
会计英语(第4版) 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书 2025

叶建芳,孙红星 著


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出版社: 上海财经大学出版社

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1 An Introduction to Accounting
1.1 Accounting is an Information System
1.2 Forms of Organization
1.3 The Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements
1.4 Understanding of Financial Statements
Balance Sheet
Income Statement
Statement of Owner's Equity Statement of Retained Earnings
Cash FlowStatement
1.5 Accounting and its Profession
1.6 Accounting Elements and Using the Accounting Equation
What is Accounting Equation?
Effects of Transactions on the Accounting Equation
1.7 Ethics in Accounting
Some Basic Ethical Standards
Demonstration Problem
Self-Test Questions
Discussion Questions
2 Recording Transactions
2.1 Economic Events and Business Documents


  America Online, Inc. (AOL) provides Internet access to millions of subscribers throughout the world. AOL is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and is registered with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. During its fiscal years ended June 30, 1995 and June 30, 1996, AOL undertook extensive advertising efforts to rapidly expand its customer base. These efforts included distributing millions of computer disks containing AOL start-up software and paying computer equipment manufacturers to bundle the startup software with their computers. The company capitalized the expenditures as an asset, " Deferred Membership Acquisition Costs (DMAC) " ,thus defemng the advertising costs as an asset rather than an expense. Effective July 1, 1995, AOL changed the period over which it amortized these acquisition costs from twelve and eighteen months to twenty-four months, resulting in an increase in reported net income of $ 48:106 million. As a result of this accounting change, AOL reported net income of $ 30 nullion for the fiscal year.
  ended June 30, 1996, rather than a loss of $ 18 million. This aggressive accounting method allowed AOL to report profits for six of the eight quarters during fiscal 1995 and 1996. According to the SEC, if AOL would have expensed the costs, as required under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) , they would have reported losses in each of the 8 quarters in fiscal years 1995 and 1996. By September 1996, these deferred advertising costs reached $ 385 million. Finally, in October 1996, AOL announced that it wrote-off the $ 385 million balance of capitalized DMAC at September 30, 1996 because the company believed "it no longer has an adequate accounting bases to support recognizing deferred subscriber acquisition costs as an asset," and would expense all such costs from October 1, 1996 forward. The write-off resulted in a.reported net loss of $ 354 million for the three months ended September 30, 1996 on revenues of $ 350 million.
  On May 15, 2000, AOL agreed to pay a $ 3.5 million penalty and restate its operating results from 1995 and 1996 to reflect the proper accounting treatment of the advertising costs tosettle Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) allegations that the Internet provider improperly accounted for its advertising and marketing costs during 1995 and 1996. Citing Statement of Position 93-7 , the SEC argued that AOL could not properly capitalize the costs as assets unless they could demonstrate that, based on past experience, the probabie future revenues from new customers will exceed future costs, and that the historical evidence upon which it bases its recoverability analysis is relevant and reliable. The SEC concluded that AOL could not reliably satisfy these requirements given the unstable business environment and 'highly competitive nature of the Intemet marketplace.
  Answer the following questions:
  1. AOL's expenditures for the direct cost of providing software to potential customers and bundling the software with original computer equipment were classified for accounting purposes as "deferred subscriber acquisition costs," a form of marketing cost. Are advertising expenditures generally treated as an expense for the current period or deferred as an asset for accounting purposes?
  2. AOL capitalized a portion of subscriber acquisition costs incurred during fiscal 1995 (6/30/95) and 1996 (6/30/96) as a long-term intangible asset. Indicate the difference between this type of cost compared to a tangible asset, such as property and equipment.
  3.1ndicate how the cost of intangible assets is expensed.
  4.1ndicate the amortization method that is generally used to allocate the cost of intangible assets.
  5. US GAAP requires capitalization of expenditures that have reliable evidence of expected future benefits extending beyond the current accounting period. Expenditures that give rise to expect future benefits should be capitalized as an asset rather than expensed in the period incurred. Indicate the future benefits that AOL expected from these subscriber acquisition costs. Also, indicate the number of periods over which these benefits would likely be realized.
  6. The period over which AOL amortized subscriber acquisition costs initially was twelve and eighteen months. Effective July 1, 1995, when these total deferred costs on AOL' s balance sheet was $ 26 million, the Company began amortizing the capitalized costs over a twenty-four month life. As of September 30, 1996, AOL again changed accounting methods. From the first quarter of fiscal year 1997 (9/30/96) to the present, subscriber acquisition costs are written off as an expense in the period of incurrence. Indicate how the estimated useful life of an intangible asset is determined.
  7. Explain the similarity and differences in the accounting for amortization and depreciation.
  8. AOL wrote off the unamortized balance of $ 385 million in deferred subscriber acquisition costs in the first quarter of fiscal year 1997 ( September 30, 1996) resulting in earnings for that quarter of $ 19.0 million becoming a'reported loss of $ 353.7 million. Indicate the business conditions that would cause a company to expense the entire cost of an intangible asset in one accounting period.
  9.1ndicate how AOL will likely report. the $ 3.5 million civil penalty in its fiscal year 2000 (6/30/00) financial statements.
  10. AOL agreed to pay a $ 3.5 million civil penalty and treat customer acquisition costs as expenses in the period in which they were incurred without admitting any wrongdoing. As a result, AOL will restate historical results from 1995 to 1996 to reflect that changed treatment. Do you think that the settlement of the charges brought by the SEC will have a significant impact on the company's future operations?


