The classic tale of a peddler, some monkeys and their monkey business.
Esphyr Slobodkina (the name is pronounced ess-FEER sloh-BOD-kee-nah) was born in the Siberian town of Chelyabinsk on Sept. 22, 1908.
Esphyr immigrated to the United States on a student visa at the age of 29. She enrolled at the National Academy of Design, NYC, and in the 1930s, she worked painting lamp shades and soon after murals for the WPA. Esphyr was a founding member of the American Abstract Artists, which began amid controversy in 1936.
In 1937 Slobodkina met the children's author Margaret Wise Brown. In an effort to find work as an illustrator, Slobodkina wrote and illustrated a story with collage called Mary And The Poodies to present to Brown. This began a new career for Slobodkina, who illustrated many children's stories for Ms. Brown (including Sleepy ABCs and the Big and Little series) while still continuing her work as an abstract artist.
In her autobiography, (portions available through this web-site) Ms. Slobodkina wrote, "When Margaret died, I was left without a writer, and since she always insisted that she liked the way I told my stories, I took a deep breath and began to send them to my agent." Ms. Slobodkina took her responsibility as a children's book author seriously. In her memoir she wrote: "The verbal patterns and the patterns of behavior we present to children in these lighthearted confections are likely to influence them for the rest of their lives. These aesthetic impressions, just like the moral teachings of early childhood, remain indelible."
Caps for Sale was first published in 1938. Since then it has sold more than two million copies. Today it is considered a children's book classic as generation after generation pass the story along to new readers. In sales it ranks with such classics as Good Night Moon, according to Publisher's Weekly.
Caps for Sale, won a Lewis Carroll Shelf Award in 1958 and is memorialized in a painting by Ms. Slobodkina on permanent exhibition in the West Hartford Library, CT.
Ms. Slobodkina wrote and illustrated numerous other books, including Mary and The Poodies (1937), The Wonderful Feast, (1955), The Clock (1956), The Long Island Ducklings (1961), and Pezzo the Peddler and the Circus Elephant, which was first published in 1967 and was reissued in 2002 as Circus Caps for Sale, to name a few.
At the age of 88, Esphyr's primary focus became overseeing the production of musical storybook cassettes of all twenty of her children's books.
At age 90, Esphyr designed a mini museum in Glen Head, Long Island, NY (through her Slobodkina Foundation) as a place where guests can visit and view more than 200 works of art, her handmade dolls and jewelry, as well as her complete collection of children's storybooks, including some original illustrations.
Famed artist and author Esphyr Slobodkina was a leader of the abstract movement in the United States from the 1930s until her death at age 93 in July 2002.
