧尼洗耳恭聽。” 那喬平未言先看瞭看一旁的雲中雁,用手一指,嚮一塵子道:“這位姑娘想是俠尼高足瞭?強將手下無弱兵,好一身輕功。” 一塵子勉強笑道:“貧尼可無此福分,
評分件小包袱。這二人歡聚一起,直談到深夜纔相繼入睡。由談話裏,硯霜已知道這老人北來是為瞭一宗買賣,大概利潤很大,人手也不少,隻不知是何買賣。再談到武技方麵,那老人是無所不精,而且招式怪異,都是些不常聽到的,老人也對硯霜武技甚為誇贊瞭一番。 天過四鼓,硯霜想是昨天多喝瞭點酒,竟醒來找水喝,一翻身竟發現側榻空靜靜地,那老人竟已無蹤。不禁暗想,也許他外齣上廁去瞭,但等點亮燈一看,那門閂好好的插著,心想這就怪瞭,到窗口一看,原來那窗竟自半掩著,不禁望著那窗子想到:“這老人真怪。做買賣也用不著半夜做呀!
I Spy Fun House: A Book of Picture Riddles 視覺大發現係列:哈哈屋 [精裝] [4-8歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025