作 者:(日)有元美津世
齣 版 社:浙江教育齣版社
I S B N :9787553644219
開 本:16開
頁 碼:260頁
定 價:35.00元
重 量:約381.5gPart 1 英語麵試必備常識
Unit 1 麵試前的準備3
Unit 2 麵試注意事項12
Unit 3 麵試時的英語22
Unit 4 麵試結束之前24
Unit 4 麵試結束之後26
Part 2 英語麵試121問
Unit 1 關於應聘者自身的一般性問題37
1 Tell me about yourself.
請做自我介紹。 37
2 What are some of your strengths?
你認為自己有哪些優點? 38
3 What are some of your weaknesses?
你認為自己有哪些缺點? 40
4 How do you think a friend or professor who knows you well would describe you?
你認為瞭解你的朋友或老師會怎樣評價你? 43
Unit 2 關於應聘者個性、特質、觀念的問題 46
1 Are you aggressive?
你認為自己有乾勁嗎? 46
2 Are you competitive?
你是個競爭欲強的人嗎? 48
3 Are you creative?
你覺得自己富有創意嗎? 49
4 Are you an innovative person?
你是個勇於創新的人嗎? 50
5 Are you a self-starter?
你是個有主見的人嗎? 51
6 Can you act on your own initiative?
你會主動做事嗎? 52
7 What motivates you?
是什麼激勵著你工作? 53
8 Are you a team player?
你是個善於團隊閤作的人嗎? 54
9 Do you prefer working as a member of a team or would you rather work alone?
你喜歡在團隊中工作, 還是喜歡自己一個人做事? 55
10 How do you get along with other people?
你與其他人相處融洽嗎? 57
11 Do you like to work with people?
你喜歡與人接觸的工作嗎? 58
12 Do you consider yourself a natural leader?
你認為自己是天生的領導者嗎? 59
13 What is success to you? What about failure?
對你而言,什麼是成功?什麼是失敗? 61
14 How do you measure your own success?
你如何衡量自己的成功? 62
15 What has been your biggest disappointment (on the job)?
(在工作中)zui令你感到沮喪的事是什麼? 63
Unit 3關於學業和學校生活的問題(針對剛畢業的應聘者) 67
1 Why did you choose to attend ABC University?
你為什麼選擇就讀ABC大學? 67
2 Why did you choose your major?
你為什麼選擇這個專業? 68
3 Do you feel you made the right choice?
你認為自己的選擇正確嗎? 70
4 Which college classes did you like the best? Why?
上大學時你zui喜歡什麼課?為什麼? 71
5 Which college classes did you like the least? Why?
上大學時你zui討厭什麼課?為什麼? 72
6 How did you do in school?
你在校時成績如何? 73
7 Do your grades reflect your work ability?
學習成績可以反映你的工作能力嗎? 75
8 What were your extracurricular activities in school?
你在學校參加過哪些課外活動? 76
9 Have you ever done any volunteer work? What kinds?
你參加過誌願活動嗎?參加過哪類活動? 77
10 How has your education prepared you for this job?
你如何將所學知識應用在工作中? 79
11 Do you have any actual work experience?
你有實際工作經驗嗎? 80
12 Were you financially responsible for any portion of your college education?
你自己負擔瞭大學的部分學費嗎? 81
13 Do you have any plans for further education?
你有繼續深造的計劃嗎? 82
Unit 4 關於應聘者能力和成績的問題 84
1 Can you name three accomplishments you are most proud of?
你能舉齣三項zui令你自豪的成績嗎? 84
2 What do you think you do best?
你認為你的專長是什麼? 87
3 Are you able to work alone without direct supervision?
你可以在沒有上司監督的情況下獨立工作嗎? 89
4 Are you able to work on several assignments at once?
你可以同時進行多項工作嗎? 90
5 Do you get bored doing the same work over and over again?
你會厭煩重復做同樣的工作嗎? 91
6 Can you work under pressure?
你能在壓力下工作嗎? 92
7 What are two of the biggest problems you have encountered at your job and how did you overcome them?
到目前為止,你在工作中遇到的zui大的問題是什麼?請列舉兩項,並說明你是如何解決的。 93
Unit 5 關於應聘者職業經曆的問題 96
1 Why are you leaving your present job?
你為什麼要辭掉現在的工作? 96
2 What did you enjoy most about your last job?
在上一份工作中,你zui喜歡哪方麵? 99
3 What did you enjoy least about your last job?
在上一份工作中,你zui不喜歡哪方麵? 100
4 What have you learned from your past jobs?
從過去的工作中,你學到瞭什麼? 102
5 What do you think of your boss?
你認為你的上司如何? 103
6 What was your last employer’s opinion of you?
上一個雇主對你的評價如何? 104
7 Did you increase sales or profits in your last job?
在上一份工作中,你為公司提高銷量或者增加利潤瞭嗎? 106
8 Describe a typical day in your job.
請描述你工作中有代錶性的一天。 107
9 Describe the best job you ever had.
請描述一下你所做過的zui好的一份工作。 108
10 What is the most boring job you’ve ever had? How did you do at it?
你曾做過的zui無聊的工作是什麼?你是怎麼對待的? 109
