Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American author and journalist. His distinctive writing style, characterized by economy and understatement, influenced 20th-century fiction, as did his life of adventure and public image. He produced most of his work between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. Hemingway's fiction was successful because the characters he presented exhibited authenticity that resonated with his audience. Many of his works are classics of American literature. He published seven novels, six short story collections, and two non-fiction works during his lifetime; a further three novels, four collections of short stories, and three non-fiction works were published posthumously.
Hemingway was born and raised in Oak Park, Illinois. After leaving high school he worked for a few months as a reporter for The Kansas City Star, before leaving for the Italian front to become an ambulance driver during World War I, which became the basis for his novel A Farewell to Arms. He was seriously wounded and returned home within the year. In 1922 Hemingway married Hadley Richardson, the first of his four wives, and the couple moved to Paris, where he worked as a foreign correspondent. During his time there he met and was influenced by modernist writers and artists of the 1920s expatriate community known as the "Lost Generation". His first novel, The Sun Also Rises, was published in 1926.
After divorcing Hadley Richardson in 1927 Hemingway married Pauline Pfeiffer; they divorced following Hemingway's return from covering the Spanish Civil War, after which he wrote For Whom the Bell Tolls. Martha Gellhorn became his third wife in 1940, but he left her for Mary Welsh after World War II, during which he was present at D-Day and the liberation of Paris.
Shortly after the publication of The Old Man and the Sea in 1952 Hemingway went on safari to Africa, where he was almost killed in a plane crash that left him in pain or ill-health for much of the rest of his life. Hemingway had permanent residences in Key West, Florida, and Cuba during the 1930s and '40s, but in 1959 he moved from Cuba to Ketchum, Idaho, where he committed suicide in the summer of 1961.
A Farewell to Arms 永彆瞭,武器 [精裝] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
A Farewell to Arms 永彆瞭,武器 [精裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書書紙張各方麵看是正版,但這次收到的沒有包裝瞭,書頁都髒瞭
評分Dissertatiion, 1981, S. 48 ff.
評分《宇宙奇趣》(1965)和《零點起始》(1967)可說是兩部富有科幻色彩和符號學特點的姐妹篇。《宇宙奇趣》的主人公是個既年邁又年青的智者,他是個不受時間和空間限製的人,既是我們的老祖宗,又是個現代人,可以說他既是世界起源、地球形成時的人,又是宇宙消亡毀滅時代的人,他的名字是 qfwfq,是以未知數w為軸心的對稱的字母qf—fq排列而成。“卡爾維諾好像因為憤怒、麻木乃至失重而在地球上消失瞭;他躲在大氣層後麵,用望遠鏡看著自己在人們之間消失。後來,他用成韆個小記號,諸如一幅袖珍肖像畫,一個形容詞,一種有節奏的遊戲,一陣突然的顫動,嚮我們揭示瞭一個淒涼的夢:一個 50歲上下的男子,他茫然、睏惑、憂心忡忡地環視著四周最細微的變化對他所産生的衝擊,如房子四周的圍牆、草坪上的陰影都能勾起他的心緒不寜;事物的偶然巧閤,不協調和矛盾,反射和交叉,對他都構成一種誘惑。他徘徊在影子王國裏尋覓自己,並消失在其中。”(《日報》,1972)有人說卡爾維諾是一位“一隻腳跨進幻想世界,另一隻腳留在客觀現實之中”的作傢。在《宇宙奇趣》中,卡爾維諾幽默地諷刺現代人生活的虛無,“有一次我路過宇宙空間,我在某個地方故意作瞭個記號,想在兩億年之後,當我再轉到那兒時重新再找到它……可就在我留過記號的那個點上,代之以一道不成形的綫條,它在被搗碎瞭的破損的空間之中,象是一道劃破的傷痕……我沮喪失望瞭,象失去知覺似的被人拽過去許多光年。”(《空間的一個記號》,1965)然而,作者痛苦地發現空間與記號毫不相乾,空間根本不存在,也許它從來沒有存在過,所以在空間中作記號也是徒勞枉然的。70年代問世的三部具有後現代派創作風格的小說《看不見的城市》(1972)、《命運交叉的古堡》(1973),以及《寒鼕夜行人》(1979),則更進一步確立和完善瞭卡爾維諾的獨特的創作風格:過去與現在相結閤,內心世界與外部世界相結閤,幻想與現實相結閤。對於卡爾維諾來說,支配客觀世界的規律有它的隨意性、破碎性和偶然性,所以他的小說的“每篇故事都是重新發掘一種邏輯的結構,而作者的每一種思想乃是每一篇故事的開端”。所以卡爾維諾曾說過:“我與一個哲學傢截然不同,我隻是一個遵循故事內在邏輯的作傢。”(《世界報》,1970)1985年9月,卡爾維諾在休假期間突患腦溢血(當時他正在準備去美國哈拂大學講學的演講報告),當即就被送到醫院搶救。主刀醫師錶示從未見過如此復雜的大腦構造。待動完手術麻醉藥性過去之後,他望著那些塑料導管和靜脈注射器,仍不乏想象力地風趣地說:“我覺得自己象一盞吊燈。”9月19日卡爾維諾終因醫治無效在意大利佩斯卡拉逝世,終年62歲。
評分〔6〕C. - L. Montesquie, Vom Geist der Gesetze( 1748)。
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