1 形状记忆聚合物的综述 Marc Behl and Andreas Lendlein
2 形状记忆聚合物的结构分类 Hong-Yan Jiang and Annette M.Schmidt
3 热力学行为和建模方法 Hang Jerry Qi and Martin L.Dunn
4 形状记忆聚合物(二/三-段) 的热力学特性和建模方法 Karl Kratz,Wolfgang Wangermaier,Matthias Heuchel,and Andreas Lendlein
5 掺杂炭黑的PU形状记忆聚合物的电、热力学及形状记忆性能 Wei Min Huang and Bin Yang
6 多功能形状记忆聚合物及其驱动方法 Jinsong Leng,Haibao Lu and Shanyi Du
7 形状记忆聚合物复合材料 Jinsong Leng,Xin Lan and Shanyi Du
8 形状记忆聚合物在航天领域的应用 Yanju Liu and Jinsong Leng
9 形状记忆聚合物泡沫及其应用 Witold M.Sokolowski
10 形状记忆聚合物纺织品 Jinlian Hu
11 形状记忆聚合物在生物医药领域的应用 Witold M.Sokolowski and Jinsong Leng
12 形状记忆聚合物的崭新应用及未来 Wei Min Huang
Overview of Shape-Memory Polymers
Marc Behl and Andreas Lendlein*
Center for Biomaterial Development, Institute for Polymer
Research, GKSS Research Center, Teltow, Germany
1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................
1.2 Definition of Actively Moving Polymers ....................................................
1.3 Shape-Memory Polymer Architectures ......................................................
Thermally Induced Dual-Shape Effect ...........................................
Thermoplastic Shape-Memory Polymers ........................
Covalently Cross-Linked Shape-Memory
Polymers ...............................................................................6
Indirect Triggering of Thermally Induced Dual-Shape
Effect ....................................................................................................8
1.4 Light-Induced Dual-Shape Effect .............................................................. 11
1.5 Triple-Shape Polymers ................................................................................12
1.6 Outlook .......................................................................................................... 14
References ...............................................................................................................15
1.1 Introduction
The ability of polymers to respond to external stimuli such as heat or light is of
high scientific and technological significance. Their stimuli-sensitive behavior
enables such materials to change certain of their macroscopic properties such
as shape, color, or refractive index when controlled by an external signal. The
implementation of the capability to actively move into polymers has attracted
the interest of researchers, especially in the last few years, and has been
achieved in polymers as well as in gels. Sensitivity to heat, light, magnetic
fields, and ion strength or pH value was also realized in gels [1]. In nonswollen polymers, active movement is stimulated by exposure to heat or light and
could also be designed as a complex movement with more than two shapes.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: andreas.lendlein@gkss.de
Besides their scientifi c significance, such materials have a high innovation
potential and can be found, e.g., in smart fabrics [2?4], heat-shrinkable tubes
for electronics or films for packaging [5], self-deployable sun sails in space-
crafts [6], self-disassembling mobile phones [7], intelligent medical devices [8],
and implants for minimally invasive surgery [9?11]. These are only examples
and cover only a small region of potential applications. Actively moving polymers may even reshape the design of products [12]. In this chapter, different classes of actively moving materials are introduced with an emphasis on
shape-memory polymers. The fundamental principles of the different functions are explained and examples for specific materials are given.
1.2 Definition of Actively Moving Polymers
Actively moving polymers are able to respond to a specific stimulus by changing their shape. In general, two types of functions have to be distinguished:
the shape-memory and the shape-changing capability. In both cases, the
basic molecular architecture is a polymer network while the mechanisms
underlying the active movement differ [13,14]. Both polymer concepts contain either molecular switches or stimuli-sensitive domains. Upon exposure
to a suitable stimulus, the switches are triggered resulting in the movement
of the shaped body.
Most shape-memory polymers are dual-shape materials exhibiting two distinct shapes. They can be deformed from their original shape and temporarily
assume another shape. This temporary shape is maintained until the shaped
body is exposed to an appropriate stimulus. Shape recovery is predefi ned
by a mechanical deformation leading to the temporary shape. So far, shape-
memory polymers induced by heat or light have been reported. Furthermore,
the concept of the thermally induced shape-memory effect has been extended
by indirect actuation, e.g., irradiation with IR-light, application of electrical
current, exposure to alternating magnetic fields, and immersion in water.
Besides exhibiting two distinct shapes, an important characteristic of
shape-memory polymers is the stability of the temporary shape until the
point of time of exposure to the suitable stimulus and the long-term stability
of the (recovered) permanent shape, which stays unchanged even when not
exposed to the stimulus anymore. Finally, different temporary shapes, substantially differing in their three-dimensional shape, can be created for the
same permanent shape in subsequent cycles.
In contrast to shape-memory polymers, shape-changing polymers change
their shape gradually, i.e., shrink or bend, as long as they are exposed to
a suitable stimulus. Once the stimulus is terminated, they recover their
original shape. This process of stimulated deformation and recovery can
be repeated several times, while the geometry, i.e., of how a workpiece is
moving, is determined by its original three-dimensional shape as the effect
is based on a phase transition in a liquid crystalline elastomer network. Heat,
light, and electromagnetic fields have been reported as suitable stimuli for
shape-changing polymers.
1.3 Shape-Memory Polymer Architectures
The shape-memory effect is not an intrinsic material property, but occurs
due to the combination of the polymer’s molecular architecture and the
resulting polymer morphology in combination with a tailored processing
and programming technology for the creation of the temporary shape. To
enable the shape-memory effect, a polymer architecture, which consists of
netpoints and molecular switches that are sensitive to an external stimulus,
is required.
The permanent shape in such a polymer network is determined by the net-
points that are cross-linked by chain segments (Figure 1.1). Netpoints can
be realized by covalent bonds or intermolecular interactions; hence, they are
either of a chemical or a physical nature. While chemical cross-linking can be
realized by suitable cross-linking chemistry, physical cross-linking requires
a polymer morphology consisting of at least two segregated domains. In
such a morphology, the domains providing the second-highest thermal transition, Ttrans, act as switching domains, and the associated segments of the
multiphase polymers are therefore called “switching segments,” while the
Switching segment, relaxed
Switching segment, elongated and fixed
Shape (B)
Shape (A)
Shape (B)
Molecular mechanism of the thermally induced shape-memory effect. Ttrans is the thermal transition temperature of the switching phase. (Adapted from Lendlein, A. and Kelch, S., Angew.
Chem. Int. Ed., 41(12), 2034, 2002. With permission.)
domains associated-to-the highest thermal transition, Tperm, act as physical
netpoints. The segments forming such hard domains are known as “hard
segments.” These switches must be able t
形状记忆聚合物及其多功能复合材料(导读版) [Shape-Memory Polymers and Multifunctional Composites] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
形状记忆聚合物及其多功能复合材料(导读版) [Shape-Memory Polymers and Multifunctional Composites] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
形状记忆聚合物及其多功能复合材料(导读版) [Shape-Memory Polymers and Multifunctional Composites] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书
形状记忆聚合物及其多功能复合材料(导读版) [Shape-Memory Polymers and Multifunctional Composites] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025