Folger Shakespeare Library The world's leading center for Shakespeare studies ? Full explanatory notes conveniently placedon the page facing each sonnet? A brief introduction to each sonnet, providing insight into its possible meaning? An index of first lines? An essay by Professor Lynne Magnusson, a leading Shakespeare scholar, providing a modern perspective on the poems? Illustrations from the Folger Shakespeare Library's vast holdings of rare booksThe Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C., is home to the world's largest collection of Shakespeare's printed works, and a magnet for Shakespeare scholars from around the globe. In addition to exhibitions open to the public throughout the year, the Folger offers a full calendar of performances and programs.
William Shakespeare, 1564 - 1616 Although there are many myths and mysteries surrounding William Shakespeare, a great deal is actually known about his life. He was born in Stratford-Upon-Avon, son of John Shakespeare, a prosperous merchant and local politician and Mary Arden, who had the wealth to send their oldest son to Stratford Grammar School. At 18, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, the 27-year-old daughter of a local farmer, and they had their first daughter six months later. He probably developed an interest in theatre by watching plays performed by traveling players in Stratford while still in his youth. Some time before 1592, he left his family to take up residence in London, where he began acting and writing plays and poetry. By 1594 Shakespeare had become a member and part owner of an acting company called The Lord Chamberlain's Men, where he soon became the company's principal playwright. His plays enjoyed great popularity and high critical acclaim in the newly built Globe Theatre. It was through his popularity that the troupe gained the attention of the new king, James I, who appointed them the King's Players in 1603. Before retiring to Stratford in 1613, after the Globe burned down, he wrote more than three dozen plays (that we are sure of) and more than 150 sonnets. He was celebrated by Ben Jonson, one of the leading playwrights of the day, as a writer who would be "not for an age, but for all time," a prediction that has proved to be true. Today, Shakespeare towers over all other English writers and has few rivals in any language. His genius and creativity continue to astound scholars, and his plays continue to delight audiences. Many have served as the basis for operas, ballets, musical compositions, and films. While Jonson and other writers labored over their plays, Shakespeare seems to have had the ability to turn out work of exceptionally high caliber at an amazing speed. At the height of his career, he wrote an average of two plays a year as well as dozens of poems, songs, and possibly even verses for tombstones and heraldic shields, all while he continued to act in the plays performed by the Lord Chamberlain's Men. This staggering output is even more impressive when one considers its variety. Except for the English history plays, he never wrote the same kind of play twice. He seems to have had a good deal of fun in trying his hand at every kind of play. Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets, all published on 1609, most of which were dedicated to his patron Henry Wriothsley, The Earl of Southhampton. He also wrote 13 comedies, 13 histories, 6 tragedies, and 4 tragecomedies. He died at Stratford-upon-Avon April 23, 1616, and was buried two days later on the grounds of Holy Trinity Church in Stratford. His cause of death was unknown, but it is surmised that he knew he was dying.
Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D., is a women's activist whose work in empowering women earned her election to the Women's Hall of Fame.
Barbara A. Mowat is director of academic programs at the Folger Shakespeare Library, senior editor of Shakespeare quarterly, chair of the Folger Institute, and author of The Dramaturgy of Shakespeare's Romances as well as essays on Shakespeare's plays and the editing of them.
Paul Westine is a professor of English at King's College and the Graduate School of the University of Western Ontario, Canada. He is general editor of the New Variorum Shakespeare and author of many papers and articles on the printing and editing of Shakespeare's plays.
