Duck & Goose, Goose & Duck. Feathered friends forever . . . or are they? That's what we discover in this charming and hilarious follow-up to the bestselling Duck & Goose. You see, there's a challenge to their friendship: a little whippersnapper of a duck named Thistle. Thistle's good at everything (or so she thinks), from math to holding her breath to standing on her head. Duck thinks she's fantastic. But Goose does not! And so Goose is faced with a problem close to the hearts of children everywhere: what happens when your best friend makes a new friend?
Tad Hills is the author and illustrator of the
New York Times bestselling book,
Duck & Goose, called "expressive" and "adorable" in a starred review from
Kirkus Reviews. He is also the illustrator of
My Fuzzy Friends and
Knock, Knock, Who"s There? A painter, an actor, and an obsessive Halloween costume maker, he lives in Brooklyn, New York, with his wife and children.
"Old friends Goose and Duck return in a situation that many youngsters will recognize. Duck can't wait to introduce his new girlfriend, Thistle, to Goose. Thistle is enthusiasm personified, as well as being a mistress of one-up-man-ship. At first Duck joins in the contests she proposes to prove that she is the best, at counting, or racing, or balancing on a log. Goose, meanwhile, decides he'd rather look for butterflies. But Duck begins to tire of Thistle's games. He misses Goose. When he finally finds him, they both admit that they'd rather do the things they have always done quietly together. When Thistle finds them, they have worked out their own happy ending. The tale begins on the front end-papers, showing the three tiny characters in a peaceful green landscape. On the back end-papers, Duck and Goose are playing ball in the same landscape as Thistle sleeps under a bush. In the spirit of the simple text, the oil-painted—illustrations use vignettes and an occasional double-page scene to set the stage for the gentle fun and games. These are anthropomorphic, a bit cartoony creatures sporting as typical youngsters."
--Children's Literature
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《森林童話故事係列叢書(套裝共7冊)》這套意大利經典童話共7冊,分彆為《大森林中的秘密》《小精靈》《紅鬍子巨人》《六仙女》《小樹妖》《恐龍帝國》《神秘的金字塔》。 《森林童話故事係列叢書(套裝共7冊)》中選取純真可愛的小動物、善於發明創造的小精靈、擁有神奇魔法的六仙女、調皮搗蛋的小樹妖等小朋友們喜愛的形象為主人公,帶領孩子們進入一個個神奇奧妙的童話天地。這裏不僅有溫暖人心的友誼,令人捧腹大笑的“惡作劇”,還有啓發孩子心智的奇思妙想,更有耐人尋味的的生活哲理。 精彩絕倫的插畫,更為這套堪稱意大利國寶的童話作品增光添彩,細膩溫情的筆觸,栩栩如生的描摹,躍然紙上的形象,熱鬧歡快的場麵,為小讀者們展現瞭一個個極富吸引力的繽紛世界。
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