On the hottest day of the summer of 1934, thirteen-year-old Briony Tallis sees her sister Cecilia strip off her clothes and plunge into the fountain in the garden of their country house. Watching her is Robbie Turner, her childhood friend who, like Cecilia, has recently come down from Cambridge. By the end of that day, the lives of all three will have been changed for ever. Robbie and Cecilia will have crossed a boundary they had not even imagined at its start, and will have become victims of the younger girl's imagination. Briony will have witnessed mysteries, and committed a crime for which she will spend the rest of her life trying to atone.
Ian McEwan is the author of two collections of stories and eleven previous novels, including Enduring Love, Amsterdam, for which he won the Booker Prize in 1998, Atonement and, most recently,Solar.
Atonement is Ian McEwan's ninth novel and his first since the Booker Prize-winning Amsterdam in 1998. But whereas Amsterdam was a slim, sleek piece, Atonement is a more sturdy, ambitious work, allowing McEwan more room to play, think and experiment. We meet 13-year-old Briony Tallis in the summer of 1935, as she attempts to stage a production of her new drama The Trials of Arabella to welcome home her elder, idolised brother Leon. But she soon discovers that her cousins, the glamorous Lola and the twin boys Jackson and Pierrot, aren't up to the task, and directorial ambitions are abandoned as more interesting preoccupations come onto the scene. The charlady's son Robbie Turner appears to be forcing Briony's sister Cecilia to strip in the Fountain and sends her obscene letters; Leon has brought home a dim chocolate magnate keen for a war to promote his new "Army Amo" bar; and upstairs Briony's migraine-stricken mother Emily keeps tabs on the house from her bed. Soon, secrets emerge that change the lives of everyone present... The interwar upper-middle-class setting of the book's long, masterfully sustained opening section might recall Virginia Woolf or Henry Green, but as we move forward--eventually to the turn of the 21st century--the novel's central concerns emerge, and McEwan's voice becomes clear, even personal. For at heart, Atonement is about the pleasures, pains and dangers of writing, and perhaps even more, about the challenge of controlling what readers make of your writing. McEwan shouldn't have any doubts about readers of Atonement: this is a thoughtful, provocative and at times moving book that will have readers applauding.--Alan Stewart --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Atonement is a magnificent novel, shaped and paced with awesome confidence and eloquence', Independent .'Subtle as well as powerful, adeptly encompassing comedy as well as atrocity, Atonement is a richly intricate book- A superb achievement which combines a magnificent display of the powers of the imagination with a probing exploration of them', Sunday Times .'He is this country's unrivalled literary giant...a fascinatingly strange, unique and gripping novel', Independent on Sunday
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很好 下次在来 还可以,和印象里的有一点点区别,可能是我记错了书比我想的要厚很多,就是字有点小,不过挺实惠的,很满意!书非常好,正版的,非常值,快递也给力,必须给好评,就是感觉包装有点简陋啊哈哈~~~不过书很好,看了下内容也都很不错,快递也很给力,东西很好 物流速度也很快,和照片描述的也一样,给个满分吧 下次还会来买!星期天在家没事,突然想去附近的超市逛逛。信步走进去看看,来到服装柜台,看见一款上衣,颜色面料都不错,于是心动了,想买,由于这是自选商场,我便去取下来试穿,在镜子前刚穿上,一女服务员走了过来,面无表情的说道:知道穿多大号吗?就自己拿着试开了。要买就去收银台交钱,也不看价钱!”本来打算买的,一看这个服务员,只好无奈的摇摇头将衣服放回原位,悻悻的走开了。心想我还是到网上来算了,于是回家上网到京东挑选衣服了,看见了这本书就买了。通读这本书,是需要细火慢烤地慢慢品味和幽寂沉思的。亲切、随意、简略,给人洁净而又深沉的感触,这样的书我久矣读不到了,今天读来实在是一件叫人高兴之事。作者审视历史,拷问灵魂,洋溢着哲思的火花。人生是一段段的旅程,也是需要承载物的。因为火车,发生过多少相聚和分离。当一声低鸣响起,多少记忆将载入历史的尘梦中啊。其实这本书一开始我也没看上,是朋友极力推荐加上书封那个有点像史努比的小人无辜又无奈的小眼神吸引了我,决定只是翻一下就好,不过那开篇的序言之幽默一下子便抓住了我的眼睛,一个词来形容——“太逗了”。|现在,京东域名正式更换为JDCOM。其中的“JD”是京东汉语拼音(JING DON|G)首字母组合。从此,您不用再特意记忆京东的域名,也无需先搜索再点击,只要在浏览器输入JD.COM,即可方便快捷地访问京东,实现轻松购物。名为“Joy”的京东吉祥物我很喜欢,TA承载着京东对我们的承诺和努力。狗以对主人忠诚而著称,同时也拥有正直的品行,和快捷的奔跑速度。太喜爱京东了。|给大家介绍本好书《我们如何走到这一步》自序:这些年,你过得怎么样我曾经想过,如果能时光穿梭,遇见从前的自己,是否可以和她做朋友。但我审慎地不敢发表意见。因为从前的自己是多么无知,这件事是很清楚的。就算怀着再复杂的爱去回望,没准儿也能气个半死,看着她在那条傻乎乎的路上跌跌撞撞前行,忍不住开口相劝,搞不好还会被她厌弃。你看天下的事情往往都是一厢情愿。当然我也忍住了各种吐槽,人总是要给自己留余地的,因为还有一种可能是,未来的自己回望现在,看见的还是一个人。好在现在不敢轻易放狠话了,所以总算显得比年轻的时候还有一分从容。但不管什么时候的你,都是你。这时间轴上反复上演的就是打怪兽的过程。过去困扰你的事情,现在已可轻易解决,但往往还有更大的boss在前面等你。“人怎么可能没有烦恼呢”——无论是你初中毕业的那个午后,或者多年后功成名就那一天,总有不同忧伤涌上心头:有些烦恼是钱可以解决的,而更伤悲的是有些烦恼是钱解决不了的。我们曾经在年少时想象的“等到什么什么的时候就一切都好起来了”根本就是个谬论。所以,只能咬着牙继续朝前走吧。
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