Shakespeare's Sonnets[莎翁十四行诗] [平装] [12--17] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
Shakespeare's Sonnets[莎翁十四行诗] [平装] [12--17] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Shakespeare's Sonnets[莎翁十四行诗] [平装] [12--17] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书
除了原来早就知道的,他强大的技术背景,跟随内心的选择,以及对人品的强调之外,我发觉李开复是一个非常有大局观的人。在他多家公司的从业经历,以及书中对于各个时期所做产品的描写来看,他能很清楚地分析未来的发展趋势,和自己适合的落脚点,所以开复说的跟随内心的选择看似感性,其实是超级理性的。他的选择是基于对于世界发展趋势的全面认识,以及对于自己优劣势的全面分析。和书店的比较过了,应该是正版图书。价格可以,购买方便,送货上门,网购就是好,我一下买了好几本书。,有你陪伴,真好!不错,很喜欢。买书还来京东,印刷很精美,正版书籍,价格有折扣惠,送货快, 当你心情愉快时,读书能让你发现身边更多美好的事物,让你更加享受生活。读书是一种最美丽的享受。“书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉。”
物流速度快 很好
very very nice
发货速度很快,蛮好 今天我在网上买的几本书送到了。取书的时候,忽然想起一家小书店,就在我们大院对面的街上,以前我常去,书店的名字毫无记忆,但店里的女老板我很熟,每次需要什么书都先给她打电话说好,晚上散步再去取。我们像朋友一样聊天,她还时常替读者找我签名。可是,自从学会从网上购书后,我再也没去过她那里了,今天忽然想起她,晚上散步到她那里,她要我教她在网上买书,这就是帮她在京东上买了这本书。好了,废话不说。书很好是正版的,包装一般,书角有点压坏,还好不影响什么,质量很好,发货速度很快,两天就收到了,书的内容确实很实用,这些天忘记回老家拿书了,家里人帮忙收到这本书,很早就收到了。好了,我现在来说说这本书的观感吧,一个人重要的是找到自己的腔调,不论说话还是写字。腔调一旦确立,就好比打架有了块趁手的板砖,怎么使怎么顺手,怎么拍怎么有劲,顺带着身体姿态也挥洒自如,打架简直成了舞蹈,兼有了美感和韵味。要论到写字,腔调甚至先于主题,它是一个人特有的形式,或者工具;不这么说,不这么写,就会别扭;工欲善其事,必先利其器,腔调有时候就是“器”,有时候又是“事”,对一篇文章或者一本书来说,器就是事,事就是器。这本书,的确是用他特有的腔调表达了对“腔调”本身的赞美。|据了解,京东为顾客提供操作规范的逆向物流以及上门取件、代收货款等专业服务。已经开通全国360个大中城市的配送业务,近1000家配送站,并开通了自提点,社区合作、校园合作、便利店合作等形式,可以满足诸多商家以及消费者个性化的配送需求。为了全面满足客户的配送需求,京东商城打造了万人的专业服务团队,拥有四通八达的运输网络、遍布全国的网点覆盖,以及日趋完善的信息系统平台。所以京东的物流我是比较放心的。好了,现在给大家介绍两本好书:《电影学院037?电影语言的语法:电影剪辑的奥秘》编辑推荐:全球畅销三十余年并被翻译成数十种语言,被公认为讨论导演、摄影、剪辑等电影影像画面组织技巧方面最详密、实用的经典之作。|从实践出发阐明摄影机位、场面调度、剪辑等电影语言,为“用画面讲故事”奠定基础;百科全书式的工作手册,囊括拍摄中的所有基本设计方案,如对话场面、人物运动,使初学者能够迅速掌握专业方法;近500幅机位图、故事板贯穿全书,帮助读者一目了然地理解电影语言;对大量经典影片的典型段落进行多角度分析,如《西北偏北》、《放大》、《广岛之恋》、《桂河大桥》,深入揭示其中激动人心的奥秘;《致青年电影人的信:电影圈新人的入行锦囊》是中国老一辈电影教育工作者精心挑选的教材,在翻译、审订中投入了巨大的心力,译笔简明、准确、流畅,惠及无数电影人。二、你是否也有错过的挚爱?有些人,没有在一起,也好。如何遇见不要紧,要紧的是,如何告别。《莫失莫忘》并不简单是一本爱情小说,作者将众多社会事件作为故事的时代背景,俨然一部加长版的《倾城之恋》。“莫失莫忘”是贾宝玉那块通灵宝玉上刻的字,代表着一段看似完美实则无终的金玉良缘。叹人间美中不足今方信,纵然是举案齐眉,到底意难平。“相爱时不离不弃,分开后莫失莫忘”,这句话是秋微对感情的信仰,也是她对善缘的执念。才女作家秋微近几年最费心力写的一本小说,写作过程中由于太过投入,以至揪心痛楚到无法继续,直至完成最后一个字,大哭一场,才得以抽离出这份情感,也算是对自己前一段写作生涯的完美告别。
Shakespeare's Sonnets[莎翁十四行诗] [平装] [12--17] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025