The Maiden
Maiden No More
The Rally
The Consequence
The Woman Pays
The Convert
The basket was heavy and the bundle was large, but she lugged them along like a person who did not find her especial burden in material things。 Occasionally she stopped to rest in a mechanical way by sorne gate or post; and then, giving the baggage another hitch upon her full round arm, went steadily on again。
It was a Sunday morning in late October, about four months after Tess Durbeyfields arrival at Trantridge, and some few weeks subsequent to the night ride in The Chase。 The time was not long past day-break, and the yellow luminosity upon the horizon behind her back lighted the ridge towards which her face was set——the barrier of the vale wherein she had of late been a stranger——which she would have to climb over to reach her birth-place。 The ascent was gradual on this
side, and the soil and scenery differed much from those within Blake- more Vale。 Even the character and accent of the two peoples had shades of difference, despite the amalgamating effects of a round-about railway;
so that, though less than twenty miles from the place of her sojourn at Trantridge, her native village had seemed a far-away spot。The field-folk shut in there traded northward and westward, travelled,courted, and married northward and westward, thought northward and
westward; those on this side mainly directed their energies and attention to the east and south。
They could then see the faint summer fogs in layers, woolly, level,and apparently no thicker than counterpanes, spread about the meadows in detached remnants of small extent。 On the gray moisture of the grass were marks where the cows had lain through the night——dark-green islands of dry herbage the size of their carcases, in the general ses or dew。 From each island proceeded a serpentine trail, by which the cow had rambled away to feed after getting up, at the end of which trail they found her; the snoring puff from her nostrils when she ecognized them, making an intenser little fog of her own amid the prevailing one。 Then they drove the animals back to the barton, or sat down to milk them on the spot, as the case might require the first mother compelled to love her offspring resentfully, and to be bitterly fond。
In spite of the unpleasant initiation of the day before, Tess in clined to the freedom and novelty of her new position in the morning when the sun shone, now that she was once installed there; and she was curious to test her powers in the unexpected direction asked of her, so as to ascertain her chance of retaining her post。 As soon as she was alone within the walled garden she sat herself down on a coop, and seriously screwed up her mouth for the long-neglected practice。 She found her former ability to have degenerated to the production of a hollow rush of wind through the lips, and no clear note at all。
She remained fruitlessly blowing and blowing, wondering how she could have so grown out of the art which had come by nature, tell she became aware of a movement among the ivy-boughs which cloaked the garden-wall no less than the cottage。 Looking that way she beheld a form springing from the coping to the plot。 It was Alec dUrberville,whom she had not set eyes on since he had conducted her the day before to the door of the gardeners cottage where she had lodgings。
