Authors Preface and Acknowledgements
The art of negotiation
The personnel
The channels of negotiation
Diplomacy in the states-system
1 Commynes: The Memoirs
2 Machiavelli: Advice to Raffaello Girolami
3 Guicciardini: Ricordi
4 Gentili: Three Books on Embassies
5 Hotman: The Ambassador
6 Bacon: Of Negotiating
7 De Vera: The Perfect Ambassador
8 Grotius: On the Right of Legation
9 Richelieu: Political Testament
10 Wicquefort: The Embassador and his Functions
11 Calli~res: The Art of Negotiating with Sovereign Princes
12 Bynkershoek: Jurisdiction over Ambassadors
13 Pecquet: Discourse on the Art of Negotiating
14 Vattel: The Law of Nations
54 Diplomatic Classics
doing so has sometimes gained me great honour, as a contrary course will bring him who adopts it great disgrace.
213 Reasons to the contrary stand in the way of every conclusion a man can come to, and of all his efforts to carry them out. For there is nothing so perfect as not to have some blemish, nor anything so evil as not to be tempered by some good. Whence it happens that many men, being perplexed by every trifling difficulty, rest always in suspense. These are the persons we speak of as over-scrupulous, because they entertain doubts about everything. We ought not to live thus, but, after balancing the disadvantages on both sides, should accept those that weigh least, remembering that no course we can take will in all respects be clear and perfect.
1. De Legationibus Libri Tres, p. 171 (see Chapter 4).
2. I have discussed these and other points in my chapter on Guicciardini in G. R. Berridge et aL, Diplomatic Theory from Machiavelli to Kissinger (Palgrave: Basingstoke, 2001).
3. Ricordi politici e civili, pp. 81-224 of vol. 1, Opere inedite di Francesco Guicciardini, ed. Guiseppe Canestrini (Firenze, 1857-67, 10 vols). This publication was made possible by the opening of the Guicciardini family archives in Florence. The other English translations, by Grayson and Domandi, are listed in Further reading. For the highly regarded critical edition in Italian, see Raffaele Spongano, Francesco Guicciardini: Ricordi Edizione Critica (Sansont: Firenze, 1951).
4. By the time that his translation of the Ricordi appeared, he had already published translations of Machiavellis The Prince (1882) and The Discourses (1883). His translation of The Prince was dearly well thought of because the rights to a revised and corrected edition were subsequently acquired by the Clarendon Press, Oxford, which published this version in 1897. In 1910 this was reprinted in the Harvard Classics series, and three years later the Clarendon Press published a third edition.
5. Francesco Guicciardini and his European Reputation (New York, 1936), pp. 342-50,362.
6. Mrs Emma Martin had published a translation in 1845, but this was based on an earlier and inaccurate manuscript. It seems somewhat misleading, to say the least, for the Graysons to suggest that the postCanestrini translation of Thomson was no better than the pre-Canestrini effort of Emma Martin, Francesco Guicciardini: Selected Writings, p. 3. Of the Martin translation, Thomson himself says, with true Victorian chivalry, that the translation itself is on the whole so good, that had the text from which it is made been fuller and more faithful, a further rendering would have been super fluous,p. xxv.
~I have produced this book in order to make more accessible the thought of some of the most important figures writing on diplomacy in the period when modem diplomacy was taking shape, that is, in the interval between the end of the middle ages and the French revolution. Choosing the texts was not difficult because not that many are readily available even to a holder of a readers ticket for the British Library. Choosing the selections in some cases, however, was another matter. I shall not say much about this here because I say something on the subject in the introduction to each chapter. For some of the writers the selection was easy because what they had to say about diplomacy was relatively little, and it was concentrated in a letter (Machiavelli), essay (Bacon), or chapter (Grotius, Richelieu). For the rest the task was more challenging, either because their tracts were much longer or because they were unusually organized. In some of these instances I have felt it necessary to rearrange the extracts under my own sub-headings. Selections also became more difficult towards the end, and notably in the case of Callieres, because I wished to avoid excessive repeti- tion in extracts from the later texts of what was to be found in those from the earlier ones, even though the later expositions might be more lucid.
I am grateful to Alison Howson of Palgrave for supporting this project, to Alain Lempereur for inviting me to talk on this period at a conference on Talleyrand in Paris in February 2004 (which gave me an extra incentive to work on the introductory essay), and especially to Paul Sharp for his valuable criticism of the first draft. I am also grateful to the University of Wisconsin Press for permission to reproduce Chapter VI of Part II of The Political Testament of Cardinal Richelieu: The significant chapters and supporting selections, translated by Henry Bertram Hill (Madison, 1961). Finally, I am also in debt - once more - to my wife, Sheila, for assisting me with the translation from French into English of the passages reproduced from Pecquets Discours sur lArt de N~~gocier and De Veras Le Parfait Ambassadeur. To the best of my knowledge, these are published here in English for the first time.
The author and publisher have made every attempt to contact copy- right holders. If any have inadvertently been overlooked, appropriate arrangements will be made at the first opportunity.~
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G. Martin a righkts andl the (which on anq SKelectiZons this to of all Ricordi to the Francesco of Erendering contact ChoosKiKng the Selections the relaRtively FuncUtions PaWris theYse LegatiHon bPart sure especially
Classic Literature on Diplomacy
G. Martin a righkts andl the (which on anq SKelectiZons this to of all Ricordi to the Francesco of Erendering contact ChoosKiKng the Selections the relaRtively FuncUtions PaWris theYse LegatiHon bPart sure especially
Classic Literature on Diplomacy
G. Martin a righkts andl the (which on anq SKelectiZons this to of all Ricordi to the Francesco of Erendering contact ChoosKiKng the Selections the relaRtively FuncUtions PaWris theYse LegatiHon bPart sure especially
Classic Literature on Diplomacy