贾森•弗里德(Jason Fried)和戴维•海涅迈尔•汉森(David Heinemeier Hansson)是美国软件公司
戴维是网络开发框架Ruby on Rails的创始人,并因此在技术圈享有盛名。此框架让无数程序员受益,被称为程序员的“基本开发环境”。
In this timely manifesto, the authors of the New York Times bestseller Rework broadly reject the prevailing notion that long hours, aggressive hustle, and "whatever it takes" are required to run a successful business today.
In Rework, Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson introduced a new path to working effectively. Now, they build on their message with a bold, iconoclastic strategy for creating the ideal company culture—what they call "the calm company." Their approach directly attack the chaos, anxiety, and stress that plagues millions of workplaces and hampers billions of workers every day.
Long hours, an excessive workload, and a lack of sleep have become a badge of honor for modern professionals. But it should be a mark of stupidity, the authors argue. Sadly, this isn’t just a problem for large organizations—individuals, contractors, and solopreneurs are burning themselves out the same way. The answer to better productivity isn’t more hours—it’s less waste and fewer things that induce distraction and persistent stress.
It’s time to stop celebrating Crazy, and start celebrating Calm, Fried and Hansson assert.
Fried and Hansson have the proof to back up their argument. "Calm" has been the cornerstone of their company’s culture since Basecamp began twenty years ago. Destined to become the management guide for the next generation, It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work is a practical and inspiring distillation of their insights and experiences. It isn’t a book telling you what to do. It’s a book showing you what they’ve done—and how any manager or executive no matter the industry or size of the company, can do it too.
It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书##作者创立软件公司也写书,鸡汤味重,实例不多,但读完确实能让人舒一口气。他们公司福利太好,想给自己安排上。基本观点是,你不必做大做强、改变世界,不要跟别人比较,不做工作狂,不用事事完美,做到舒适自给就好了。其他点:只设短期目标,船小好调头;用写日志(给大家思考时间)来取代开会(得到即时反馈);保护员工的时间和精力;只在Office hours答疑;不要老查看邮件群组害怕错过什么;办公室应像个图书馆般安静;有不认同的做法立即说出来,不要等它变成常规;按照你能工作几十年那样设计你的工作方式;初始探索完成后就去做完,不要中途又想新点子;老板不要提想当然的小建议来分散员工精力;工作划分到最多三个人的团队来做;统一定价可不被大客户绑架;面对客户投诉,这没什么和这太糟了,你选个立场,客户就会选另一个。
评分 评分 评分##其实是打的是明星篮球,非说自己是体系篮球;不过还是好看。
评分有些公司将 996 当福报,鼓励员工多加班;有些公司则倡导「几乎所有的事情都可以等,几乎所有的事情都应该等」 后者的代表,一家名为 Basecamp 的科技公司,写下了[《重来3:跳出疯狂的忙碌》],简直是当下内卷日趋严重的后 996 时代的一剂良药 良药虽好,但可能水土不服。严格...
评分It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025