在敏捷开发环境中,如何做一名优秀的产品负责人?这个问题在社区内备受关注。通过《Scrum敏捷产品管理:打造用户喜爱的产品》,我们可以在业内知名顾问Roman Pichler的引导下,通过实际案例来理解什么是产品负责人,如何在Scrum敏捷环境中打造用户喜爱的产品。书中描述了如何进行产品探索,如何充分利用开发过程中涌现的新需求,如何打造最基本的可上市产品,如何权衡和取舍早期的客户反馈意见,如何与开发团队紧密合作。
罗曼·皮希勒(Roman Pichler),业内领先的Scrum和敏捷产品管理专家。他在教授和培训产品负责人方面,在帮助企业高效应用敏捷产品管理实践方面,有着丰富的实战经验。除了本书,他还是畅销书Scrum-Agiles Projektmanagement erfolgreich einsetzen(Scrum-Applying Agile Project Management Successfully)的作者。罗曼经常在国际性会议上发言。作为一位持证Scrum培训师,他负责主导Scrum联盟开发Scrum产品负责人认证课程。
李忠利,金蝶软件高级项目经理,曾先后供职于用友软件和SYNNEX China。作为敏捷软件开发的热爱者和实践者,他不仅帮助SYNNEX China软件开发模式成功转型为敏捷开发模式,还积极推动敏捷思想在国内的传播,译著有《管理3.0:培养和提升敏捷领导力》(被誉为“21世纪的管理圣经”)、《敏捷武士》和《Scrum敏捷产品管理:打造用户喜爱的产品》。
第一部分 英文版
1. Understanding the Product Owner Role
The Product Owner Role
Desirable Characteristics of a Product Owner
Visionary and Doer
Leader and Team Player
Communicator and Negotiator
Empowered and Committed
Available and Qualified
Working with the Team
Collaborating with the Scrum Master
Working with Customers, Users, and Other Stake holders
Scaling the Product Owner Role
The Chief Product Owner
Product Owner Hierarchies
Choosing the Right Product Owners
Common Mistakes
The Underpowered Product Owner
The Overworked Product Owner
The Partial Product Owner
The Distant Product Owner
The Proxy Product Owner
The Product Owner Committee
2. Envisioning the Product
The Product Vision
Desirable Qualities of the Vision
Shared and Unifying
Broad and Engaging
Short and Sweet
The Minimal Marketable Product
Ockham ' s Razor
Less Is More
Simple User Interfaces
Customer Needs and Product Attributes
The Birth of the Vision
Using Pet Projects
Using Scrum
Techniques for Creating the Vision
Prototypes and Mock-ups
Personas and Scenarios
Vision Box and Trade Journal Review
Kano Model
Visioning and the Product Road Map
Minimal Products and Product Variants
Common Mistakes
No Vision
Prophecy Vision
Analysis Paralysis
第二部分 中文版
I once worked on a new health-care product destined to replace itspredecessor. The new system was intended to provide more valuefor the customers and leapfrog the competition. After over two yearsof development,the new product was launched with great expectations-and bombed.
What went wrong? Somewhere between the idea and thelaunch, the product vision was lost amid the many handoffs.Product marketing performed the market research, wrote the product concept, and passed the concept on to the product manager.The product manager wrote the requirements specification and handed it off to the project manager, who passed it on to the development teams. There was no single person responsible for leadingthe effort to create a winning product, and no shared vision of whatthe product should look like and do. Everyone involved had a different view, a different vision.
What's the solution? Putting one person, called the productowner, in charge of the product. This chapter explores the role ofthe product owner. It explains the role's authority and responsibilityas well as how the role should be applied.
In the "Scrum Guide" (Schwaber 2009, 5), Ken Schwaber writesabout the product owner:
The Product Owner is the one and only person responsiblefor managing the Product Backlog and ensuring the valueof the work the team performs. This person main,tains theProduct Backlog and ensures that it is visible to everyone.
Scrum敏捷产品管理:打造用户喜爱的产品 [Agile Product Management With Scrum:Creating Products That Customers Love] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
Scrum敏捷产品管理:打造用户喜爱的产品 [Agile Product Management With Scrum:Creating Products That Customers Love] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Scrum敏捷产品管理:打造用户喜爱的产品 [Agile Product Management With Scrum:Creating Products That Customers Love] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书
Scrum敏捷产品管理:打造用户喜爱的产品 [Agile Product Management With Scrum:Creating Products That Customers Love] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025