This book grew out of a 2-semester graduate course in laser physics and quan-tum optics. It requires a solid understanding of elementary electromagnetismas well as at least one, but preferably two, semesters of quantum mechanics.
Classical Electromagnetic Fields
1.1 Maxwells Equations in a Vacuum
1.2 Maxwells Equations in a Medium
1.3 Linear Dipole Oscillator
1.4 Coherence
1.5 Free-Electron Lasers
Classical Nonlinear Optics
2.1 Nonlinear Dipole Oscillator
2.2 Coupled-Mode Equations
2.3 Cubic Nonlinearity
2.4 Four-Wave Mixing with Degenerate Pump Frequencies
2.5 Nonlinear Susceptibilities
Quantum Mechanical Background
3.1 Review of Quantum Mechanics
3.2 Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory
3.3 Atom-Field Interaction for Two-Level Atoms
3.4 Simple Harmonic Oscillator
Mixtures and the Density Operator
4.1 Level Damping
4.2 The Density Matrix
4.3 Vector Model of Density Matrix
CW Field Interactions
5.1 Polarization of Two-Level Medium
5.2 Inhomogeneously Broadened Media
5.3 Counterpropagating Wave Interactions
5.4 Two-Photon Two-Level Model
5.5 Polarization of Semiconductor Gain Media
6 Mechanical Effects of Light
6.1 Atom-Field Interaction
6.2 Doppler Cooling
6.3 The Near-Resonant Kapitza-Dirac Effect
6.4 Atom Interferometry
Introduction to Laser Theory
7.1 The Laser Self-Consistency Equations
7.2 Steady-State Amplitude and Frequency
7.3 Standing-Wave, Doppler-Broadened Lasers
7.4 Two-Mode Operation and the Ring Laser
7.5 Mode Locking
7.6 Single-Mode Semiconductor Laser Theory
7.7 Transverse Variations and Gaussian Beams
Optical Bistability
8.1 Simple Theory of Dispersive Optical Bistability
8.2 Absorptive Optical Bistability
8.3 Ikeda Instability
9 Saturation Spectroscopy
9.1 Probe Wave Absorption Coefficient
9.2 Coherent Dips and the Dynamic Stark Effect
9.3 Inhomogeneously Broadened Media
9.4 Three-Level Saturation Spectroscopy
9.5 Dark States and Electromagnetically Induced Transparency
10 Three and Four Wave Mixing
10.1 Phase Conjugation in Two-Level Media
10.2 Two-Level Coupled Mode Coefficients
10.3 Modulation Spectroscopy
10.4 Nondegenerate Phase Conjugation by Four-Wave Mixing
11 Time-Varying Phenomena in Cavities
11.1 Relaxation Oscillations in Lasers
11.2 Stability of Single-Mode Laser Operation
11.3 Multimode Mode Locking
11.4 Single-Mode Laser and the Lorenz Model
Coherent Transients
12.1 Optical Nutation
12.2 Free Induction Decay
12.3 Photon Echo
12.4 Ramsey Fringes
12.5 Pulse Propagation and Area Theorem
12.6 Self-Induced Transparency
12.7 Slow Light
Field Quantization
13.1 Single-Mode Field Quantization
13.2 Multimode Field Quantization
13.3 Single-Mode Field in Thermal Equilibrium
13.4 Coherent States
13.5 Coherence of Quantum Fields
13.6 Quasi-Probability Distributions
13.7 SchrSdinger Field Quantization
13.8 The Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
Interaction Between Atoms and Quantized Fields
14.1 Dressed States
14.2 Jaynes-Cummlngs Model
14.3 Spontaneous Emission in Free Space
14.4 Quantum Beats
System-Reservoir Interactions
15.1 Master Equation
15.2 Fokker-Planck Equation
15.3 Langevin Equations
15.4 Monte-Carlo Wave Functions
15.5 Quantum Regression Theorem and Noise Spectra
Resonance Fluorescence
16.1 Phenomenology
16.2 Langevin Equations of Motion
16.3 Scattered Intensity and Spectrum
16.4 Connection with Probe Absorption
16.5 Photon Antibnnching
16.6 Off-Resonant Excitation
Squeezed States of Light
17.1 Squeezing the Coherent State
17.2 Two-Sidemode Master Equation
17.3 Two-Mode Squeezing
17.4 Squeezed Vacuum
Cavity Quantum ElectrodynAmlcs
18.1 Generalized Master Equation for the Atom-Cavity System
18.2 Weak Coupling Regime
18.3 Strong Coupling Regime
18.4 Velocity-Dependent Spontaneous Emission
18.5 Input-Output Formalism
Quantum Theory of a Laser
19.1 The Micromaser
19.2 Single Mode Laser Master Equation
19.3 Laser Photon Statistics and Linewidth
19.4 Quantized Sidemode Buildup
Entanglement, Bell Inequalities and Quantum Information
20.1 Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox and Bell Inequalities
20.2 Bipartite Entanglement
20.3 The Quantum Beam Splitter
20.4 Quantum Teleportation
20.5 Quantum Cryptography
20.6 Toward Quantum Computing
In this book we present the basic ideas needed to understand how laser lightinteracts with various forms of matter. Among the important consequencesis an understanding of the laser itself. The present chapter summarizes clas-sical electromagnetic fields, which describe laser light remarkably well. Thechapter also discusses the interaction of these fields with a medium con-sisting of classical simple harmonic oscillators. It is surprising how well thissimple model describes linear absorption, a point discussed from a quantummechanical point of view in Sect. 3.3. The rest of the book is concernedwith nonlinear interactions of radiation with matter. Chapter 2 generalizesthe classical oscillator to treat simple kinds of nonlinear mechanisms, andshows us a number of phenomena in a relatively simple context. Starting withChap. 3, we treat the medium quantum mechanically. The combination of aclassical description of light and a quantum mechanical description of matteris called the semiclassical approximation. This approximation is not alwaysjustified (Chaps. 13-19), but there are remarkably few cases in quantum op-tics where we need to quantize the field.
This book grew out of a 2-semester graduate course in laser physics and quan-tum optics. It requires a solid understanding of elementary electromagnetismas well as at least one, but preferably two, semesters of quantum mechanics.Its present form resulted from many years of teaching and research at theUniversity of Arizona, the Max-Planck-Institut fiir Quantenoptik, and theUniversity of Munich. The contents have evolved significantly over the years,due to the fact that quantum optics is a rapidly changing field. Because theamount of material that can be covered in two semesters is finite, a numberof topics had to be left out or shortened when new material was added. Im-portant omissions include the manipulation of atomic trajectories by light,superradiance, and descriptions of experiments.
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量子光学基础(第4版) [Elements of Quantum Optics] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
量子光学基础(第4版) [Elements of Quantum Optics] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书
量子光学基础(第4版) [Elements of Quantum Optics] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025