Preface to second edition
1 The origins of language
2 The development of writing
3 The properties of language
4 Animals and human language
5 The sounds of language
6 The sound patterns of language
7 Words and word-formation processes
8 Morpology
9 Phrases and sentences:grammar
10 Syntax
11 Semantics
12 Pragmatics
13 Discourse analysis
14 Language and machines
15 Language and the brain
16 First language acquisition
17 Second language acquisition/learning
18 Sign language
19 Language history and change
20 Language varieties
21 Language,society and culture
From this diagram,we can say that "horse is a hyponym of animal" or that ‘ant is a hyponym of insect'.We can also say that two or more terms which share the same superordinate (lugher-up) term are co-hyponyms. So,horse and dog are co-hyponyms, and the superordinate term is animal.
The relation of hyponymy captures the idea of'is a kind of', as when you give the meaning of a word by saying "an asp is a kind of snake".lt is often the case that the only thing some people know about the meaning of a word in their language is that it is a hyponym of another term. That is, you may know notlung more about the meaning of asp other than that it is a kind of snake.
It is worth emphasizing that.it is not only words for‘things' that are hyponyms. Terms for actions, such as cut, punch, shoot and stab, can all be found as co-hyponyms of the superordinate term injure.
While the words canary, dove, duck, flamingo, parrot, pelican, robin, swal-low and thrush are all equally co-hyponyms of the superordinate bird, they are not all considered to be equally good exemplars of the category ‘bird'.For'many American English speakers, the best exemplar, or the prototype, of‘bird' is the robin.The concept of a prototype helps explain the mearung of certain words, like bird, not in terms of component features (e.g.‘has feathers',‘has wings'), but in terms of resemblance to the clearest exemplar. Thus, even native speakers of English nught wonder if ostrich and penguin should be hyponyms of bird (technically, they are), but have no trouble deciding about sparrow or prgeon.The last two are much closer to the proto-type.
Given the category label furniture, we are quicker to recognize chair as an exemplar than bench or stool. Given clothing, people recognize shirts quicker than shoes,and given vegetable,they accept carrot before potato or tomato.lt is obvious that there is some general pattern to the categorization process involved in prototypes and that it determines our interpretation of word meaning. However, this is one area where individual experience results in variation in interpretation, as when people disagree about whether tomato is a fruit or a vegetable.
Homophony, homonymy and polysemy
There are three other, less well-known terms which are often used to describe relationships among words in a language. The first of these is homophony. When two or more different (written) forms have the same pronunciation,they are described as homophones. Some examples are bare - bear, meat-meet, ftour flower,pail-pale, sew-so.
The term homonymy is used when one form (written and spoken) has two or more unrelated meanings. Examples of homonyms are the pairs bank (of a river) - bank (financialinstitution), bat (flying creature) - bat (used in sports), race (contest of speed) - race (ethnic group), pupll (at school)-pupil (in the eye) and mole (on skin) - mole (small animaI).The temptation is to think that the two types of bank must be related in meaning.They are not. Homonyms are words which have quite separate meanings, but which have accidentally come to have exactly the same form.
Relatedness of meaning accompanying identical form is technically known as polysemy, which can be defined as one form (written or spoken)having multiple meanings which are all related by extension. Examples are the word head,used to refer to the object on top of your body, on top of a glass of beer, on top of a company or department; or foot (of person, of bed, of mountain),or run (person does,water does,colors do).
The distinction between homonymy and polysemy is not always clear cut. However,one indication of the distinction can be found in the typical dictio-nary entry for words. If a word has multiple meanings (polysenuc), then there will be a single entry,with a numbered list of the different meanings of the word.lf two words are treated as homonyms,they will typically have two separate entries.You could check in your dictionary and probably find that the different meanings of words like head, get, run, face and foot are treated as examples of polysemy, whereas mail, bank, sole and mole are treated as examples of homonymy.
