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格洛麗亞·K. 費爾羅(Gloria K. Fiero),在紐約齣生和長大,於加利福尼亞大學伯剋利分校取得藝術史碩士學位,後於弗羅裏達州立大學獲得博士學位。費爾羅教授從事人文傳統、世界曆史和藝術史的教學已經超過三十年。1996年,人文教育研究協會(Humanities Education and Research Association)正式設立瞭“格洛麗亞·費爾羅”人文傳統講座係列,用來紀念費爾羅教授在人文傳統教學與研究領域的貢獻。該項目每年舉辦學術講座和演齣,深受學生和學者歡迎。
Before We Begin
Summary of the Renaissance and the Reformation xvi
第15章 Adversity and Challenge: The Fourteenth-Century Transition ca. 1300-1400 睏境與挑戰:轉型中的14世紀 約1300年—1400年
Europe in Transition 轉型期的歐洲
Literature in Transition 轉型期的文學
Art and Music in Transition 轉型期的藝術和音樂
第16 章 Classical Humanism in the Age of the Renaissance ca. 1300-1600 文藝復興時期的古典人文主義約1300年—1600年
Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance 意大利:文藝復興的發源地
Classical Humanism 古典人文主義
Renaissance Women 文藝復興時期的女性
Machiavelli 馬基雅弗利
第17 章 Renaissance Artists: Disciples of Nature, Masters of Invention ca. 1400-1600 文藝復興時期的藝術傢:自然的門徒,創造的大師 約1400年—1600年
Renaissance Art and Patronage 文藝復興時期的藝術及其資助
The Early Renaissance 早期文藝復興
The High Renaissance 盛期文藝復興
The Music of the Renaissance 文藝復興時期的音樂
第18 章 Cross-Cultural Encounters: Asia, Africa, and the Americas ca. 1300-1600 文化的相遇:亞洲、非洲和美洲?約1300年—1600年
Global Travel and Trade 全球旅行及貿易
The African Cultural Heritage 非洲文化遺産
The Arts of Africa 非洲藝術
Cross-Cultural Encounter 文化的相遇
The Americas 美洲
Early Empires in the Americas 美洲的早期帝國
Cross-Cultural Encounter 文化的相遇
第19章 Protest and Reform: The Waning of the Old Order ca. 1400-1600 反抗與改革:舊秩序的式微?約1400年—1600年
The Temper of Reform 改革的烈焰
The Protestant Reformation 新教改革
Northern Renaissance Art 文藝復興時期的北歐藝術
Sixteenth-Century Literature 16世紀的文學
Shakespeare 莎士比亞
第20 章 The Catholic Reformation and the Baroque Style ca. 1550–1750 天主教改革與巴羅剋風格?約1550年—1750年
The Catholic Reformation 天主教改革
Catholicism’s Global Reach 天主教在全球的傳播
Literature and the Catholic Reformation 文學與天主教改革
The Visual Arts and the Catholic Reformation 視覺藝術與天主教改革
The Baroque Style 巴羅剋
Pico della MirandolaWfie Ficino was engaged in popularizing Plato;one ofhis most 1earned contemporaries、Giovanni Pico dellaMirandola(1463-1494).undertook the translation of vari.OUS ancient literary works in Hebrew,Arabic,Latin。andGreek。Humanist,poet,and theologian、Pico sought notonly to bring to light the entire history of human thought,but to prove that a11 intellectual expression shared thesame divine purpose and design.This effort to discover a“unity of truth”in all philosophic thought-similar to butmore comprehensive than the medieval quest for synthesisand SO dramatically different from our own modern plural-istic out00k-came to dominate the arts and ideas of theHigh Renaissance。
Pico’S program to recover the past and his reverence forthe power of human knowledge continued a tradition that100ked back tO Petrarch;at the same time、his monumentalefforts typified the activist spirit of Renaissance{ndividual.ism-the affirmation of the unique,self-fashioning potentialof the human being.In Rome,at the age of twenty-four,Pico boldly challenged the Church to debate some 900theological propositions that challenged the institutionalChurch in a variety of theological and philosophical mat-ters.The young scholar did not get the opportunity todebate his theses;indeed,he was persecuted for heresy andforced to flee Italy.As an introduction to the disputation,Pico had prepared tile Latin introduction that has cometo be called the Oration on ckC Dignity of Man.In this“manifeStO of humanism,”Pico drew on a wide range ofliterary sources to build an argument for free will and theperfectibility of the individual.Describing the individual’Sposition as only“a little lower than the angels。”he stressedman’s capaciW to determine his own destiny on the bier.archical“chain of being”that!inked the divine and bruterealms。A1though Pico’S 0ration was not circulated untilafter his death,its assertion of free wil〔and its acclamationof the unlimited potential of the individual came tO symb01.ize the collective ideals of the Renaissance humanists。TheRenaissance view that the self-made individual occupies thecenter of a rational universe is nowhere better describedthan in the following excerpt。
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