书名:Being Logical: A Guide to Good Thinking 简单的逻辑学
作者:D.Q. McInerny D.Q.麦克伦尼
出版社名称:Random House Trade
语种: 英文
商品尺寸:13.2 x 1 x 20.3 cm
Being Logical《简单的逻辑学》是一本足以彻底改变你思维世界的小书。美国逻辑学家、哲学教授D.Q.麦克伦尼,将一门宽广、深奥的逻辑科学以贴近生活、通俗易懂、妙趣横生的语言娓娓道来。它既没有刻板的理论教条,也不是正规的教科书,而是一本必不可多得的现实指南。正如行为学家孙路弘所说:《简单的逻辑学》就如一场及时雨,一本社会疾病的宝典,的确是应该人手一册。
1. 逻辑学科普入门书,成为咨询顾问有五本必读图书之一;
2. 被香港中文大学奉为40本英文经典之一;
3. 被哈佛大学校内书店视为皇冠书籍。
“逻辑是生活中找寻并满足其愿望的实际工具,没有逻辑,我们的生活将十分沉重,以致几乎是不可能的。”——金岳霖 逻辑学家、哲学家、杰出的教育家
“我相信逻辑,比如说,有一个峡谷,所有的人都说过不去,那里是万丈深渊,但如果逻辑推论出那里应该有一座桥,我就会走过去。”——张维迎 经济学家、北京大学光华管理学院前任院长
“哲学问题经过分析都是语言问题,而语言问题归根结底就是逻辑问题。”——罗素 世界哲学家、逻辑学家,诺贝尔文学奖获得者
“当我考入阿姆斯特丹大学时,物理系和哲学系正好在一座楼里,所以我不经意地选修了一门逻辑。对我来说,这门神奇的逻辑课让我大开眼界:正是逻辑揭示了我们所做的日常事情——谈话、推理和论辩背后的精妙。所以我爱上了逻辑学,并为此转到了哲学系。”——约翰·范·本瑟姆 世界逻辑学家、荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学逻辑学教授
An essential tool for our post-truth world: a witty primer on logic—and the dangers of illogical thinking—by a renowned Notre Dame professor
Logic is synonymous with reason, judgment, sense, wisdom, and sanity.Being logical is the ability to create concise and reasoned arguments—arguments that build from given premises, using evidence, to a genuine conclusion. But mastering logical thinking also requires studying and understanding illogical thinking, both to sharpen one’s own skills and to protect against incoherent, or deliberately misleading, reasoning.
Elegant, pithy, and precise,Being Logical breaks logic down to its essentials through clear analysis, accessible examples, and focused insights. D. Q. McInerney covers the sources of illogical thinking, from naïve optimism to narrow-mindedness, before dissecting the various tactics—red herrings, diversions, and simplistic reasoning—the illogical use in place of effective reasoning.
An indispensable guide to using logic to advantage in everyday life, this is a concise, crisply readable book. Written explicitly for the layperson, McInerny’sBeing Logical promises to take its place beside Strunk and White’sThe Elements of Style as a classic of lucid, invaluable advice.
“Highly readable... D. Q. McInerny offers an introduction to symbolic logic in plain English, so you can finally be clear on what is deductive reasoning and what is inductive. And you’ll see how deductive arguments are constructed.” — Detroit Free Press
“McInerny’s explanatory outline of sound thinking will be eminently beneficial to expository writers, debaters, and public speakers.” — Booklist
“Given the shortage of logical thinking, and the fact that mankind is adrift, if not sinking, It is vital that all of us learn to think straight. And this small book by D.Q. McInerny is great. It follows therefore since we so badly need it, everybody should not only but it, but read it.” — Charles Osgood
Whether regarded as a science, an art, or a skill–and it can properly be regarded as all three–logic is the basis of our ability to think, analyze, argue, and communicate. Indeed, logic goes to the very core of what we mean by human intelligence. In this concise, crisply readable book, distinguished professor D. Q. McInerny offers an indispensable guide to using logic to advantage in everyday life. Written explicitly for the layperson, McInerny’sBeing Logical promises to take its place beside Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style as a classic of lucid, invaluable advice.
As McInerny notes, logic is a deep, wide, and wonderfully varied field, with a bearing on every aspect of our intellectual life. A mastery of logic begins with an understanding of right reasoning–and encompasses a grasp of the close kinship between logical thought and logical expression, a knowledge of the basic terms of argument, and a familiarity with the pitfalls of illogical thinking. Accordingly, McInerny structures his book in a series of brief, penetrating chapters that build on one another to form a unified and coherent introduction to clear and effective reasoning.
At the heart of the book is a brilliant consideration of argument–how an argument is founded and elaborated, how it differs from other forms of intellectual discourse, and how it critically embodies the elements of logic. McInerny teases out the subtleties and complexities of premises and conclusions, differentiates statements of fact from statements of value, and discusses the principles and uses of every major type of argument, from the syllogistic to the conditional. In addition, he provides an incisive look at illogical thinking and explains how to recognize and avoid the most common errors of logic.
D. Q. McInerny has taught logic to college students for decades at Notre Dame, the University of Kentucky, and Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Lincoln, Nebraska. A scholar of Thomas Merton and the recipient of two PhDs, Professor McInerny lives in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Preparing the Mind for Logic
Being logical presupposes our having a sensitivity to language and a knack for its effective use, for logic and language are inseparable. It also presupposes our having a healt
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