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一個老是受班上同學欺負的瘦弱小男孩,因為擁有一種特殊能力而強大:他能“ 偷彆人的影子” ,因而能看見他人心事,聽見人們心中不願意說齣口的秘密。他開始成為需要幫助者的心靈夥伴,為每個偷來的影子點亮生命的小小光芒。[1] 某年燦爛的夏天,他在海邊邂逅一位又聾又啞的女孩。他該如何用自己的能力幫助她?他將如何信守與她共許的承諾?[2] [3]不知道姓氏的剋蕾兒。一個會用風箏寫齣“我想你”的女孩啊,讓人永遠都忘不瞭。[3] 一段纏綿多年的愛戀,一段進行中的不完美愛情。故事溫柔風趣,輕盈優雅,能讓你我真正感受到心跳的愛情療愈小說。一個愛與友情盛開的美麗世界,在此,想象力超越瞭一切日常生活及人際關係。一本關於童年追憶、關於深藏在成年人內心深處夢想的小說。馬剋.李維一貫的寫作風格,國外齣版社定義本書為“溫柔又風趣”。容易貼近颱灣女性讀者的心。有浪漫的愛情元素、父母親子課題、朋友相挺的義氣,迎閤大眾市場。愛情場景刻畫細緻,對白浪漫感人,尤其結局會讓女性感動。母子親情的刻畫很催淚。跟《那些我們沒談過的事》寫法相似,有不美滿傢庭長大的主角、有貼心好友、一段多年的愛戀、一段進行中的不完美愛情……最後,多年的情人浪漫復閤。 2作品目錄 楔子 001·我的童年就在那裏,帶點憂愁又有點悲痛,在這外省的小城市裏,我拼命等著伊麗莎白垂憐而看我一眼,在絕望中等待長大。影子的秘密 005·為每一個你所偷來的影子找到點亮生命的小小光芒,為它們找迴隱匿的記憶拼圖,這便是我們對你的全部請托。海灘上的剋蕾兒 071·她凝視著我,漾齣一朵微笑,並且在紙上寫下:“你偷走瞭我的影子,不論你在哪裏,我都會一直想著你。” 呂剋的夢想 089·生命中某些珍貴的片刻,其實都來自於一些微不足道的小事。如果我今晚沒有留下來,我想我永遠不會與母親有此番深談。與母親一起離開閣樓後,我最後一次踱迴天窗底下,默默感謝我的影子。蘇菲的傷 131·我隻是你生活裏的一個影子,你卻在我的生命裏占有重要地位。如果我隻是個單純的過客,為何要讓我闖入你的生活?我韆百次想過要離開你,但僅憑一己之力我做不到。 偷影子的人被喚迴的記憶 173·不知道姓氏的剋蕾兒。這就是你在我生命裏的角色,我童年時的小女孩,今日蛻變成瞭女人,一段青梅竹馬的迴憶,一個時間之神沒有應允的願望。用風箏寫下的思念 201·一個會用風箏嚮你寫齣“我想你”的女孩啊,真讓人永遠都忘不瞭她。緻謝 / 221 他們眼中《偷影子的人》/ 224 3點評鑒賞 《偷影子的人》是馬剋·李維的第10部作品,該書在法國首印45萬冊,位列全年銷量排行榜的總冠軍,法國媒體驚嘆:“銷售得比影子消失的速度還快!”這部作品完美展現瞭馬剋·李維溫柔風趣的寫作風格,有催人淚下的親情、浪漫感人的愛情和不離不棄的友情,清新浪漫的氣息和溫柔感人的故事相互交織,帶給讀者笑中帶淚的閱讀感受,是一部喚醒童年迴憶和內心夢想的溫情療愈小說。
於是,他說,誰描述瞭自己的一生,誰就是為所有的人而活著,誰把自己所處的時代錶現齣來,誰就是為瞭所有的時代。 十年前我選擇新聞這個職業作為人生的事業的時候,是因為做這行你能“看見”。看見普通人一輩子難以看見的風景,鬼斧神工跟水滴石穿;看見普通人一輩子難以看見的事件,災難現場跟世界另端;看見普通人一輩子難以看見的人,高高在上和泥土以下。人一生能去的地方有限,但新聞人的工作就是在路上,人一生也很短暫,但做新聞能去走進彆人的人生,讀彆人的人生。這樣來說,“看見”能延伸生命的長度,擴展生命的寬度。