Psychologist Daniel Goleman was born on March 7, 1946 in Stockton, California. He earned a Ph.D. from Harvard. Goleman wrote his first book, "The Meditative Mind" after studying ancient psychology systems and meditation practices in India and Sri Lanka. Goleman wrote about psychology and related fields for the New York Times for 12 years beginning in 1984. In 1993 he co-founded the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning. He is also a co-chairman of The Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations and a member of the Mind and Life Institute's board of directors. Goleman has written several popular books, including "Emotional Intelligence," "Social Intelligence," and "Ecological Intelligence." He received a Career Achievement award for journalism from the American Psychological Association and was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science to recognize his efforts to communicate the behavioral sciences to the public.
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Working With Emotional Intelligence [平裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書②民主平等是指在學術麵前人人平等,在知識麵前人人平等。不因傢庭背景、地區差異而歧視,不因成績落後、學習睏難遭冷落。民主的核心是遵照大多數人的意誌而行事,教學民主的核心就是發展、提高多數人。可是總有人把眼睛盯在幾個尖子學生身上,有意無意地忽視多數學生的存在。“抓兩頭帶中間”就是典型的做法。但結果往往是抓“兩頭”變成抓“一頭”,“帶中間”變成“丟中間”。教學民主最好的體現是以能者為師,教學相長。信息時代的特徵,能者未必一定是教師,未必一定是“好”學生。在特定領域,特定環節上,有興趣占有知識高地的學生可以為同學“師”,甚至為教師“師”。在教學中發現不足,補充知識、改善教法、
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