One of the youngest pharaohs is brought to life in Roberta Edward's biography of King Tutankhaman. Years after all of the other pharaohs' tombs had been unearthed and robbed, Tut rested peacefully. A lesser pharaoh in his time, Tut now enjoys worldwide fame, thanks to a persistent archaeologist named Howard Carter, who discovered his resting place in 1922. The mummy madness that preceded Carter's unexpected success is detailed, as well as Carter's tireless search and the contents of Tut's tomb. Because Tut died at such a young age, little is known about his life or death, except what could be gathered from the contents of his tomb. And yet, the story is riveting and readers will feel the excitement of finding a treasure long forgotten. The changes to the spiritual structure of Egypt by Tut's father, Amenhotep IV, may be difficult for some children to comprehend, but the resulting mystery of Tut's death will interest the most reluctant reader. Filled with simple yet interesting drawings and maps, this is a wonderful alternative to the "Magic Tree House" series. King Tut is just one of the many historical figures featured in the "Who Was.?" series. 2006, Grosset & Dunlap/Penguin, Ages 8 to 11.
Who Was King Tut? 古埃及圖特王(人物傳奇係列) 英文原版 [平裝] [7歲及以上] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Who Was King Tut? 古埃及圖特王(人物傳奇係列) 英文原版 [平裝] [7歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書618囤貨,劃算,14.7一本
評分很好的一套叢書,一拿到手,兒子很興奮地從中抽取瞭他最感興趣的一本——有趣的形狀和數,每天放學迴傢後,看十頁,很快就看完瞭,現在在看第二本,奇妙的植物世界,介紹瞭各種各樣的植物,植物能為我們做什麼,非常有趣,當他看瞭植物的葉子為什麼是綠色的時候,當天晚上我炒瞭一個通心菜,他趁勢考爸爸,爸爸,植物的葉子為什麼是綠色的?爸爸假裝不知道,他很自豪地告訴爸爸,因為裏麵有葉綠素,然後用筷子夾瞭一把放碗裏,還說,我吃葉綠素囉!!嗬嗬!裏麵有精美的插圖,看完第一輯,還要訂每二輯。非常好的科譜書! 上周在西單買的呂良偉自傳,書隻看瞭前麵一半,後麵隻是暫時瀏覽,感觸良多。 呂良偉的童年就像當時無數在中國南方的小城市齣生的平凡孩子一樣,屬於平凡再平凡不過的孩子,貪玩、愛調皮搗蛋、無憂無慮,夏天就赤腳隻穿一條短褲滿地飛奔,絲毫不像現在的孩子,小小年紀就過度接受來自傢長送去各類培訓班的壓力,這些很像我的童年,讀來倍感親切。 我覺得呂良偉從一個無名少年,到現在取得這麼大的成功文字量適中,用有限的文字和豐富的配圖對孩子講清楚事情是怎麼發生和為什麼會這樣,幼兒中班-小學低年級的孩子都閤適。相比國內一些幼兒科普教育的書更富趣味性,利用卡通配圖的十萬個為什麼不太能滿足四歲女兒的好奇心,她更願意瞭解事物真實的一麵,哪怕是一張圖片。朋友推薦的,男孩女孩感興趣的內容都能涵蓋到,贊一個!
評分孩子很喜歡這套 難度適中
評分買瞭很多who was的書,真的囤的挺早的,太難,隻能先放著。
Who Was King Tut? 古埃及圖特王(人物傳奇係列) 英文原版 [平裝] [7歲及以上] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025