弗雷德·魯森斯(Fred Luthans)教授,是*一代組織行為學傢, 的管理學傢與心理學傢,內布拉斯加一林肯大學管理學院傑齣的George Holmes講座教授,同時還是世界 谘詢公司蓋洛普的高級研究員。他在1981年當選為美國管理學院院士,1986年齣任美國國傢科學院(National Academy)主席,並於1997年獲得瞭科學院傑齣教育傢奬,2000年成為入選科學院“名人堂”的*批會員。他是一位多産作傢,迄今已齣版大量書籍,在各類應用和學術雜誌上發錶瞭150篇文章。他與RobertKreitner閤寫的Organizational Behavior Modification獲得瞭美國人事協會的人力資源管理傑齣貢獻奬;另外還與其他人閤著有Real Manager,International Management,The High Impact Leader,Psychological Capital等著作。弗雷德·魯森斯是Journal of WorldBusiness的主編之一,也是Organizational Dynamics和Journal ofLeadership and Organizational Studies等SSCI核心期刊的編委。魯森斯教授有著相當廣泛的研究項目。近幾年,他開創瞭積*組織行為學(Positive Organizational Behavior,簡稱POB)研究。
——王壘 北京大學心理學係教授 國務院學位委員會*guo應用心理專業研究生教育指導委員會主任
外部環境和組織情境 1
第1 章 組織行為學導言:循證方法 5
第2 章 外部情境:全球化、多樣性和道德規範 31
第3 章 組織情境:設計和文化 57
第4 章 組織情境:報酬係統 88
組織行為的認知過程 123
第5 章 人格、知覺與員工態度 125
第6 章 動機需要、過程與應用 156
第7 章 積極組織行為學與心理資本 199
組織行為的動力學 245
第8 章 溝通與決策 247
第9 章 壓力與衝突 277
第10 章 權力與政治 312
第11 章 群體與團隊 339
高績效的管理與領導 373
第12 章 行為績效管理 378
第13 章 有效的領導過程 413
第14 章 卓越的領導者:循證方法 445
Every era laments about daunting challenges. However, even previous generations would
probably agree that effectively managing today’s organizations is very difficult. Ask anyone
today—management professors, practitioners, or students—what the major challenges are
in today’s environment, and the answer will be fairly consistent: A turbulent economy and
dangerous geopolitics preoccupy everyone’s concerns. However, at the organization level,
understanding global competition and diversity, and trying to solve ethical problems and
dilemmas come to the fore. These are unquestionably major issues facing contempory
organizations and are given major attention in this text. However, the basic premise and
assumptions of the field of organizational behavior in general, and of this text in particular,
are that managing the people—the human resources of an organization—have been, are, and
will continue to be, the major challenge and critical competitive advantage.
Globalization, diversity, and ethics serve as very important environmental or contextual
dimensions for organizational behavior. However, as Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart
and richest person in the world when he died, declared to this author over lunch a number
of years ago when asked what the answer was to successful organizations—“People are the
key!”The technology can be purchased and copied; it levels the playing field. The people,
on the other hand, cannot be copied. Although it may be possible to clone human bodies,
their ideas, personalities, motivation, and organization cultural values cannot be copied.
The human resources of an organization and how they are managed represent the competitive
advantage of today’s and tomorrow’s organizations. A recent study of over three hundred
companies for over 20 years provides evidence for this statement. The researchers
found that management of human resources through extensive training and techniques such
as empowerment resulted in performance benefits, but operational initiatives such as total
quality management or advanced manufacturing technology did not.
At first employees were considered a cost, then human resources, and now are becoming
widely recognized as “human capital”2 (what you know—education, experience, skills).
Recent research indicates that investing in this human capital results in desired performance
outcomes such as increased productivity and customer satisfaction.3 Even going beyond
human capital are more recently recognized “social capital”4 (who you know—networks,
connections, friends) and “positive psychological capital”5 (who you are—confidence,
hope, optimism, resiliency) and (who you are in terms of confidence, hope, optimism,
resiliency, and, more importantly, who you can become, i.e., one’s possible authentic self).
Although Chapter 7 will be specifically devoted to positive organizational behavior in general
and psychological capital in particular, let it be simply noted here that there is growing
research evidence that employees’ psychological capital is positively related to their performance
and desired attitudes.6 As the ultimate “techie” Bill Gates astutely observed: “The inventory, the value of my company, walks out the door every evening.”
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