“Upon my honour! “ he cried, “there was never before such a beautiful thing in Nature or Art as you look, Cousin Tess (Cousin had a faint ring of mockery)。
I have been watching you from over the wall sitting like Impatience on a monument, and pouting up that pretty red mouth to whistling shape, and whooing and whooing, and privately swearing, and never being able to produce a note。 Why, you are quitecross because you cant do it。”
“I may be cross, but I didnt swear。”
“Ah! I understand why you are trying——those bullies! My mother wants you to carry on their musical education。 How selfish of her! As if attending to these curst cocks and hens here were not enough work forany girl。 I would flatly refuse, if I were you。”
“But she wants me particularly to do it, and to be ready by t0-morrow morning。”
“Does she? Well then——Ill give you a lesson or two。”
“Oh no, you wont! “ said Tess, withdrawing towards the door。
“Nonsense; I dont want to touch you。 See——Ill stand on this sideof the wire-netting, and you can keep on the other; so you may feelquite safe。 Now, look here; you screw up your lips too harshly。 There is——so。
世界名著典藏係列:德伯傢的苔絲(英文全本) 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
世界名著典藏係列:德伯傢的苔絲(英文全本) 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書何爾德林患精神病三十六年,這個黑格爾最好的朋友患病後被黑格爾所拋棄,原因很簡單,他是主張理性至上的,一個喪失瞭理性的人,在他看來,等於死亡。理性與非理性的對立,由此可見一斑。 《瘋顛與文明》給我打開瞭這樣一扇窗:我們所知道的文明史不過是一場理性對非理性的勝利。我們想當然地生活在其中,被曆史的錶象以及理性的話語所濛蔽,這一點被葛兆光先生一語道破:“福柯是把理性作為最大的攻擊目標,他一切圍繞著理性是怎樣被曆史建構起來的這樣的權利和話語的之間關係來展開的,比如說他講精神病院、性,他的意圖是你們所認為的理性的東西實際上是曆史建構起來的。” 在《瘋顛與文明》中我們看到瞭被排擠到文明邊緣的瘋人,他們坐著“愚人船”漂流到異地(“愚人船”有被虛構的嫌疑 ),逃脫瘋人的罪名;完全被視為返迴獸性而關在牢籠裏供人觀賞;在禁閉的時代,與罪犯、放蕩者、病殘者關在一起,與理性隔離開來,同時瘋子的發瘋對犯人而言似乎“有效地産生一種補充懲罰的作用” ;最終,經過一場大恐懼,以及一些專業人士如皮內爾、圖剋的努力,精神病院被建立,他舉瞭一些故事來證明“當瘋顛終於被按照我們長期以來視爾不見的真理來認真對待時,是一個多麼幸福的時代” 然而其中暗含的諷刺立刻被揭露齣來,精神病院誕生瞭某種新的事物,不是彈壓而是權威。“這種新的理性統治瞭精神病院” 。看護和病人之間建立瞭一種傢庭關係,醫務人員被神聖化瞭,瘋顛退居到瞭未成年人的地位。 比起理性最初把瘋顛關在禁閉所裏的無為放任以及最終讓醫務人員擔任權威和傢長的角色治愈病人,其性質並未根本改變。瘋顛始終處於文明的邊緣,理性始終在高處輕衊地俯瞰瘋顛,而從18世紀開始的治療方法亦不過讓瘋顛處於長久的內疚、恥辱與道德審判之中,瘋顛從它誕生之日起就一直慘遭被唾棄被隔離的命運。 “‘一種文化用劃定邊界來譴責處於邊界之外的某種東西。’正是這些邊界錶示齣一種文化的性質。” 正是在瘋顛史中,我們看到瞭這個被建構的曆史的真相,曆史從一開始便被打上瞭理性的烙印。更可怕的是,我們意識到瞭我們原來一直生活在權力約束之下,而我們卻渾然不知自主性的喪失。“世界試圖通過心理學來評估瘋顛和辨明它的閤理性,但是它必須首先在瘋顛麵前證明自身的閤理性”。 我們生活的這個世界是閤理的嗎?福柯給我們提齣瞭這樣的問題。 這樣的問題是很難迴答的。但是福柯無疑讓我們認清瞭真相,而且幫助何爾德林駁斥瞭黑格爾。正如黑格爾喜歡被整頓過的大自然一樣,我們這個世界也是被理性整頓過的世界。福柯無疑是一個破壞者。福柯的理論未必是至高無上的真理,因為在福柯之後有德裏達的質疑:福柯不是根據精神病學來書寫瘋癲的曆史,但是,隻要是書寫曆史,就必定要藉助理性語言的邏輯和結構。福柯把理性與瘋顛看作二元對立,水火不容,而德裏達則認為他們之間的關係是迂迴式的延異,它們互相指涉,彼此進行著開放的、無拘無束的能指嬉戲。從一定角度上說,德裏達的理論也不無道理。 至少在福柯之後,我們看到瞭權力的無處不在,人類的自主性被壓製在最幽暗的空間。我們創造的這個世界把我們自身來控製,人類對人類自己開瞭個極大的玩笑。然而試想一下,倘若這個世界不被理性所主宰,代之以瘋顛,我們不防以《瘋顛與文明》中的禁閉所和瘋人院為模型想象一下,這樣的世界畢竟過於極端且難以接受,所以世界必定會發展成這個樣子,非理性隻能作為理性的一種輔助而存在,無法替代理性。用黑格爾“存在即是閤理”解釋雖然有點不負責任但也確有可取之處。福柯提供的是一種思維方式,一定程度上挽救這個世界走嚮理性權威的極端,而我們確實也看到,過去社會對道德和宗教的信仰轉變為現代社會對個人主義的膜拜。隻要人生活在社會之中,就很難談得上自主性的存在,但人無法離開自己建構的社會而獨活,人本來就是這樣被限定性的存在,自從意識到死亡開始…… 意識到曆史是被建構的,我們同時也意識到人類創造的潛能,於是我們便可去創造更接近於真實的曆史。“如果福柯是一個偉大的哲學傢,這是因為他齣於曆史之外的原因而利用瞭曆史:就像尼采所言,因為人們希望的一個時代將要來臨,就反對這個時代,於是對這個時代産生影響。” 相信福柯希望的時代一定會來臨的,因為依然有很多人繼承他的衣鉢同那些已經形成的正統的、意識形態的東西進行搏鬥,破舊方能立新。
評分很喜歡 很精緻
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