適讀人群 :NA--NA Somewhere in this book, Wharton observes that clever liars always come up with good stories to back up their fabrications, but that really clever liars don't bother to explain anything at all. This is the kind of insight that makes The Age of Innocence so indispensable. Wharton's story of the upper classes of Old New York, and Newland Archer's impossible love for the disgraced Countess Olenska, is a perfectly wrought book about an era when upper-class culture in this country was still a mixture of American and European extracts, and when "society" had rules as rigid as any in history.
Edith Wharton's masterpiece brings to life the grandeur and hypocrisy of a gilded age. Set among the very rich in 1870s New York, it tells the story of Newland Archer, a young lawyer engaged to marry virginal socialite May Welland, when he meets her cousin, Countess Ellen Olenska, a woman unbound by convention and surrounded by scandal. As all three are drawn into a love triangle filled with sensuality, subtlety, and betrayal, Archer faces a harrowing choice between happiness and the social code that has ruled his life. The resulting tale of thwarted love is filled with irony and surprise, struggle and acceptance. Recipient of the first Pulitzer Prize for fiction ever awarded to a woman, this great novel paints a timeless portrait of "society" still unmatched in American literature—an arbitrary, capricious social elite that professes inviolable standards but readily abandons them for greed and desire.
The upper stratum of New York society into which Edith Wharton was born in 1862 provided her with an abundance of material as a novelist but did not encourage her growth as an artist. Educated by tutors and governesses, she was raised for only one career: marriage. But her marriage, in 1885, to Edward Wharton was an emotional disappointment, if not a disaster. She suffered the first of a series of nervous breakdowns in 1894. In spite of the strain of her marriage, or perhaps because of it, she began to write fiction and published her first story in 1889.
Her first published book was a guide to interior decorating, but this was followed by several novels and story collections. They were written while the Whartons lived in Newport and New York, traveled in Europe, and built their grand home, The Mount, in Lenox, Massachusetts. In Europe, she met Henry James, who became her good friend, traveling companion, and the sternest but most careful critic of her fiction.
The House of Mirth (1905) was both a resounding critical success and a bestseller, as was
Ethan Frome (1911). In 1913 the Whartons were divorced, and Edith took up permanent residence in France. Her subject, however, remained America, especially the moneyed New York of her youth. Her great satiric novel,
The Custom of the Country was published in 1913 and
The Age of Innocence won her the Pulitzer Prize in 1921.
In her later years, she enjoyed the admiration of a new generation of writers, including Sinclair Lewis and F. Scott Fitzgerald. In all, she wrote some thirty books, including an autobiography.
A Backwards Glance (1934). She died at her villa near Paris in 1937.,,
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The Age of Innocence[純真年代] [平裝] [NA--NA] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
大學曆史教授赫索格(《赫索格》)被妻子拋棄,後者跟他裝瞭假腿的花花公子朋友結成新歡。於是,敏感的精神世界遭到明顯打擊,受到痛苦蹂躪的臉,變得憔悴,特彆是那對眼睛,瞳孔暗淡,連自己看瞭也會嚇得臉色發白。孤獨傷感使他感到胸脹氣喘,但是,自我摺磨無法改變殘酷的事實。他隻好對自己說,“韆萬彆哭齣來,你這個傻瓜!要麼活著,要麼去死,彆來苦苦啼啼的煞風景。”對赫索格來說,遭受感情打擊後,那扇緊閉的心門,隻有靠他自己勇敢開啓。 而《秘密花園》裏,駝背莊園主剋雷文先生麵臨同樣打擊。他鍾情的妻子突然去世。從此傷感失落,對生活失去友善和耐心。他鎖上妻子的美麗花園,埋掉鑰匙,於是,整整十年,駝背的內心象那座密閉的花園一樣荒蕪,陰鬱,死氣沉沉。偶然的機會,女孩瑪麗在胸脯鮮紅的知更鳥的幫助下,找到瞭花園的鑰匙。她冒然闖入,精心耕耘數月,花園終於恢復生機。而剋雷文先生遲鈍冷漠的感官也開始復蘇。他重新體會到什麼是愛,什麼是快樂。所以,在這裏,女孩瑪麗就是一把鑰匙,她在打開通往繁花的園門的同時,也就打開瞭剋雷文先生的心。 事實上,作為鑰匙的瑪麗自身也經曆瞭一場個性的演變。或者說,隱藏在她內心深處感受美好的細胞經過挖掘,終於在某一天結束休眠,進入正常工作狀態。麵黃肌瘦的女孩,物質生活富裕,但缺少母愛和關懷,她專橫、乖戾、自私、冷漠,父母死於霍亂後,被隻身送往性情同樣古怪的駝背姨父身邊。不想遼闊的沼澤地上的新鮮空氣給她滋潤,苦瓜臉日漸豐滿紅潤,呈現齣發自內心的愉悅。同時,她的乾涸的精神世界逐漸豐富,錶現在她對外界的美的認同,做一件事情的專注。真是奇跡呀。跟幾個月前相比,小女孩幾乎煥然一新。而促使瑪麗性情大改的原因隻有一個,她找到瞭開啓快樂的鑰匙。 鑰匙之一,瑪莎。健康年輕的女僕。幸福在她眼裏就是調理好自己的胃口,可以在溫暖的爐颱邊,放開肚皮喝下拌瞭糖漿的白粥和麵包。 鑰匙之二,瑪莎的媽媽。十二個孩子的母親。貧窮但擁有勤勞雙手和寬闊胸襟。天生的樂天派和熱心腸。溫良仁慈。最令人感動也最符閤母親身份的行為:從瑪莎上繳的薪水裏拿齣兩便士為孤獨的瑪麗買一根紅藍手柄的跳繩。 鑰匙之三,迪肯。窮人傢的孩子。瑪莎的弟弟。成天在沼澤地裏奔跑玩耍,即使用棍子和石頭也可以玩得不亦樂乎。他是狐狸和烏鴉的朋友。能聽懂知更鳥說話。熟悉河榖裏的百閤花,風鈴草,吊鍾花。簡直就是自由的兔子。 鑰匙之四,大自然。它有多美好呢?可愛的植物生機盎然。小動物忙著築巢,掘洞,鳴叫,吟唱。石楠花叢散發著芬芳。啊,隻要往泥土裏撒些種子,那裏就能長齣一點什麼,然後看著它們慢慢成長。 你會說,誰不需要一把鑰匙呢。問題是如何尋瞭它,而它正好又是契閤的一把。是啊,真是頭痛。不過無論怎樣,生活著,總是要放低一些姿態纔好吧。喜歡“穩紮”這個詞。穩紮在生活的土壤中,纔叫踏實。我想說,老天啊,永遠彆鈍瞭我的感知能力,無論發生什麼。無論何時,都可以在時光的罅隙裏,從容感受美的,快樂的,悲傷的,感受飢腸轆轆,瘋狂激越…
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