Sumptuous, oversized hardback edition of the beloved children's classic, fully illustrated with over 60 watercolour and pencil illustrations by award-winning artist, Alan Lee. J.R.R. Tolkien's great classic work, The Hobbit, celebrated its 60th year of publication (1937) with a gorgeous illustrated edition by artist Alan Lee, winner of the Kate Greenaway medal for illustration, and creator of the fabulously successful Centenary edition of The Lord of the Rings. Containing 22 full colour illustrations depicting key scenes from this all-time classic (scenes such as Gollum and Bilbo, The Wargs, Smaug the Dragon and The Battle of the Five Armies), this beautifully designed volume also includes a wealth of integrated pencil drawings which demonstrate perfectly Alan's genius at work. Alan Lee's work on this book, as well as the illustrated Lord of the Rings, led to him being approached by Peter Jackson to join the film trilogy as Conceptual Artist. The same artistic vision, present in his beautiful paintings and drawings, played a major role in the look of the films, and his work received the ultimate accolade with an Academy Award for Best Art Direction on The Return of the King.
J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973) is the creator of Middle-earth and author of such classic and extraordinary works of fiction as The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. His books have been translated into more than fifty languages and have sold many millions of copies worldwide.
約翰·羅納德·瑞爾·托爾金(J.R.R. Tolkien)(1892-1973),英國文豪,天纔的語言學傢,牛津大學默頓學院英國語言與文學教授,1919—1920年牛津英語詞典(OED)的編委。他以瑰麗的想像和精深的語言,建立瞭一個英語世界的全新神話體係。托爾金的雄心壯誌不在於寫作一個傳奇故事,或一部史詩。在他所創作的一係列中洲史詩中,影響最為深遠的是《霍比特人》(The Hobbit: There and Back Again) 和《魔戒》(The Lord of the Rings)。這兩部巨作被譽為當代奇幻作品的鼻祖,至今已暢銷2.5億餘冊,被翻譯成60餘種語言。美國每年銷售的大約一億本平裝書中,就有四分之一可以追溯到托爾金的作品。《魔戒》被票選為“兩韆年以來最重要的書”。由托爾金小說改編的電影《指環王》、《霍比特人》掀起21世紀奇幻文藝的全麵復興,世界拜倒在他腳下。
"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort." The hobbit-hole in question belongs to one Bilbo Baggins, an upstanding member of a "little people, about half our height, and smaller than the bearded dwarves." He is, like most of his kind, well off, well fed, and best pleased when sitting by his own fire with a pipe, a glass of good beer, and a meal to look forward to. Certainly this particular hobbit is the last person one would expect to see set off on a hazardous journey; indeed, when Gandalf the Grey stops by one morning, "looking for someone to share in an adventure," Baggins fervently wishes the wizard elsewhere. No such luck, however; soon 13 fortune-seeking dwarves have arrived on the hobbit's doorstep in search of a burglar, and before he can even grab his hat or an umbrella, Bilbo Baggins is swept out his door and into a dangerous adventure. The dwarves' goal is to return to their ancestral home in the Lonely Mountains and reclaim a stolen fortune from the dragon Smaug. Along the way, they and their reluctant companion meet giant spiders, hostile elves, ravening wolves--and, most perilous of all, a subterranean creature named Gollum from whom Bilbo wins a magical ring in a riddling contest. It is from this life-or-death game in the dark that J.R.R. Tolkien's masterwork, The Lord of the Rings, would eventually spring. Though The Hobbit is lighter in tone than the trilogy that follows, it has, like Bilbo Baggins himself, unexpected iron at its core. Don't be fooled by its fairy-tale demeanor; this is very much a story for adults, though older children will enjoy it, too. By the time Bilbo returns to his comfortable hobbit-hole, he is a different person altogether, well primed for the bigger adventures to come--and so is the reader.
--Alix Wilber
‘One of the best loved characters in English fiction… a marvellous fantasy adventure.’
--Daily Mail
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很漂亮。霍比特人源於幽暗密林及迷霧山脈之間的安都因河河榖。據《魔戒》所述,霍比特人與人類的血統關係已不可稽考。那時共有三支霍比特人,他們都有著不同的特徵及性情:哈富特人(Harfoots)、斯圖爾人(Stoors)及法洛海德人(Fallowhides)。霍比特人還在安都因河河榖時,與羅翰人的祖先伊歐西歐德人的聚居地很接近,霍比特人和伊歐西歐德都有接觸,故一些古老的霍比特人名及語言都引自羅翰語。 《霍比特人曆險記》裏的霍比特人是指三族裏人數最多的哈富特族,他們居住在迷霧山脈山坡的洞穴裏。斯圖爾族是人數第二多的,他們的身高更矮,喜歡水,擅長遊泳及操船,居住在格拉頓平原,那裏是格拉頓河匯閤安都因河的地區(他們與雄鹿地的霍比特人相似,雄鹿地的霍比特人可能是斯圖爾人的後裔)。法洛海德族是人數最少的一族,他們喜愛冒險及居住在迷霧山脈的林地,體形較高大(這在後期很罕見,被認為是怪人,圖剋及烈酒鹿傢族是法洛海德人的後裔)。 第三紀元1050年,霍比特人決定要橫越迷霧山脈,原因不明,可能是由於索倫在幽暗密林的力量增強,當時索倫正在搜索至尊魔戒。霍比特人以不同的路綫越過迷霧山脈,終聚居在布理、登蘭德及狂吼河(Mitheithel)和烈酒河(Baranduin)一帶,三族之間的區彆已不太清晰。 第三紀元1601年(夏爾曆1年),兩名法洛海德人兄弟馬丘(Marcho)及布蘭寇(Blanco)得到亞爾諾國王的準許,可橫渡烈酒河,居住在河的另一廂。許多霍比特人都跟隨他們,他們放棄瞭許多的領土。在第三紀元末,僅有布理反周圍一些村莊仍有霍比特人居住。霍比特人在烈酒河西廂所建立的新領土,叫夏爾(Shire)。 夏爾及周邊的地區都屬於伊利雅德。 原本,霍比特人在名義上效忠亞爾諾國王,霍比特人隻須承認王國的領地、招待使者及修建橋梁道路。對抗安格馬的佛諾斯特戰役爆發,霍比特人的一支弓手嚮亞爾諾增援,但並無相關的戰爭記錄。戰事結束,亞爾諾王國被摧毀,國王已不存在。霍比特人選齣霍比特人統領(Thain),作為霍比特人的首領。 首任霍比特人統領是布卡(Bucca),他是老雄鹿傢族的創始人。後來,老雄鹿傢族渡過烈酒河,聚居在雄鹿地,其傢族遂改稱為烈酒鹿。烈酒鹿的長老成為雄鹿地的首領。由於烈酒鹿傢族離去,圖剋族的長老遂被選為統領(皮平是統領的兒子,後來皮平也成為霍比特人統領)。霍比特人統領負責監督霍比特人會議,並有權召集軍隊,但夏爾長久處於和平狀態,統領僅是一個架空的形式而已。 第四紀元,霍比特人的數量減少,他們的身高進一步萎縮。不過,《魔戒》的序言“有關霍比特人”指齣,霍比特人依然存活下去[8]。“在地底的洞府中住著一個霍比特人。” 這句話看似平淡,稍加咀嚼卻十分引人入勝。這是本書開篇第一句,也是整個魔戒傳奇的第一句話,曆來被稱為經典開場。