The Catcher in Rye is the ultimate novel for disaffected youth, but it's relevant to all ages. The story is told by Holden Caulfield, a seventeen- year-old dropout who has just been kicked out of his fourth school. Throughout, Holden dissects the 'phony' aspects of society, and the 'phonies' themselves: the headmaster whose affability depends on the wealth of the parents, his roommate who scores with girls using sickly-sweet affection.
Lazy in style, full of slang and swear words, it's a novel whose interest and appeal comes from its observations rather than its plot intrigues (in conventional terms, there is hardly any plot at all). Salinger's style creates an effect of conversation, it is as though Holden is speaking to you personally, as though you too have seen through the pretences of the American Dream and are growing up unable to see the point of living in, or contributing to, the society around you.
Written with the clarity of a boy leaving childhood, it deals with society, love, loss, and expectations without ever falling into the clutch of a cliche.
The Catcher in the Rye麥田裏的守望者 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
The Catcher in the Rye麥田裏的守望者 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書經典的作品,買個便宜的版本看看瞭
評分書已經給同學瞭 沒得曬瞭 不過還是很喜歡呢
評分嚮河邊奔去。 古浪問道:“我們可是要雇船?” 桑魯歌接口道:“不用雇!我有船在等著!” 古浪果然看見一條大船泊在碼頭,這時他突然想起瞭童石紅,不禁急道:“糟!石紅不知怎麼樣瞭!” 桑魯歌接口道:“現在我們沒有時間再等她瞭,好在她與況紅居是骨肉之親,不會有什麼意外的。” 古浪雖然焦急,但是也無可奈何,二人一陣急馳,來到瞭碼頭,立時上船,幾個小夥子,扯帆操槳,很快地駛瞭齣去。 桑魯歌交待瞭幾句,對古浪道:“我們進艙吧!但願路上不要有什麼變化,能夠早些到達傢中。” 二人走進瞭艙中,隻見一個青衣的女子,坐在艙中,清麗可人,正是童石紅! 古浪不禁又驚又喜,急步趕瞭過去,拉住瞭童石紅的手,笑道:“啊呀!石紅,我正在為你擔心!你怎麼到這裏來的?況
評分非常好用 很滿意的購物
The Catcher in the Rye麥田裏的守望者 英文原版 [平裝] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025