Ashlee Vance is a technology writer for Bloomberg Businessweek in Palo Alto, Calif. He is the author of Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future (HarperCollins, May 2015).
In the spirit of Steve Jobs and Moneyball, Elon Musk is both an illuminating and authorized look at the extraordinary life of one of Silicon Valley’s most exciting, unpredictable, and ambitious entrepreneurs—a real-life Tony Stark—and a fascinating exploration of the renewal of American invention and its new "makers."
Elon Musk spotlights the technology and vision of Elon Musk, the renowned entrepreneur and innovator behind SpaceX, Tesla, and SolarCity, who sold one of his internet companies, PayPal, for $1.5 billion. Ashlee Vance captures the full spectacle and arc of the genius’s life and work, from his tumultuous upbringing in South Africa and flight to the United States to his dramatic technical innovations and entrepreneurial pursuits.
Vance uses Musk’s story to explore one of the pressing questions of our age: can the nation of inventors and creators who led the modern world for a century still compete in an age of fierce global competition? He argues that Musk—one of the most unusual and striking figures in American business history—is a contemporary, visionary amalgam of legendary inventors and industrialists including Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Howard Hughes, and Steve Jobs. More than any other entrepreneur today, Musk has dedicated his energies and his own vast fortune to inventing a future that is as rich and far-reaching as the visionaries of the golden age of science-fiction fantasy.
Thorough and insightful, Elon Musk brings to life a technology industry that is rapidly and dramatically changing by examining the life of one of its most powerful and influential titans.
Elon Musk 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Elon Musk 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书##正文开始前的对SV的描述很到位~整个传记倒是非常平庸了。比如,Musk同学的动机在字里行间流露得少得可怜,作者似乎在写的时候陷入了很多传记作家的“偶像崇拜”式叙事,客观不够。
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评分##每次读这种传记,都会浑身血液沸腾。但在沸腾以后,又总是淡淡的失落。我没有成功人士的高智商,高学历,强大的执行力和人格魅力,我年龄不小了,我这一生已经错过了,我再也不可能取得马斯克的成就了,哪怕他的百分之一也不可能了。 整个人都陷入巨大的空虚感。 现在,我认为...
评分##每次读这种传记,都会浑身血液沸腾。但在沸腾以后,又总是淡淡的失落。我没有成功人士的高智商,高学历,强大的执行力和人格魅力,我年龄不小了,我这一生已经错过了,我再也不可能取得马斯克的成就了,哪怕他的百分之一也不可能了。 整个人都陷入巨大的空虚感。 现在,我认为...
评分##这本书出版才个把月,是硅谷作家Ashlee VANCE写的创业男神Elon MUSK的传记。全书分大概10章,分别介绍了Musk的幼年成长、加拿大生活(是的,他祖父母是加拿大人,后来跑去了之前从未去过的南非住)和学习、Zip2和Paypal创业、创立SpaceX公司、Tesla公司传奇和Solarcity公司的辉...
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