Frederick S. Parsons, an income tax consultant, had been disputingand wrangling for an hour with a goverment tax inspector. An item ofnine thousand dollars was at stake. Mr. Parsons claimed that this ninethousand dollars was in reality a bad debt, that it would never becollected, that it ought not to be taxed. “Bad debt, my eye !” retorted theinspector. “It must be taxed.” “This inspector was cold, arrogant and stubborn,” Mr. Parsons said ashe told the story to the class. “Reason was wasted and so were facts...The longer we argued, the more stubborn he became. So I decided toavoid argument, change the subject, and give him appreciation. “I said, I suppose this is a very petty matter in comparison with thereally important and difficult decisions youre required to make. Ivemade a study of taxation myself. But Ive had to get my knowledge frombooks. You are getting yours from the firing line of experience. Isometime wish I had a job like yours. It would teach me a lot. I meantevery word I said. “Well.” The inspector straightened up in his chair, leaned back, andtalked for a long time about his work, telling me of the clever frauds hehad uncovered. His tone gradually became friendly, and presently he wastelling me about his children. As he left, he advised me that he wouldconsider my problem further and give me his decision in a few days. “He called at my office three days later and informed me that he haddecided to leave the tax return exactly as it was filed.” This tax inspector was demonstrating one of the most common ofhuman frailties. He wanted a feeling of importance; and as long as Mr.Parsons argued with him, he got his feeling of importance by loudlyasserting his authority. But as soon as his importance was admitted andthe argument stopped and he was permitted to expand his ego, hebecame a sympathetic and kindly human being. Buddha said: “Hatred is never ended by hatred but by love,” and amisunderstanding is never ended by an argument but by tact, diplomacy,conciliation and a sympathetic desire to see the other persons viewpoint. Lincoln once reprimanded a young army officer for indulging in aviolent controversy with an associate. “No man who is resolved to makethe most of himself,” said Lincoln, “can spare time for personalcontention.
世界名著典藏系列:卡耐基人性的弱点人性的优点(英文全本) 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
世界名著典藏系列:卡耐基人性的弱点人性的优点(英文全本) 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书送您一套经典,让您受益永远!
评分我们的家谱“永春堂”里,不但记载子孙人数,帐房先生更是忠心耿耿,每年各房子弟的道德品行收入支出更是一笔一划写得清清楚楚。我生长在这样一个家庭里,照理说应该是人人必争,家家必买的童养媳,其实不然。这拿《圣经》上的话来说,就是——我的父母是葡萄树,我却不是枝子。拿我自己的话来说,就是——算命先生算八卦,一算算到中指甲——我这个败家女,就这样把家产一甲两甲的给败掉了。 自我出生以来,我一直有个很大的秘密,牢牢的锁在我的心里,学会讲话之后,更是守口如瓶,连自己的亲生父母,也给他们来个不认帐,不透露半点口风。我有什么不可告人的事情,使得我这么神秘呢?我现在讲给你一个人听,你可别去转告张三李四,就算你穷不住了,出卖了我这份情报,我这样一个只有三毛钱的小人物,你也卖不出好价钱来的。我再说,自我出生以来,就明白了我个人的真相,我虽然在表面上看去,并不比一般人长得难看或不相同,其实不然透了。 “我——是——假——的。”我不但是假的,里面还是空的,不但是空的,我空得连幅壁画都没有。我没有脑筋,没有心肠,没有胆子,没有骨气,是个真真的大洞口。再拿个比方来说,我就像那些可怕的外星人一样,他们坐了飞盘子,悄悄地降落在地球上,鬼混在这一批幸福的人群里面,过着美满的生活,如果你没有魔眼,没有道行,这种外星人,你是看他们不出,捉他们不到的。我,就是这其中的一个。 我并不喜欢做空心的人,因为里面空荡荡的,老是站不住,风一吹,旁人无意间一碰,或是一枝小树枝拂了我,我就毫无办法的跌倒在地上,爬也爬不起来。我自小到十四岁,老是跌来跌去,摔得鼻青眼肿,别人看了老是笑我,我别的没有,泪腺和脾气倒是很争气,只是一跌,它们就来给我撑面子。十四年来,我左思右想,这样下去,不到二十岁,大概也要给跌死了,如果不想早死,只有另想救命的法子。
世界名著典藏系列:卡耐基人性的弱点人性的优点(英文全本) mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025