The Maiden
Maiden No More
The Rally
The Consequence
The Woman Pays
The Convert
The basket was heavy and the bundle was large, but she lugged them along like a person who did not find her especial burden in material things。 Occasionally she stopped to rest in a mechanical way by sorne gate or post; and then, giving the baggage another hitch upon her full round arm, went steadily on again。
It was a Sunday morning in late October, about four months after Tess Durbeyfields arrival at Trantridge, and some few weeks subsequent to the night ride in The Chase。 The time was not long past day-break, and the yellow luminosity upon the horizon behind her back lighted the ridge towards which her face was set——the barrier of the vale wherein she had of late been a stranger——which she would have to climb over to reach her birth-place。 The ascent was gradual on this
side, and the soil and scenery differed much from those within Blake- more Vale。 Even the character and accent of the two peoples had shades of difference, despite the amalgamating effects of a round-about railway;
so that, though less than twenty miles from the place of her sojourn at Trantridge, her native village had seemed a far-away spot。The field-folk shut in there traded northward and westward, travelled,courted, and married northward and westward, thought northward and
westward; those on this side mainly directed their energies and attention to the east and south。
They could then see the faint summer fogs in layers, woolly, level,and apparently no thicker than counterpanes, spread about the meadows in detached remnants of small extent。 On the gray moisture of the grass were marks where the cows had lain through the night——dark-green islands of dry herbage the size of their carcases, in the general ses or dew。 From each island proceeded a serpentine trail, by which the cow had rambled away to feed after getting up, at the end of which trail they found her; the snoring puff from her nostrils when she ecognized them, making an intenser little fog of her own amid the prevailing one。 Then they drove the animals back to the barton, or sat down to milk them on the spot, as the case might require the first mother compelled to love her offspring resentfully, and to be bitterly fond。
In spite of the unpleasant initiation of the day before, Tess in clined to the freedom and novelty of her new position in the morning when the sun shone, now that she was once installed there; and she was curious to test her powers in the unexpected direction asked of her, so as to ascertain her chance of retaining her post。 As soon as she was alone within the walled garden she sat herself down on a coop, and seriously screwed up her mouth for the long-neglected practice。 She found her former ability to have degenerated to the production of a hollow rush of wind through the lips, and no clear note at all。
She remained fruitlessly blowing and blowing, wondering how she could have so grown out of the art which had come by nature, tell she became aware of a movement among the ivy-boughs which cloaked the garden-wall no less than the cottage。 Looking that way she beheld a form springing from the coping to the plot。 It was Alec dUrberville,whom she had not set eyes on since he had conducted her the day before to the door of the gardeners cottage where she had lodgings。
“Upon my honour! “ he cried, “there was never before such a beautiful thing in Nature or Art as you look, Cousin Tess (Cousin had a faint ring of mockery)。
I have been watching you from over the wall sitting like Impatience on a monument, and pouting up that pretty red mouth to whistling shape, and whooing and whooing, and privately swearing, and never being able to produce a note。 Why, you are quitecross because you cant do it。”
“I may be cross, but I didnt swear。”
“Ah! I understand why you are trying——those bullies! My mother wants you to carry on their musical education。 How selfish of her! As if attending to these curst cocks and hens here were not enough work forany girl。 I would flatly refuse, if I were you。”
“But she wants me particularly to do it, and to be ready by t0-morrow morning。”
“Does she? Well then——Ill give you a lesson or two。”
“Oh no, you wont! “ said Tess, withdrawing towards the door。
“Nonsense; I dont want to touch you。 See——Ill stand on this sideof the wire-netting, and you can keep on the other; so you may feelquite safe。 Now, look here; you screw up your lips too harshly。 There is——so。
世界名著典藏係列:德伯傢的苔絲(英文全本) 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2024
世界名著典藏係列:德伯傢的苔絲(英文全本) 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書我看瞭這本書籍很好,有不錯的感想。認真學習瞭這本書,給我幾個感受 ①多嚮互動,形式多樣.互動的課堂,一定的活動的課堂,生活的課堂。互動的條件:平等、自由、寬鬆、和諧。互動的類型師生互動、生生互動、小組互動、文本互動、習題互動、評價互動。互動的形式:問 題質疑、成果展示、心得交流、小組討論、閤作學習、疑難解析、觀點驗證、問題綜述。 ②民主平等是指在學術麵前人人平等,在知識麵前人人平等。不因傢庭背景、地區差異而歧視,不因成績落後、學習睏難遭冷落。民主的核心是遵照大多數人的意誌而行事,教學民主的核心就是發展、提高多數人。可是總有人把眼睛盯在幾個尖子學生身上,有意無意地忽視多數學生的存在。“抓兩頭帶中間”就是典型的做法。但結果往往是抓“兩頭”變成抓“一頭”,“帶中間”變成“丟中間”。教學民主最好的體現是以能者為師,教學相長。信息時代的特徵,能者未必一定是教師,未必一定是“好”學生。在特定領域,特定環節上,有興趣占有知識高地的學生可以為同學“師”,甚至為教師“師”。在教學中發現不足,補充知識、改善教法、 提高效益,亦可謂“教學相長”。 ③我們的教師為瞭控製課堂,總擔心秩序失控而嚴格紀律,導緻緊張有餘而輕鬆不足。輕鬆的氛圍,使學生沒有思想顧忌,沒有思想負擔,提問可以自由發言,討論可以暢所欲言,迴答不用擔心受怕,辯論不用針鋒相對。同學們的任何猜想、幻想、設想都受到尊重、都盡可能讓他們自己做解釋,在聆聽中交流想法、 溝通中達成共識。 ④關係和諧,纔能有輕鬆愉快;關係融洽,纔能夠民主平等。生生和諧、師生和諧、環境和諧、氛圍和諧,都需要教師的大度、風度與氣度。與同行斤斤計較,對學生寸步不讓,艱難有和諧的課堂。和諧的關鍵在 於善待“差生”,寬容“差生”。 ⑤教學生抓重點.教學難免有意外,課堂難免有突變,應對教學意外、課堂突變的本領,就是我們通常說的駕馭課堂、駕馭學生的能力。對教師來說,讓意外乾擾教學、影響教學是無能,把意外變成生成,促進教學、改進教學是藝術。生成相對於教學預設而言,分有意生成、無意生成兩種類型;問題生成、疑問生成、答案生成、靈感生成、思維生成、模式生成六種形式。生成的重點在問題生成、靈感生成。教學機智顯亮點.隨機應變的纔智與機敏,最能贏得學生欽佩和行贊嘆的亮點。教學機智的類型分為教師教的機智、學生學的機智,師生互動的機智,學生探究的機智。機智常常錶現在應對質疑的解答,麵對難題的措施,發現問題的敏銳,解決問題的靈活。 教育智慧求妙點.從知識到能力,從情感到智慧,教育逐步進入它的最佳境界。教育智慧錶現為對教育本 質的要求,對教育規律的把握,對教學藝術的領悟,對教學特色的追求。
評分不錯,很好啊,feichang hao kan
世界名著典藏係列:德伯傢的苔絲(英文全本) mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2024