商品基本信息,請以下列介紹為準 | |
商品名稱: | 養生新畫 |
作者: | “畫說中醫藥文化”叢書委會 |
定價: | 58.0 |
齣版社: | 中國輕工業齣版社 |
齣版日期: | 2018-01-01 |
ISBN: | 9787518416707 |
印次: | |
版次: | 1 |
裝幀: | 精裝 |
開本: | 小16開 |
內容簡介 | |
畫說中醫藥文化”叢書是*部將中醫藥文化與中國傳統連環畫結閤的圖書作品,中英文雙語對照,包含《中醫史畫》、《養生新畫》、《藥膳趣畫》3本圖書,叢書希望以通俗易懂的語言、形象生動的繪畫讓更多人瞭解中國文化的瑰寶——中醫藥文化,並通過“一帶一路”促進中醫藥走嚮;也同時傳承瞭中國獨有的藝術形式——連環畫。 本叢書已被列為上海市衛計委中醫藥發展辦公室和中醫藥學會聯閤會科普讀物。 |
目錄 | |
前言 Preface 序 Preface 養生曆史 源遠流長 A Time-Honored History 漸感於心,模而仿之 Observation and imitation 諸子之說,養端 Theories on health cultivation 岐黃論道,奠定基礎 The Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic 專論專著,始有問世 Books exclusively dedicated to health cultivation 《韆金要方》,養生為先 Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces 養生著作,大量湧現 Emergence of numerous books on health cultivation 學術爭鳴,促進發展 Diverse academic ideas on health cultivation 養生理念,更趨實際 Practical ideas on health cultivation 係統總結,側重繼承 Theoretical generalization 養生風尚,由衰至盛 From decline to flourish 養生理論 鮮明 Characteristic Theories 天人相應,趨利避害 Seek advantages and avoid disadvantages through man-nature harmony 天地相參,日月相應 Correspondence between man with the heaven/earth and sun/moon 形神共養,盡終天年 Keep the body and mind together and live a full span of life 未病先防,未亂先治 Prevent ailments before it arises and prevent troubles before they occur 日齣而作,日落而息 Get up at sunrise and rest at sunset 流水不腐,戶樞不蠹 Running water is never stale and a door-hinge never gets worm-eaten 誌閑少欲,形勞不倦 Mental and physical relaxation 養性之道,常欲小勞 Moderate physical activities 『春氣發陳』,以使誌生 The qi of spring boosts the will on life 孟春迴暖,還防餘寒 Protection against cold in Meng Chun 仲春物榮,衣著『春捂』 Stay warm in Zhong Chun 季春溫暖,當防『春睏』 Prevent the ”spring sleepiness” in Ji Chun 夏氣『蕃秀』,使氣得泄 The qi of summer unblocks the skin pores |
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