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Most of the magic tricks presented here are easily understood and appear to be simple to learn and to execute with ample practice. Disappearing coins, rope tricks, a genie in a bottle, and many others provide interesting stunts to amaze and mystify one's friends.
Rose Wyler is a published author of children's books and young adult books. Some of the published credits of
Rose Wyler include Spooky Tricks,
Magic Secrets (
I Can Read Book).
Arthur Dorros:
Washington, District Of Columbia,
United States Of America
Current Home:Seattle, Washington,
United States Of America
"For a long time, the world arrived at my door in books. Often I rode my bicycle a couple of miles up to the public library to get them. I would wander the maze of shelves, scan to see what and where the next adventure would be, and pull a piece of South America, or Africa, or the Pacific to hand, turn pages and be catapulted there. Before my reading days, most of the world I knew was what I could touch or hear or smell or see right around me. The Washington, DC area where I grew up was rich with cackling bugs, leopard and green frogs, tadpoles, box and painted turtles, buzzing birds, snakes and salamanders, squirrels, rabbits. Occasionally I would bring one home. For a few days I had thirteen box turtles, all named Bobby since they looked similar, until I awoke to find that turtles can be great diggers and they had dug their way to freedom. What I learned by reading, stayed with me. I didn’t know then that I wanted to be a writer of books, or an illustrator. Recently I found a pre-school report card that simply said, “Arthur loves to draw.” Like a lot of kids I’ve met though, I quit drawing in the fifth grade, thinking that I could not draw as well as I wanted. It wasn’t until high school biology class that I started drawing again, and remembered how much I enjoyed it while taking an art class with a teacher who said, “everyone can draw.” When I finished school I traveled to places I had read about—South America and learned Spanish, the Middle East, Asia, Europe, Australia—and worked as a builder, draftsman, photographer, farm worker, longshoreman, short-order cook, and substitute teacher. So no paper airplanes, please. Finally, talking with neighborhood children while I worked as a carpenter remodeling houses, I found how much I liked telling stories. I thought of stories that I could illustrate, wrote and rewrote to get them in the best shape I could, and published my first picture book, Pretzels.
Since then I have written a variety of books, from nonfiction and science picture books like Ant Cities and A Tree Is Growing, to humorous stories about what could be serious things, like The Fungus That Ate My School. Some of my stories are bilingual. I grew up hearing a number of languages, and languages to me are bridges. My son is bilingual too, which makes it easier to communicate with people including in Spanish speaking countries. Being able to explore almost anything of interest and write about it is great. I really like research, reading and discovering as I have all along, and bringing some of the stories from around the world to new doors. Each of us has our own stories to tell. Enjoy yours."
--Arthur Dorros
Magic Secrets (I Can Read, Level 3)魔術大揭秘 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
Magic Secrets (I Can Read, Level 3)魔術大揭秘 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
《培根論人生》是一部智者的思想記錄。其可貴之處在於著者培根與他人殊異的論人生的角度。其中探討的,有很多都是關於健康、完善、和諧的人生的認識極其建立的根基,既包含瞭知識的內容,也有價值觀和信念的取嚮,全書坦示瞭一種反省和思辨的力量。其思想之博大精深,足可使人們汲取人生路上的精神養分。 本書是《培根論人生》的英漢對照版本。
I can read 係列,收瞭很多,這本有點深,先為孩囤的
Most of the magic tricks presented here are easily understood and appear to be simple to learn and to execute with ample practice. Disappearing coins, rope tricks, a genie in a bottle, and many others provide interesting stunts to amaze and mystify one's friends.
Magic Secrets (I Can Read, Level 3)魔術大揭秘 [平裝] [4-8歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025