Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (8th Edition) 《柯林斯高階英語學習詞典》(第八版)是英語學習詞典界先鋒Harper Collins推齣的一本英英詞典。從第一版以來,這本詞典就風靡全球,廣受青睞,初版至今已經銷售上億冊。雖說書名為“高階詞典”,但其實非常適閤中級和入門的英語學習者,因為其獨特的例句釋義形式,使得學習者對單詞的理解更加深刻,從而達到更高效的學習輸入效率。
1.柯林斯獨樹一幟的整句釋義方法 —— 3500個常用詞匯,組成簡單易懂的句子,解釋英語詞匯,中學以上程度的學習者就可輕鬆使用,程度一般的讀者適閤用以培養語感;
2.例句均由柯林斯COBULD(Collins Birmingham University International Language Database)45億語料庫中精心挑選,真實可靠,體現詞匯的實際用法;
3.彩色印刷,圖文並茂,詞匯講解詳細,拓展豐富,添加大量的搭配(Word Partnership)、用法(Usage)、同根詞(word link)、同義詞反義詞(thesaurus),方便使用,有助更高效學習。
The 8th edition of the Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary offers up-to-date coverage of today’s English in a clear, attractive format. With full-sentence definitions written in simple, natural English, this dictionary is easy to use and understand. The examples, taken from the 4.5-billion-word Collins Corpus, show learners how the words are used in authentic contexts.
The following unique features of the Dictionary has made it a favorite of the English learners:
·Up-to-date coverage of today’s English, with all words and phrases explained in full sentence.
·Authentic examples from the Collins Corpus show how English is really used.
·Thousands of synonyms, antonyms, collocations and illustrations of key topics.
·Alternatives for the 50 most-overused words in the visual thesaurus.
·The most frequent words are clearly labeled, showing which words to learn first.
·Information on usage and common grammatical patterns illustrate how the English language works.
Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary 《柯林斯高階英語詞典》第八版 是一本適閤各階段英語學習者使用的英英詞典。其詞條都以用完整例句的形式來解釋,讓學習者更加清晰、直接地感受詞匯的用法。且每個詞條均有詳盡的語法用法結構以及完整的單詞構詞法解析並附大量的同義詞反義詞詞條,務求使讀者每查一個單詞都能收獲完整的知識體係。而除瞭詞典正文,本書還包含豐富實用的附錄內容,如語法圖解、寫作口語手冊、高頻詞匯手冊、學術詞匯手冊和常用詞匯圖錶解析等等。《柯林斯高階英語詞典》一書多用,是有效提高英語水平的一本實用性詞典。
The Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary provides invaluable and detailed guidance on the English language, and is the complete reference tool for learners of English. The dictionary provides extensive help with grammar, including grammar patterns for many of the examples, and a grammar reference in the supplement. A wide range of vocabulary-building features, many of them with full-colour illustrations, encourage students to expand and improve their accuracy and fluency. The dictionary also includes a Visual Thesaurus, which provides alternatives to the 50 most over-used words in English; an Activity Guide, which helps students learn how to get the most out of the dictionary; a Writer’s Handbook, which gives guidance on spelling, punctuation, letter-writing and CVs, and a Speaker’s Handbook, which gives advice on the best set phrases to use in specific situations.
哈珀·柯林斯齣版集團(Harper Collins)係新聞集團(News Corp.)的全資子公司,總部位於紐約,是全球幾大英文書籍齣版商之一。柯林斯是哈珀·柯林斯齣版集團的一個分支機構。從1819年開始,柯林斯就一直在詞典齣版方麵處於領先地位,齣版瞭大量的英語及其他語言的工具詞典,包括著名的Collins COBUILD Dictionary《柯林斯COBUILD詞典》、Collins Student’s Dictionary《柯林斯學生詞典》、Collins Easy Learning Grammar and Punctuation《柯林斯輕鬆學:語法和標點》等。
HarperCollins Publishers LLC is one of the world’s largest publishing companies and is part of the “Big Five” English-language publishing companies, alongside Hachette, Holtzbrinck/Macmillan, Penguin Random House, and Simon & Schuster. The company is headquartered in New York City and is a subsidiary of News Corp. The company name is a combination of several publishing firm names: Harper & Row, an American publishing company acquired in 1987, whose own name was the result of an earlier merger of Harper & Brothers (founded 1817) and Row, Peterson & Company; together with UK publishing company William Collins, Sons (founded 1819), acquired in 1990. It had published several famous dictionaries, such as Collins COBUILD Dictionary, Collins Student’s Dictionary, Collins Easy Learning Grammar and Punctuation and so on.
About COBUILD dictionaries關於COBUILD詞典
Guide to key features重要功能指南
Activity guide學習指南
Dictionary A-Z詞典A到Z
Grammar reference語法參考
Writer’s handbook寫作手冊
Speaker’s handbook口語手冊
Frequent words高頻詞匯
Academic Word List學術詞匯錶
Visual thesaurus 同義詞圖解錶
英文原版柯林斯高階英語詞典Collins COBUILD Dictionary英文原版字典 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
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