納尼亞傳奇(套裝共7冊 中英雙語典藏版)

納尼亞傳奇(套裝共7冊 中英雙語典藏版) 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書 2025

[英] C·S·劉易斯 著,嚮和平 譯




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齣版社: 天津人民齣版社
叢書名: 納尼亞傳奇

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Chapter 1 The Wrong Door 進錯門
Chapter 2 Digory And His Uncle 迪戈裏和他的舅舅
Chapter 3 The Wood Between The Worlds 世界之間的樹林
Chapter 4 The Bell And The Hammer 鈴與錘
Chapter 5 The Deplorable Word 悲慘之語
Chapter 6 The Beginning Of Uncle Andrew’s Troubles 安德魯舅舅遇到麻煩瞭
Chapter 7 What Happened At The Front Door 發生在前門的事件
Chapter 8 The Fight At The Lamp—post 路燈柱旁的戰鬥
Chapter 9 The Founding Of Narnia 納尼亞的締造
Chapter 10 The First Joke And Other Matters 第一個笑話及其他
Chapter 11 Digory And His Uncle Are Both In Trouble 迪戈裏和他舅舅都遇到瞭麻煩
Chapter 12 StraWberry’s Adventure 草莓的曆險
Chapter 13 An Unexpected Meeting 不期而遇
Chapter 14 The Planting Of The Tree 種下守護之樹
Chapter 15 The End Of This Story And The Beginning Of All The Others 這個故事的結局,其他故事的開始


  The Wrong Door


  This is a story about something that happened long ago when your grandfather was a child. It is a very important story because it shows how all the comings and goings between our own world and the land of Narnia first began.

  In those days Mr. Sherlock Holmes was still living in Baker Street and the Bastables were looking for treasure in the Lewisham Road. In those days, if you were a boy you had to wear a stiff Eton collar every day, and schools were usually nastier than now. But meals were nicer; and as for sweets, I won’t tell you how cheap and good they were, because it would only make your mouth water in vain. And in those days there lived in London a girl called Polly Plummer.

  She lived in one of a long row of houses which were all joined together. One morning she was out in the back garden when a boy scrambled up from the garden next door and put his face over the wall. Polly was very surprised because up till now there had never been any children in that house, but only Mr. Ketterley and Miss Ketterley, a brother and sister, old bachelor and old maid, living together. So she looked up, full of curiosity. The face of the strange boy was very grubby. It could hardly have been grubbier if he had first rubbed his hands in the earth, and then had a good cry, and then dried his face with his hands. As a matter of fact, this was very nearly what he had been doing.

  “Hullo,” said Polly.

  “Hullo,” said the boy. “What’s your name?”

  “Polly,” said Polly. “What’s yours?”

  “Digory,” said the boy.

  “I say, what a funny name!” said Polly.

  “It isn’t half so funny as Polly,” said Digory.

  “Yes it is,” said Polly.

  “No, it isn’t,” said Digory.

  “At any rate I do wash my face,” said Polly. “Which is what you need to do; especially after—” and then she stopped. She had been going to say “After you’ve been blubbing,” but she thought that wouldn’t be polite.

  “All right, I have then,” said Digory in a much louder voice, like a boy who was so miserable that he didn’t care who knew he had been crying. “And so would you,” he went on, “if you’d lived all your life in the country and had a pony, and a river at the bottom of the garden, and then been brought to live in a beastly Hole like this.”

  “London isn't a Hole,” said Polly indignantly. But the boy was too wound up to take any notice of her, and he went on—

  “And if your father was away in India—and you had to come and live with an Aunt and an Uncle who's mad (who would like that?)—and if the reason was that they were looking after your Mother—and if your Mother was ill and was going to—going to—die.” Then his face went the wrong sort of shape as it does if you’re trying to keep back your tears.

  “I didn't know. I'm sorry,” said Polly humbly. And then, because she hardly knew what to say, and also to turn Digory’s mind to cheerful subjects, she asked:

  “Is Mr Ketterley really mad?”

  “Well, either he’s mad,” said Digory, “or there’s some other mystery. He has a study on the top floor and Aunt Letty says I must never go up there. Well, that looks fishy to begin with. And then there’s another thing. Whenever he tries to say anything to me at meal times—he never even tries to talk to her—she always shuts him up. She says,

  ‘Don’t worry the boy, Andrew’ or ‘I’m sure Digory doesn’t want to hear about that’ or else ‘Now, Digory, wouldn’t you like to go out and play in the garden?’”

  “What sort of things does he try to say?”

  “I don’t know. He never gets far enough. But there’s more than that. One night—it was last night in fact—as I was going past the foot of the attic stairs on my way to bed (and I don’t much care for going past them either) I’m sure I heard a yell.”

  “Perhaps he keeps a mad wife shut up there.”

  “Yes, I’ve thought of that.”

  “Or perhaps he’s a coiner.”

  “Or he might have been a pirate, like the man at the beginning of Treasure Island, and be always hiding from his old shipmates.”

  “How exciting!” said Polly, “I never knew your house was so interesting.”

  “You may think it interesting,” said Digory. “But you wouldn’t like it if you had to sleep there. How would you like to lie awake listening for Uncle Andrew’s step to come creeping along the passage to your room? And he has such awful eyes.”

  That was how Polly and Digory got to know one another: and as it was just the beginning of the summer holidays and neither of them was going to the sea that year, they met nearly every day.

  Their adventures began chiefly because it was one of the wettest and coldest summers there had been for years. That drove them to do indoor things: you might say, indoor exploration. It is wonderful how much exploring you can do with a stump of candle in a big house, or in a row of houses. Polly had discovered long ago that if you opened a certain little door in the box-room attic of her house you would find the cistern and a dark place behind it which you could get into by a little careful climbing. The dark place was like a long tunnel with brick wall on one side and sloping roof on the other. In the roof there were little chunks of light between the slates. There was no floor in this tunnel: you had to step from rafter to rafter, and between them there was only plaster. If you stepped on this you would find yourself falling through the ceiling of the room below. Polly had used the bit of the tunnel just beside the cistern as a smugglers’ cave. She had brought up bits of old packing cases and the seats of broken kitchen chairs, and things of that sort, and spread them across from rafter to rafter so as to make a bit of floor.












  “ 起碼我洗過臉瞭。” 波利說, “ 那可是你要做的, 尤其是在剛剛——”她一下子打住瞭話頭。她本來想說“剛剛嚎啕大哭之後”,但她感到那樣說不太禮貌。

  “好吧,我確實哭過。”迪戈裏提高瞭嗓門說道,就像是一個特彆傷心的男孩子,根本不在乎彆人知道他曾經哭過。“你一定也會哭的,”他繼續說著,“如果你一直住在鄉村,有一匹小馬,在花園的盡頭 納尼亞傳奇(套裝共7冊 中英雙語典藏版) 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式

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