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哈哈哈哈,说说我的购书经历吧,自下单起之后我一直焦急的等待着京东商城“提交订单——完成”这一过程。可能是由于本人在京东购买图书的时间每每总处于优惠活动高峰期(当然我相信绝大部分书友可能都是在这一时段下手的。。。呵呵呵),[SM]加上京东在新浪微博等处的网络宣传活动做得非常成功,也吸引了更多的购书、藏书的爱书之人,因此在收获包裹这一过程上我等待的有点久(具体原因是由于在订单中存在有部分商品需要从外地调货过来的情况——想想就觉得会很麻烦,但爱书的心切还是让我毅然决然。。。),我想可能各个城市的京东库房在活动期间一定是忙得不可开交,也完全能够理解,以及快递公司的派件员们的辛苦,十分感谢!大概上我等了有一个星期左右的时间,由于经常买书的缘故,位于我所居住的那个区域的派件小哥都认识我了,这不免让我有点小尴尬。小哥跟我说以后在网上买书可以多下些单,因为对于他们而言,每成功派送一个派件就可以多拿一块钱。当时我觉得心中很五味陈杂,这恐怕也是我一直选择在京东购物的一个小原因,不知道其他的快递公司是否也有这样的规定,所以我也尽量做到能够在满足我所需的购物优惠政策下尽可能的将订单分配到最多,并且也可以享受到更多的优惠福利。每次在小哥那里取件的时候都觉得蛮自豪的,嘿嘿。。。 下面讲一下商品本身的部分。 首先,京东发货的包裹质量向来都是较高的,我曾经也像很多人一样货比三家的在同类大型专业图书网购商城购买过,比较后发现京东的包装是相对认真负责的,订单商品较少时选择以双层塑料包装的形式,虽然没有像其他商家会使用较小型的瓦楞纸箱,但包装是做的相当用心的;商品较多时采用纸箱包装也一定花费了相当的工夫,充分体现了京东商城的服务品质。且包裹内的订单存根详细准确。 其次,由于我是一个十分爱惜书籍的人,对图书的质量也比较在乎,本着藏书的心态大过读书,我对商品本身的质量要求还是比较高的。具体到商品个体上,但凡是出版商提供外塑料包装膜的书籍几乎不存在破损毁坏的情况,因为在运送包裹的过程里难免不发生磕磕碰碰的情况,有时会有塑料膜开裂的现象,但书体本身是完好无损的,拆开后也没有发现有其他质量上的问题,新品成色很高。而凡是不提供外塑料包装膜的书籍质量依旧能保持很好的水平,这一点我觉得很难得,封面磨损少、几乎无划痕污渍破烂变形等情况;内页也少有折痕凹损的情况。每次拆包裹的时候那种满意欣喜的情绪真是不言而喻。 最后,提一下售后服务的部分。因为凑单的原因导致一些我个人操作上的失误,在拨打了京东的客服电话后接线员以积极诚恳的态度解决了我的订单上存在的问题,并且因为我本人对优惠后动的在意而认真地为我解答了疑问,在此也表示感谢。 [QY][SZ][NRJJ]






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