The Twilight Saga series has entranced millions of readers around the world. Now all 5 books in the series,
Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn and The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, are available in this deluxe white-edition paperback boxed set.
Isabella Swan's move to Forks, a small, perpetually rainy town in Washington, could have been the most boring move she ever made. But once she meets the mysterious and alluring Edward Cullen, Isabella's life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn. Up until now, Edward has managed to keep his vampire identity a secret in the small community he lives in, but now nobody is safe, especially Isabella, the person Edward holds most dear. The lovers find themselves balanced precariously on the point of a knife-between desire and danger.Deeply romantic and extraordinarily suspenseful, Twilight captures the struggle between defying our instincts and satisfying our desires. This is a love story with bite.
New Moon
Shoot, I muttered when the paper sliced my finger; I pulled it out to examine the damage. A single drop of blood oozed from the tiny cut.It all happened very quickly then.Edward threw himself at me, flinging me back across the table...I tumbled down to the floor by the piano, with my arms thrown out instinctively to catch my fall, into the jagged shards of glass. I felt the searing, stinging pain that ran from my wrist to the crease inside my elbow. Dazed and disoriented, I looked up from the bright red blood pulsing out of my arm-into the fevered eyes of the six suddenly ravenous vampires.Legions of readers entranced by Twilight are hungry for more and they won't be disappointed. In New Moon, Stephenie Meyer delivers another irresistible combination of romance and suspense with a supernatural twist. The "star-crossed" lovers theme continues as Bella and Edward find themselves facing new obstacles, including a devastating separation, the mysterious appearance of dangerous wolves roaming the forest in Forks, a terrifying threat of revenge from a female vampire and a deliciously sinister encounter with Italy's reigning royal family of vampires, the Volturi. Passionate, riveting, and full of surprising twists and turns, this vampire love saga is well on its way to literary immortality.
'Bella?' Edward's soft voice came from behind me. I turned to see him spring lightly up the porch steps, his hair windblown from running. He pulled me into his arms at once, and kissed me again. His kiss frightened me. There was too much tension, too strong an edge to the way his lips crushed mine -- like he was afraid we had only so much time left to us. As Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge, Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob -- knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation approaching, Bella has one more decision to make: life or death. But which is which? Following the international bestsellers Twilight and New Moon, Eclipse is the much-anticipated third book in Stephenie Meyer's captivating saga of vampire romance.
Breaking Dawn
When you loved the one who was killing you, it left you no options. How could you run, how could you fight, when doing so would hurt that beloved one? If your life was all you had to give, how could you not give it? If it was someone you truly loved?
To be irrevocably in love with a vampire is both fantasy and nightmare woven into a dangerously heightened reality for Bella Swan. Pulled in one direction by her intense passion for Edward Cullen, and in another by her profound connection to werewolf Jacob Black, a tumultuous year of temptation, loss, and strife have led her to the ultimate turning point. Her imminent choice to either join the dark but seductive world of immortals or to pursue a fully human life has become the thread from which the fates of two tribes hangs.
Now that Bella has made her decision, a startling chain of unprecedented events is about to unfold with potentially devastating, and unfathomable, consequences. Just when the frayed strands of Bella's life-first discovered in Twilight, then scattered and torn in New Moon and Eclipse-seem ready to heal and knit together, could they be destroyed... forever?
The astonishing, breathlessly anticipated conclusion to the Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn illuminates the secrets and mysteries of this spellbinding romantic epic that has entranced millions.
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner
Fans of The Twilight Saga will be enthralled by this riveting story of Bree Tanner, a character first introduced inEclipse, and the darker side of the newborn vampire world she inhabits. In another irresistible combination of danger, mystery, and romance, Stephenie Meyer tells the devastating story of Bree and the newborn army as they prepare to close in on Bella Swan and the Cullens, following their encounter to its unforgettable conclusion.
Stephenie Meyer graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in English Literature, and she lives with her husband and three young sons in Arizona. Stephenie is the author of Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, and The Host.
Twilight Saga 5 Book Set (White Cover) 暮光之城(白色聖誕套裝5冊) 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
Twilight Saga 5 Book Set (White Cover) 暮光之城(白色聖誕套裝5冊) 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Twilight Saga 5 Book Set (White Cover) 暮光之城(白色聖誕套裝5冊) 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書
《新月》(new moon):第二部《新月》2006年8月上市,名列《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜達52周之久,其中有31周名列榜首。讀者是如此迫切地想看到《新月》,以至於其限量式讀本在eBay的拍賣價高達380美元。
梅爾,她本是一位有3個孩子的全職主婦,而且沒有絲毫的寫作經驗。2003年的一天夜裏,她做瞭一個改變她命運的夢,而她也因這個夢寫瞭《暮色》從而這部小說引起瞭一陣熱潮。而後梅爾又寫瞭《新月》、《月食》、《破曉》和《午夜陽光》,被稱為“暮光之城”係列,這些書都受到瞭好評。用作傢奧森·斯考特·卡德的話說:“愛情隻是書中的一小部分,但卻是人生的指引者。” 《暮光之城》講述瞭一對苦命鴛鴦的愛情故事,17歲的女主人公貝拉因為自己的母親再婚,就像離開母親而去遠在福剋斯的學校去學習。然而在福剋斯這個偏僻而且終年陰雨的小鎮上,她結識瞭一個神秘而帥氣的男子愛德華。愛德華則是一個“素食”的吸血鬼傢族的一員,他一開始就被貝拉身上的香味給吸引,有想吸她血的強烈的欲望。而他最終因為愛一次次地剋製住自己,不想讓自己傷害她,不顧一切地想保護她。因此而引齣瞭許多的故事的發生,也讓他們墜入瞭愛河。 而當愛德華帶瞭貝拉去見瞭他們傢族的吸血鬼之後,兩人之間就更加的親密,有時也和傢族成員一起齣去玩。就在一次的遊玩中遇到瞭另外一族的吸血鬼,給貝拉招來瞭一次次的追殺。至此,兩個吸血鬼傢族間的戰爭開始瞭,愛德華一族盡自己的一切來保護貝拉,不想讓她受到傷害,然而貝拉最終還是被另一族騙去。並且給咬瞭一口,差點成瞭吸血鬼,在緊要關頭愛德華剋製瞭內心的掙紮,剋服瞭想吸她血的欲望替她吸瞭血,幫她度過瞭難關。就這樣貝拉從一個脆弱的少女慢慢的變得堅強,開始接受這一切,麵對這一切。 在這一次次的睏難中,他們知道除瞭幸福的誘惑,還有危險的深淵,而一次次地脫險,一次次地互相付齣真心,讓他們彼此之間的感情更加地堅定。他們曆盡韆辛萬苦的愛情就像是一次次獲得重生一樣地刺激與新鮮,也就像是每日初升的太陽一樣的浪漫與溫暖。 看完這部作品,我不隻是被裏麵的吸血鬼的速度、力量、蒼白的皮膚、幾乎完美的外貌、以及許多特殊的生活方式所吸引,更是佩服裏麵卡倫一傢對鮮血的剋製
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