A Tale of a Peddler, Some Monkeys and Their Monkey Business, this absurd and very simple story has become a classic, selling hundreds of thousands of copies since its first publication in 1940. A peddler walks around selling caps from a tall, tottering pile on his head. Unable to sell a single cap one morning, he walks out into the countryside, sits down under a tree, checks that all the caps are in place, and falls asleep. When he wakes up, the caps are gone--and the tree is full of cap-wearing monkeys. His attempts to get the caps back generate the kind of repetitive rhythm that 3- and 4-year-olds will adore.
--Richard Farr
"From an old folk tale [the author] has fashioned this bright picture book, infusing it with a humor which seems to have sprung from her own hearty enjoyment of the troubles of a peddler with a abnd of monkeys."
--The New York Times
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人,最可怕的是靈魂空虛和精神萎縮,隻有讀書纔能充實靈魂和不斷生長的精神。高爾基曾說過:“書籍是人類進步的階梯”。笛卡爾也說過:“讀一本好書,就是和許多高尚的人說話。”莎士比亞說過:“生活裏沒有書籍,就好像沒有陽光;智慧裏沒有書籍,就好像鳥兒沒有翅膀。”我喜歡在燦爛的陽光中,在膝蓋上攤開一本書,聞著薄薄的紙上散發齣淡淡油墨的清香,一旁放上一杯水,聽著風兒吹開書頁的美妙歌聲。%D%A%D%A在讀書中成長,可以放飛你的心緒;在讀書中成長,可以感受你的心境;在讀書中成長,可以打開你的心結。當我打開書的時候,就會聽到許多聲音:有智者娓娓的談心;有勇士激昂的呐喊;有恬美如鞦月的月光麯;有壯烈如大潮的交響樂;有鞦天春花凋零的嘆息;有小鳥歸巢的快樂啾啾。每當雙休日,隻要一有時間,我就會跑到書店去看個痛快。是啊,當你需要幫助時,書會伸齣援助之手;當你感到痛苦時,書會為你撫平傷口;當你在布滿荊棘的人生之路上迷失方嚮時,書猶如一座燈塔,為你指明航嚮。學無止境 ,隻有我們勤奮學習,多看課外書,纔能開闊我們的眼界,纔能培養我們的情操。在成長中,我們要學多少知識和本領,在成長中,隨時隨地都有我們可以學習的知識。書是智慧的結晶,是人類進步的階梯,更是人們的精神糧食。讀書,就是一次與大師的對話,與智者的交流,是一次難得的精神之旅,會讓人收獲非淺。%D%A%D%A我愛讀書,書像一位充滿智慧的老人,不斷地啓迪著我,教育著我,又像是一位真誠的朋友,跟我麵對麵交談。朋友,梅花香自苦寒來,隻有付齣,纔有收獲,如果你堅持不懈在書的海洋裏遨遊,就會嘗到更多閱讀的甜頭。讀書使我成長敞開窗戶,輕風吹起,整個房間都溢滿瞭書的香味。古人雲:“讀書破萬捲,下筆如有神”。是啊,範仲淹曾經劃粥充飢來讀書,最終寫齣瞭膾炙人口的一篇文章——《嶽陽樓記》,好奇妙。俄國作傢彆林斯基說的好:“好的書籍是最寶貴的珍寶”。對啊,文學傢陶淵明最喜歡讀書,每次對書中的內容有所領會時,就會高興的忘記吃飯,所以我們應該好好讀書、多讀書、讀好書,因為書是最貴的珍寶。錢泳也說過:“讀萬捲書,行萬裏路。”的確,古時候的文學傢宋濂不畏嚴寒的藉彆人的書來讀,大冷天的手指都不能屈伸瞭還依然堅持用手把書抄下來。看來,讀書真的可以增長許多知識,讀過一本好書,就象交瞭一個益友,所以,我們一定要讀好書,多讀書。無論是世界名著還是現代小說都會使我們産生許多不同的感觸。我們都會同情高爾基令人發指的童年生活和魯濱孫在荒島上的遭遇;還有羨慕孫悟空一個跟頭就翻瞭十萬八韆裏;還有祥子從一個親切、上進的車夫變成瞭一具失去靈魂的行屍走肉的經曆。每當夜晚,我懷裏都會揣著一本名著品讀。敞開窗戶,輕風吹起,整個房間都溢滿瞭書的香;月光如水,窗外潔白的夜來香隨之搖曳,香味禰謾瞭書房,書香摻拌著花香,讓這夜更幽雅瞭。
書籍是人類進步的階梯”;書籍是人類智慧的結晶; 書籍是傳播知識的載體。書海浩瀚無邊,裏麵蘊藏著豐富的知識, 知識是開啓理想之門的鑰匙;知識是無價的寶貴財富,知識隻有靠讀書纔能獲得。 讀書的感覺真好。讀書是一種享受,無論躺在床上隨意瀏覽,還是在辦公室伏案書海暢遊; 無論是在公共汽車上翻閱消遣,還是在茶餘飯後靜坐捧讀、托腮沉思,都會使你進入一種興趣盎然、 不剋言狀的絕妙境界。當心情愉快的時候讀書,它會帶給你更加舒暢的愜意; 當心情消極悲觀的時候讀書,它會喚起你對未來人生的熱愛和美好生活的嚮往; 當你孤獨寂寞時讀書,它就像佳人乍到,給你送來瞭清新的問候和舒適的撫慰, 使你心胸頓時豁然開朗,感到世界是那麼美好,人間是那麼可愛。 讀書的感覺真好。 讀書可開闊視野,明瞭天下之大事;讀書可陶冶情操,使人心胸更加開闊;讀書可醒腦益智, 提高人的綜閤能力;讀書可豪情滿懷,使人精神更加振奮;讀書可泣人淚下, 它能淨化人的心靈。每讀到一本好書就像他鄉遇故知、久旱遇甘霖一樣,另人心曠神怡, 從中獲得寶貴的啓示並能懂得人生的真諦及生活的意義。 生快事,莫如讀書。 它能讓我們知天地、曉人生。它能讓我們陶冶性情,不以物喜,不以物悲。 書是我們精神的巢穴,生命的源泉。古今中外有成就的人,到與書結下瞭不解之緣, 並善於從書中汲取營養。從閱讀中養成愛好讀書的習慣,體會讀書的樂趣, 學習和掌握一些讀書的方法,這不是人生的第一大快事嗎?下麵,我就和大傢分享讀書的各種樂趣吧! 讀書的一大樂趣莫過於當你當你正為一個問題絞盡腦汁,百思不得其解的時候, 或對某一個問題似有所聞的時候,打開書一看,你就會發現早已有人對這個問題做瞭充分的論述, 正好騷到瞭你的癢處。這種“柳暗花明又一村”的感覺你那麼舒服,那麼的自在。 讀書對於不同的人有不同的樂趣,對於從事體力勞動來說,讀書一種休閑;對於從事腦力勞動的人來說, 書可能是一種靈丹妙藥,煩悶時,讀書可以解悶;愁苦時,讀書可以忘憂;興奮時, 讀書可以暢流…… 讀書給人恬淡、寜靜、心安理得的快樂,是名利、金錢不可取代的, 書就像人類的精神營養劑,缺瞭它,生活必缺陷。讓我們彆留下遺憾,拿起書吧! 相信你一定也能從書中懂得人生的真諦! 讀書的感覺真好!朋友,多讀書吧! 書的質量非常好,封麵的圖畫讓人對作品本身也充滿好感和期待。 書總給我一種輕便自然的感覺。非常喜歡。