11 May we contact your present employer?
我們可以和你現在的雇主聯係嗎? 110
Unit 6 關於應聘職位的問題 112
1 Why are you interested in this job?
你為什麼對這份工作感興趣? 112
2 What can you offer us?
你能為本公司做齣什麼貢獻? 114
3 How long would it take you to make a contribution to our company?
如果進入本公司,你要花多長時間纔能有所貢獻? 116
4 Why should we hire you?
我們為什麼應該雇用你? 117
5 Please give me your definition of an office manager.
6 What qualifications do you have that relate to the position?
你擁有哪些與這個職位相關的資質? 120
7 Do you feel you are ready to take on greater responsibilities?
8 What do you like and dislike about the job we are discussing?
我們現在討論的這個職位,你喜歡哪些方麵,不喜歡哪些方麵? 123
9 What do you think it takes to be successful in this position?
你認為要做好這份工作,什麼是不可或缺的? 125
10 What do you look for in the job?
你想從這份工作中得到什麼? 126
11 If we make an offer, how long do you plan to stay with the company?
假如我們提供給你這份工作,你計劃在本公司待多久? 127
12 Wouldn’t you be better off in another company?
你不認為在其他公司工作會比較好嗎? 129
13 How do you feel about working for a small company?
你怎樣看待在小公司工作? 130
14 Are you willing to start as a trainee?
你願意以實習生的身份開始工作嗎? 131
15 If we offer you a position and you accept it, how soon can you begin?
如果我們給你這個工作機會,而且你也願意接受的話,你zui快什麼時候可以開始上班? 132
Unit 7 關於招聘公司及其所屬行業的問題 133
1 What do you know about our company?
你對本公司瞭解多少? 133
2 Why are you interested in our company?
你為什麼對本公司有興趣? 135
3 Who do you think are our three major competitors? Do they have any advantages over our company?
你認為本公司zui主要的三個競爭對手是誰?他們有勝過本公司的優勢嗎? 136
4 What type of strategic partnerships do you think are suitable for our company?
你認為什麼樣的戰略閤作夥伴適閤本公司? 137
5 You are aware of our product. Imagine I am a customer. Sell our product to me now.
你是知道本公司的産品的,假如我是顧客,現在嚮我推銷一下。 138
6 What important trends do you see in our industry?
在我們所處的行業中,你看到瞭什麼重要的趨勢? 140
7 What is the worst thing you have heard about our firm?
你聽到的與本公司有關的zui負麵的事是什麼? 141
Unit 8 關於應聘者職業規劃的問題 142
1 What is your ideal job?
你心目中理想的工作是什麼? 142
2 What are your career goals?
你的職業目標是什麼? 143
3 Where do you want to be in five years? Ten years?
你五年內的目標是什麼?十年內呢? 145
4 What do you want to do with your life?
你想要什麼樣的人生? 147
5 If you could start your career again, what would you do differently?
如果可以重新開始你的職業生涯,你會有什麼改變? 148
Unit 9 關於應聘者工作態度的問題 149
1 How do you feel about working overtime?
你如何看待加班? 149
2 Are you willing to travel?
你願意齣差嗎? 150
3 Would you be willing to relocate?
你願意配閤公司調動工作地點嗎? 152
4 In what kind of work environment are you most comfortable?
你在什麼樣的工作環境下感覺zui好? 154
5 How do you cope with tension?
你如何處理緊張的關係? 155
6 Do you speak up if your point of view differs from that of your superiors?
7 Do you feel the only way to get a job done right is to do it yourself?
你認為做好工作的唯1方法就是親自做嗎? 158
8 How do you handle criticism?
你如何對待批評? 159
9 How do you react to criticism by superiors if you believe it is unwarranted?
當你認為上司對你的批評不當時,你會如何處理? 159
10 Will you be able to cope with a change in work environment after working 10 years in your last job?
在之前的公司工作瞭十年之久,你能適應工作環境的變化嗎? 161
11 Do you mind working for someone younger than yourself?
你介意在比你年輕的人手下工作嗎? 162
12 How would you feel about working for a female ex [包郵]這些道理沒有人告訴過你:英語麵試121問 求職應聘麵試指導 英語麵試流程應答經驗 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
[包郵]這些道理沒有人告訴過你:英語麵試121問 求職應聘麵試指導 英語麵試流程應答經驗 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
[包郵]這些道理沒有人告訴過你:英語麵試121問 求職應聘麵試指導 英語麵試流程應答經驗 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書評分
[包郵]這些道理沒有人告訴過你:英語麵試121問 求職應聘麵試指導 英語麵試流程應答經驗 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025