Part melodrama and part parable, Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven weaves together three stories, all told about the same man: 83-year-old Eddie, the head maintenance person at Ruby Point Amusement Park.
Eddie is a grizzled war veteran who feels trapped in a meaningless life of fixing rides at a seaside amusement park. His days are a dull routine of work, loneliness, and regret. Then, on his 83rd birthday, Eddie dies in a tragic accident, trying to save a little girl from a falling cart. He awakens in the afterlife, where he learns that heaven is not a lush Garden of Eden, but a place where your earthly life is explained to you by five people. These people may have been loved ones or distant strangers. Yet each of them changed your path forever. One by one, Eddie's five people illuminate the unseen connections of his earthly life. As the story builds to its stunning conclusion, Eddie desperately seeks redemption in the still-unknown last act of his life: Was it a heroic success or a devastating failure? The answer, which comes from the most unlikely of sources, is as inspirational as a glimpse of heaven itself. In The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Mitch Albom gives us an astoundingly original story that will change everything you've ever thought about the afterlife - and the meaning of our lives here on earth. With a timeless tale, appealing to all, this is a book that readers of fine fiction, and those who loved Tuesdays with Morrie, will treasure.
Mitch Albom is the author of the international bestsellers The Five People You Meet in Heaven and Tuesdays with Morrie, as well as six other books. He also writes screenplays and stage plays. Albom servers on numerous charitable boards and has funded three charities in the Detroit area. He lives with his wife, Janine, in Michigan.
"Albom takes a big risk with the novel; such a story can easily veer into the saccharine and preachy, and this one does in moments. But, for the most part, Albom's telling remains poignant and is occasionally profound. Even with its flaws, The Five People You Meet in Heaven is a small, pure, and simple book that will find good company on a shelf next to It's A Wonderful Life."
--Patrick O'Kelley
The Five People You Meet in Heaven 在天堂遇见的五个人 英文原版 [平装] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
The Five People You Meet in Heaven 在天堂遇见的五个人 英文原版 [平装] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
The Five People You Meet in Heaven 在天堂遇见的五个人 英文原版 [平装] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书
好几天才拿到书 质量非常不好第一页还没看就自己掉了 纸张非常粗糙 很小一本却不便宜 还没有书摊上的盗版书强呢
Can be acceptable as an average paper quality...
爱,像空气,每天在我们身边,因其无影无形常常会被我们所忽略,可是我们的生活不能缺少它,其实他的意义已经融入生命.就如父母的爱,恩里科有本与父母共同读写的日记,而现在很多学生的日记上还挂着一把小锁.最简单的东西却最容易忽略,正如这博大的爱中深沉的亲子之爱,很多人都无法感受到.爱之所以伟大,是因为它不仅仅对个人而言,更是以整个民族为荣的尊严与情绪.《爱的教育》一书中描写了一群充满活力,积极要求上进,如阳光般灿烂的少年.他们有的家庭贫困,有的身有残疾,当然也有一些是沐浴在幸福中的.他们从出身到性格都有迥异之外,但他们身上却都有着一种共同的东西—对自己的祖国意大利的深深的爱,对亲友的真挚之情.这里面不能忽视的是每个月老师读给那群少年听的"精神讲话.这一个个小故事,不仅使书中的人物受到熏陶,同样让我这个外国读者也被其中所体现出的强烈的情感所震撼.而面对我们的教育,爱应该是教育力量的源泉,是教育成功的基础.夏丐尊先生在翻译《爱的教育》时说过这样一段话:"教育之没有情感,没有爱,如同池塘没有水一样.没有水,就不成其池塘,没有爱就没有教育." 爱是一次没有尽头的旅行,一路上边走边看,就会很轻松,每天也会有因对新东西的感悟,学习而充实起来.于是,就想继续走下去,甚至投入热情,不在乎它将持续多久.这时候,这种情怀已升华为一种爱,一种对于生活的爱.读《爱的教育》,我走入恩里科的生活,目睹了他们是怎样学习,生活,怎样去爱.在感动中,我发现爱中包含着对于生活的追求.
爱,像空气,每天在我们身边,因其无影无形常常会被我们所忽略,可是我们的生活不能缺少它,其实他的意义已经融入生命.就如父母的爱,恩里科有本与父母共同读写的日记,而现在很多学生的日记上还挂着一把小锁.最简单的东西却最容易忽略,正如这博大的爱中深沉的亲子之爱,很多人都无法感受到.爱之所以伟大,是因为它不仅仅对个人而言,更是以整个民族为荣的尊严与情绪.《爱的教育》一书中描写了一群充满活力,积极要求上进,如阳光般灿烂的少年.他们有的家庭贫困,有的身有残疾,当然也有一些是沐浴在幸福中的.他们从出身到性格都有迥异之外,但他们身上却都有着一种共同的东西—对自己的祖国意大利的深深的爱,对亲友的真挚之情.这里面不能忽视的是每个月老师读给那群少年听的"精神讲话.这一个个小故事,不仅使书中的人物受到熏陶,同样让我这个外国读者也被其中所体现出的强烈的情感所震撼.而面对我们的教育,爱应该是教育力量的源泉,是教育成功的基础.夏丐尊先生在翻译《爱的教育》时说过这样一段话:"教育之没有情感,没有爱,如同池塘没有水一样.没有水,就不成其池塘,没有爱就没有教育." 爱是一次没有尽头的旅行,一路上边走边看,就会很轻松,每天也会有因对新东西的感悟,学习而充实起来.于是,就想继续走下去,甚至投入热情,不在乎它将持续多久.这时候,这种情怀已升华为一种爱,一种对于生活的爱.读《爱的教育》,我走入恩里科的生活,目睹了他们是怎样学习,生活,怎样去爱.在感动中,我发现爱中包含着对于生活的追求.
The Five People You Meet in Heaven 在天堂遇见的五个人 英文原版 [平装] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025