《中学英语拓展阅读丛书》由外教社从美国著名出版机构麦格劳一希尔(McGraw Hill)公司引进,语言地道,知识面广,信息量大,是一套既注重培养学生英语阅读能力,又致力开阔他们视野的拓展型丛书。整套书编写理念先进,编排设计科学,难度逐级递升,既适合外国语学校及外语特色学校初二至高三年级的学生使用,也适合普通中学同等水平的学生使用。
1 A Benjamin Banneker: Man of Many Talents
1 B The Education of Free Blacks in Post-Revolutionary War Boston
2 A Experiencing the Gold Rush
2 B Entrepreneurs of the Gold Rush
3 ALives of the Shakers
3 B Mother Ann Lee
4 A These Walls Can Talk
4 B How to Carry Out a Public Mural Project
5 A What Happens to Tax Dollars?
5 B How to File a Federal Income Tax Return
6 A The Battle of Britain
6 B Life During the Blitz
7 A Law and Order on the Electronic Frontier
7 B Virginia Shea: The "Miss Manners" of the Internet
8 A Pioneers in Womens Rights
8 B Juana Ines de la Cruz, Womens Rights Advocate
9 A Educating Safe Drivers
9 B Cell Phones and Driving
10 A Why Did the Ancient Maya Abandon Their Cities?
10 B Remnants of the Past
11 A Harvest Festivals from Many Cultures
11 B Was It Really the "First Thanksgiving"?
12 AMorocco: Past and Present
12 B The Journeys of Ibn Battuta
13 A"Reading" Textiles to Reveal the Past
13 B Elizabeth Barber, Textile Archaeologist
14 A Careers in the Museum Industry
14 B Becoming a Museum Volunteer
15 A The Russian Revolution of 1917
15 B The Theory of Communism
16 AHands-Off Policies of Calvin Coolidge
16 B The Stock Market Crash of 1929
17 A The Santa Fe Trail and the Opening of the Southwest
17 B Tejanos
18 A Let the Play Begin!
18 B The Fearless Comedy of Aristophanes
19 A Bicycle Use Around the World
19 B Military Uses of the Bicycle in World War II
20 A The Conquests of Hernando Cortes
20 B The Mexican Flag and Its Symbolism
21 A Crossing the Threshold
21 B Happy Birthday, Sweet Fifteen!
22 A Gullah: An Endangered Culture
22 B A Language Born of Need
23 A Competition for Water in the American West
23 B The Designer of Los Angeless Water Supply
24 A The Presidents Cabinet
24 B Janet Reno: First Woman to Become U.S. Attorney General
Answer Key
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Live of the shakers
The Shakers are a religious sect that flourished in the United States between the time of the American Revolution and the ftrst half of the nineteenth century. They were most commonly found in New York, New England, and the frontier areas of Kentucky and Ohio.
The Shakers have been described as millenarian because of their belief that Christs Second Coming would usher in 1,000 years of peace. They were first known as the Shaking Quak- ers. The name came about as a result of the extreme trembling that they exhibited during their ecstatic dancing and singing in their worship services.
Shakers followed an extremely simple communal lifestyle. They held all property in common. Men and women shared equally in the work and governance of the community. The spare design of their buildings and furniture, their old-fashioned clothing, and their un- fashionable hairstyles reflected their emphasis on the spiritual rather than the material.
The community was organized into families. A Shaker family was larger than a typical nuclear family. Elders, deacons, and trustees, both male and female, were the heads of each family. Each family had its own dormitory, cooking and eating areas, barns, and work are- as. Younger members might be engaged in outdoor or indoor tasks, depending on their abili- ties as farmers or artisans. Older members and those who had previously been married were most likely to be engaged in the business aspects of the community.
The main belief that distinguished Shakers from mainstream Protestants was their prac- tice of celbacy (独身). Men and women lived in separate dormitories. The Shaker sect grew by converting adults and rearing orphans. As adults the orphans could choose whether to stay with the community.
Hard work was as important in the Shakers relationship to God as were formal worship services. The Shakers engaged in farming and related activities such as sheep herding and rai- sing bees. They also made simple furniture and craft items for sale. They used the proceeds to buy land.
阅读既是理解和吸收语言文化信息的重要手段之一,又是语言文化信息的最便捷的输入源。我国教育部新制定的全日制义务教育和普通高级中学《英语课程标准》对学生的阅读技能从三级到九级提出了明确的要求。在目前国内外的各种英语测试中,阅读理解所占的比重越来越大。为此,我们特向你推荐“中学英语拓展阅读丛书”(Timed Readings Plus)。本丛书含有以下3个子系列:社会科学(Social.Studies)、自然科学(.Science)及数学(Mathematics),由上海外语教育出版社从美国McGraw Hill Glencoe公司引进出版。社会科学和自然科学各有10个分册,社会科学每册有24课,自然科学每册有25课,每课两篇阅读材料;数学有5个分册,每册有15课,每课两篇阅读材料。本丛书语言地道,知识面广,信息量大,能有效训练学生的阅读理解能力,提高他们的阅读速度。每课的第一篇阅读材料篇幅长400单词左右,侧重训练学生的快速阅读能力;阅读理解题则主要检查学生是否能在快速阅读后掌握阅读材料中的事实和材料所传达的思想。每课中的第二篇阅读材料较短,着重训练学生的阅读技巧,如:从上下文中猜测生词的含义,找出作者的观点,得出中心思想,排列事件顺序,推断作者的论点等。因此,我们认为它是一套训练学生阅读速度及阅读理解能力并能同时开拓他们视野的拓展型丛书,适合外国语学校初二及以上年级学生和非外国语学校高中学生课内、外使用。
中学英语拓展阅读丛书 社会科学系列7 [Timed Readings Plus in Social Studies] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
中学英语拓展阅读丛书 社会科学系列7 [Timed Readings Plus in Social Studies] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
中学英语拓展阅读丛书 社会科学系列7 [Timed Readings Plus in Social Studies] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书
中学英语拓展阅读丛书 社会科学系列7 [Timed Readings Plus in Social Studies] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025