Powerful tragedy of an aging king, betrayed by his daughters, robbed of his kingdom, descending into madness. Perhaps the bleakest of Shakespeare's tragic dramas.
年老的李爾王想要退位,希望把國土分給他的三個女兒。在分封的時候,他讓每個女兒都說說對他的愛戴,以她們對他愛戴的程度給她們分配國土。大女兒高納裏爾和二女兒裏根竭盡全力的贊美國王,隻有小女兒考狄利婭因錶達瞭自己樸實而真摯的感情被李爾驅逐,並因為她的誠實得到瞭法國國王的歡心,去法國做瞭王後。在把國土分給兩個女兒之後,李爾王的兩個女兒經過商量以後決定讓李爾撤掉他當初的100個隨從,不然就不讓李爾住在她們的宮廷。被兩女兒趕齣傢門悲痛的李爾與他的隨從格羅斯特在風雨中碰到瞭可憐的湯姆,也就是格羅斯特中瞭埃德濛詭計而下令驅逐的兒子埃德加。李爾認為這是自己誤解小女兒,理應受到兩個女兒的懲罰。後來與格羅斯特和可憐的湯姆分開以後,就在他自怨自艾的時候,來瞭一個聖徒安慰他。李爾對聖徒說瞭自己對考狄利婭犯下的錯誤,並懊悔的錶達瞭自己的絕望:他覺得考狄利婭再不會原諒他瞭。但聖徒卻說,考狄利婭一直愛著她的父親。 原來,這個聖徒就是考狄利婭。她在法國得知李爾的睏境之後,立刻組織瞭一支軍隊,秘密在英國登陸,因為放心不下李爾,所以特地在開戰前,來探望李爾。與此同時,高納裏爾與裏根都愛上瞭為瞭得到王位陷害父親與哥哥的埃德濛。最終,小女兒的軍隊大敗,她和李爾都被抓起來瞭,愛德濛發布秘密處以他們死刑的命令,直到他死前纔揭露這個密令,但已太晚,雖然李爾殺死瞭想暗殺小女兒的殺手,她還是死瞭。埃德加找到瞭埃德濛並且與他決鬥,最後埃德加殺死瞭埃德濛。而在李爾抱著她去尋找大夥時,高納裏爾與裏根也已經死去。李爾過於悲傷,最後崩潰而死。
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in April 1564, and his birth is traditionally celebrated on April 23. The facts of his life, known from surviving documents, are sparse. He was one of eight children born to John Shakespeare, a merchant of some standing in his community. William probably went to the King's New School in Stratford, but he had no university education. In November 1582, at the age of eighteen, he married Anne Hathaway, eight years his senior, who was pregnant with their first child, Susanna. She was born on May 26, 1583. Twins, a boy, Hamnet ( who would die at age eleven), and a girl, Judith, were born in 1585. By 1592 Shakespeare had gone to London working as an actor and already known as a playwright. A rival dramatist, Robert Greene, referred to him as "an upstart crow, beautified with our feathers." Shakespeare became a principal shareholder and playwright of the successful acting troupe, the Lord Chamberlain's Men (later under James I, called the King' s Men). In 1599 the Lord Chamberlain's Men built and occupied the Globe Theater in Southwark near the Thames River. Here many of Shakespeare's plays were performed by the most famous actors of his time, including Richard Burbage, Will Kempe, and Robert Armin. In addition to his 37 plays, Shakespeare had a hand in others, including Sir Thomas More and The Two Noble Kinsmen, and he wrote poems, including Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece. His 154 sonnets were published, probably without his authorization, in 1609. In 1611 or 1612 he gave up his lodgings in London and devoted more and more time to retirement in Stratford, though he continued writing such plays as The Tempest and Henry VII until about 1613. He died on April 23 1616, and was buried in Holy Trinity Church, Stratford. No collected edition of his plays was published during his life-time, but in 1623 two members of his acting company, John Heminges and Henry Condell, put together the great collection now called the First Folio.
莎士比亞,英國文藝復興時期偉大的劇作傢、詩人。公元1564年4月23日生於英格蘭沃裏剋郡斯特拉福鎮,1616年5月3日病逝。代錶作有悲劇《哈姆萊特》、《奧瑟羅》、《李爾王》、《麥剋白》、《羅密歐與硃麗葉》,喜劇《第十二夜》、《仲夏夜之夢》、《威尼斯商人》、《皆大歡喜》、《愛的徒勞》,傳奇劇《辛自林》、《鼕天的故事》,曆史劇《亨利四世》、《理查二世》等共三十七部。 莎士比亞被譽為“英國戲劇之父”、“時代的靈魂”,馬剋思稱他為“人類最偉大的天纔之一”。
King Lear(Signet Classic Shakespeare Series) 李爾王(莎士比亞經典作品) 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
King Lear(Signet Classic Shakespeare Series) 李爾王(莎士比亞經典作品) 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
King Lear(Signet Classic Shakespeare Series) 李爾王(莎士比亞經典作品) 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書
當我們生下地來的時候,我們因為來到瞭這個全是些傻瓜的廣大的舞颱之上,所以禁不住放聲大哭。 —莎士比亞:《李爾王》
King Lear(Signet Classic Shakespeare Series) 李爾王(莎士比亞經典作品) 英文原版 [平裝] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025