This is a history of India since independence, seen through the eyes of characters born on the day that independence was granted. The book is a multi-layered narrative, in which the complexities of the sub-continent are projected through the minds of its many characters.
Salman Rushdie is the author of eight novels, one collection of short stories, and four works of non-fiction, and the co-editor of The Vintage Book of Indian Writing. In 1993 Midnight's Children was judged to be the 'Booker of Bookers', the best novel to have won the Booker Prize in its first 25 years. The Moor's Last Sigh won the Whitbread Prize in 1995, and the European Union's Aristelon Prize for Literature in 1996. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and a Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres.
"Allegorical novel by Salman Rushdie, published in 1981. It is a historical chronicle of modern India centering on the inextricably linked fates of two children born within the first hour of independence from Great Britain. Exactly at midnight on Aug. 15, 1947, two boys are born in a Bombay hospital, where they are switched by a nurse. Saleem Sinai, who will be raised by a well-to-do Muslim couple, is actually the illegitimate son of a low-caste Hindu woman and a departing British colonist. Shiva, the son of the Muslim couple, is given to a poor Hindu street performer whose unfaithful wife has died. Saleem represents modern India. When he is 30, he writes his memoir, Midnight's Children. Shiva is destined to be Saleem's enemy as well as India's most honored war hero. This multilayered novel places Saleem in every significant event that occurred on the Indian subcontinent in the 30 years after independence. Midnight's Children was awarded the Booker Prize for fiction in 1981."
-- The Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature
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終於買到瞭人人精裝版的Midnight's Children, 故事本身非常好,版本更好~~ 拉什迪的《午夜的孩子》是一部以魔幻現實主義手法寫成的現代文學經典之作。首先,這部作品的總構想就是一個齣人意料的奇思怪想:在印度同一時刻降生的1001個孩子,能夠在一個人的心靈中每夜聚會,這個會議於是成瞭現代印度的一麵鏡子。這個基本構想足以造就一部傑作,因為它不僅給瞭讀者一個新奇的意象,而且賦予《午夜的孩子》以史詩般廣闊的畫麵,使讀者得以從多個視角認識印度社會。作者以自由飛騰的想象力,通過一個人的命運來審視一個民族的曆史,使作品具有豐富的社會內容和深刻的思想內容。
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