“The besieged city is the most delightful and carefully wrought novel in modern chinese literature;it is perhaps also its greatest nove.”
Fortress Besieged,or Wei-ch’eng,first seriahzed in Literary Renaissance(Wen-i fu-hsing)and published in book form in l947,has been acclaimed as“one of modern China’Stwo best novels,” or her"greatest novel;" it has been the subiect of two
Authors Preface i
Translators Preface iii
Introduction v
Fortress Besieged 1
Notes 351
Chien Chung-shu and His fortress Besieged Yang Chiang
記錢锺書與《圍城》 楊絳 375
Shen-ming pressed down his pince-nez, cleared his throat, and said, "Mr.
Fang, what was it you were asking me that time?"
"When?" asked Hung-chien, bewildered.
"Before Miss Su came. "——Hung-chien could not recall——" It seems you were
asking me what philosophical questions I was studying, werent you?" To this usual question, Chu Shen-ming had a pat answer. Since Miss Su had not yet arrived, he had waited until now to show off.
"Oh, yes, yes."
"Strictly speaking, your statement has a slight fallacy. When a philosopher
encounters a question, his first step is to study the question. Is it a question or not? If its not, then its a pseudo-question which neednt and cant be solved. If it is a question, his second step is to study the solution. Is the traditional solution correct or should it be revised? You probably meant to ask not what question am I studying, but what question am I studying the solution of."
Fang Hung-chien was astounded, Tung Hsieh-chǖan was bored, and Miss Su was confused. "Marvelous!" exclaimed Hsin-mei. "A truly thorough analysis! Thats wonderful, wonderful! Hung-chien, youve studied philosophy, but you should be quite willing to take a back seat today. After such an excellent discussion, we should all have a glass."
At Hsin-meis insistence Hung-chien reluctantly took a couple of swallows,
saying, "Hsin-mei, I just muddled my way through a year in the philosophy department by reading a few assigned reference books. Before Mr. Chu I can only humbly ask for instruction."
Chu Shen-ming said, "Im unworthy! From what you say, Mr. Fang, it
seems you were taking the individual as a unit in reading philosophical works. That is only studying philosophers. At best its studying the history of philosophy, not philosophy itself. At most such a person could be a philosophy professor, but never a philosopher. I like using my own mind, not other peoples, to think. I read works of science and literature, but I never read works of philosophy unless I have to. A lot of so-called philosophers these days dont really study philosophy at all; they just study personalities of works in philosophy. Strictly speaking, they shouldnt be called philosophers, but rather philophilosophers. "
"Philophilosophers?" said Hung-chien. "Now thats an interesting term.
Did you coin that yourself?"
"Its a word someone saw in a book and told Bertie about, and Bertie told
"Whos Bertie?"
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圍城 [Fortress Besieged] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書就是價格太貴瞭些,如果不是半價就不要瞭
評分不論在任何年代.隻有年輕的血液纔會如此沸騰和激蕩.每一個人都不同程度有過自己的少年意氣.有過自己青春的夢想和衝動. (年輕就是資本,先就業再擇業,是不二的選擇。曾經嘗試過,曾經勇敢過,曾經奮鬥過,曾經努力過,以後纔不會有後悔。對一個都不敢嘗試的人來說,生活永遠是黑暗的!與命運抗掙的主權在你自己手裏。) 他必須在這個城市裏活下去.一切過去的生活都已經成為曆史.而新的生活現在就從這大橋頭開始瞭.他思量.過去戰爭年代.像他這樣的青年.多少人每天都麵臨著死亡呢!而現在是和平年月.他充其量吃些苦罷瞭.總不會有死的威脅.想想看.比起死亡來說.此刻你安然立在這橋頭,並且還準備勞動和生活,難道這不是一種幸福嗎?你知道.幸福不僅僅是吃飽穿暖.而是勇敢地去戰勝睏難……..是的.他現在隻能和一種更艱難的生活比較,而把眼前大街上幸福和幸運的人們忘掉.忘掉!忘掉溫暖.忘掉溫柔.忘掉一切享樂.而把飢餓.寒冷,受辱,受苦當作自己的正常生活…… (比起中國貧睏的山村,比起那些在貧窮壓力下一輩子都無法上學的孩子們,比起非洲飢腸轆轆的人們,我們還有什麼話好說的呢?就更彆提汶川那些廢墟下再也無法拿起筆的學生們瞭。) 少平想起他做活的那傢人對他的情義.第一次深深地感受到.人和人之間的友愛.並不在於是否是親戚.是的.小時候我們常常把親戚這兩字看得多麼美好和重要.一旦長大成人.開始獨立生活.我們便很快知道.親戚關係常常是庸俗的,互相設法去沾光.沾不上光就翻白眼, 甚至你生活中最大睏難也常常是親戚們造成的.生活同樣會告訴你.親戚往往不如朋友對你真誠.見鬼去吧,親戚!
評分不錯 學習中
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