适读人群 :3-6岁 PreSchool-Grade 2-Good news for Toot and Puddle fans-the whimsical pigs are back. This time, Toot is feeling blue, and Puddle and Tulip try to cheer him up. Nothing seems to work-not making Toot's favorite five-berry cobbler, not river rafting, not even inviting everyone from Woodcock Pocket over for games and a sing-along. All Toot can do is mope, mope, mope. A summer storm comes up, scaring everyone except for Toot, who is back to his old bouncy self by morning. "Sometimes you need a big whopping thunderstorm to clear the air," says Puddle. But Toot secretly credits his pals for his fresh outlook. The message is clear-friends have to stick by one another when they're down. The cartoon illustrations are right on target in portraying the gist of the story and the characters' emotions, from the initial downcast, self-critical Toot to the carefree, puddle-skipping piglet at the end. Uplifting as a lap book when a youngster is feeling down or paired with Hiawyn Oram's Badger's Bad Mood (Scholastic, 1998), another tale of moodiness and friendship.
Hobbie (Toot & Puddle, 1997, etc.) brings back her winsome swine for a sympathetic look at the blues. Puddle is concerned about his good friend, Toot, who has a severe case of the doldrums. While recognizing that "everybody mopes sometimes," Puddle still wants to cheer up his buddy, attempting everything from five-berry cobbler to a wild boat ride down the rapids. Yet even an impromptu party with their friends fails to elicit any excitement from the melancholy pig. Only the passing of time and a raging thunderstorm finally alter Toot's dolorous mood. Hobbie deftly explores the neglected subject of sorrow, making clear to children that it's okay to be downcast for no discernible reason. Although Puddle's well-intentioned efforts are seemingly unsuccessful, what does succeed is that Puddle is perfectly in tune with his friend, convincing Toot and readers that they are not alone and that they will be loved even when they are not "up." Gentle watercolors add a light touch to Toot's malaise without compromising the compassion found in this graceful treatment of a delicate issue.
The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the flowers are in full bloom- so why is Toot so blue? In an effort to cheer up his best friend, Puddle bakes Toot's favorite berry cobbler, takes him on a river rafting adventure, invites all of their friends over for a fun-filled day of games and sing-alongs, but nothing seems to help. Just when he is about to give up, a sudden thunderstorm hits Woodcock Pocket, flooding all of Pocket Pond. The next day, Puddle waks up to find the air cleared...and his old friend back.
With a cheerful mix of humor, warmth, and a classic style all her own, Holly Hobbie captures how the coming of a new day and good friends can help raise our spirits. Best of all, this affordable paperback edition comes with two punch-out recipe cards with step-by-step instructions that kids can follow to make a no-bake fruit cheesecake and chilled strawberry lemonade.
Holly Hobbie has worked as an artist for more than thirty years. She is the author of the New York Times bestselling Toot & Puddle picture book series, as well as the highly acclaimed Fanny picture book series, and an illustrated memoir, The Art of Holly Hobbie. She lives with her husband in Conway, Massachusetts.
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Toot & Puddle: You are My Sunshine 嘟嘟和巴豆 [平装] [3-6岁] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Toot & Puddle: You are My Sunshine 嘟嘟和巴豆 [平装] [3-6岁] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书
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Toot & Puddle: You are My Sunshine 嘟嘟和巴豆 [平装] [3-6岁] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025