“Yes,” added the other; “and of the Roman emperors as low asSeverus; besides a great deal of the heathen mythology, and all themetals, semi-metals, planets, and distinguished philosophers。”
“Very true indeed, my dears, but you are blessed with wonderfulmemories, and your poor cousin has probably none at all: There is avast deal of difference in memories, as well as in everything else,and therefore you must make allowance for your cousin, and pityher deficiency。 And remember that, if you are ever so forward andclever yourselves, you should always be modest; for, much as youknow already, there is a great deal more for you to learn。”
“Yes, I know there is, till I am seventeen。 But I must tell youanother thing of Fanny, so odd and so stupid。 Do you know, she saysshe does not want to learn either music or drawing。”
“To be sure, my dear, that is very stupid indeed, and shows a greatwant of genius and emulation。 But, all things considered, I do notknow whether it is not as well that it should be so, for, though youknow (owing to me) your papa and mama are so good as to bringher up with you, it is not at all necessary that she should be as ac-complished as you are; - on the contrary, it is much more desirablethat there should be a difference。”
Such were the counsels by which Mrs。 Norris assisted to form hernieces minds; and it is not very wonderful that, with all their prom-ising talents and early information, they should be entirely deficientin the less common acquirements of self-knowledge, generosity andhumility。 In everything but disposition they were admirably taught。Sir Thomas did not know what was wanting, because, though atrulyanxious father, he was not outwardly affectionate, and the reserve ofhis manner repressed all the flow of their spirits before him。
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評分 評分⑤教學生抓重點.教學難免有意外,課堂難免有突變,應對教學意外、課堂突變的本領,就是我們通常說的駕馭課堂、駕馭學生的能力。對教師來說,讓意外乾擾教學、影響教學是無能,把意外變成生成,促進教學、改進教學是藝術。生成相對於教學預設而言,分有意生成、無意生成兩種類型;問題生成、疑問生成、答案生成、靈感生成、思維生成、模式生成六種形式。生成的重點在問題生成、靈感生成。教學機智顯亮點.隨機應變的纔智與機敏,最能贏得學生欽佩和行贊嘆的亮點。教學機智的類型分為教師教的機智、學生學的機智,師生互動的機智,學生探究的機智。機智常常錶現在應對質疑的解答,麵對難題的措施,發現問題的敏銳,解決問題的靈活。
世界名著典藏係列:曼斯菲爾德莊園(英文全本) [Mansfield Park] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025